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# haraka-plugin-log-reader

extracts matching log entries from the haraka log file

# Install

cd /my/haraka/config/dir
npm install haraka-plugin-log-reader

## Enable

Add `log-reader` to `haraka/config/plugins` file.

# Usage

When enabled, this plugin registers two URL routes in Haraka's http server:

* karma/rules
* /logs/:uuid

The former rule simply returns a list of the Haraka rules in use. The http client uses those rules (the ID, reason, and value) to display the `Policy Rules` and `Steps to Resolve` sections in the web page.

# Example

### Sorry we blocked your message:

Our filters mistook your server for a malicious computer attempting to send spam. To improve your mail servers reputation, please contact your IT helpdesk or Systems Administrator and ask them for help.


### Policy Rules

* -7,  DNS Blacklist (b.barracudacentral.org)
* -5,  DNS Blacklist (zen.spamhaus.org)
* -3,  DNS Blacklist (dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net)
* -3,  DNS Blacklist (bl.spamcop.net)
* -3,  ASN reputation is spam-only (asn_all_bad)
* -1,  Geographic distance is unusual for ham (4000)
* -1,  Geographic distance is unusual for ham (8000)
* -1,  ASN reputation is bad (karma)


### Steps to Resolve

* Disinfect your host/network


## Raw Logs


[NOTICE] [core] connect ip= port=39005 local_ip= local_port=25
[INFO] [connect.p0f] os="Linux 2.4.x-2.6.x" link_type="Ethernet or modem" distance=7 total_conn=1
[INFO] [connect.fcrdns] ip= rdns="095160074108.gdansk.vectranet.pl" rdns_len=1 fcrdns="095160074108.gdansk.vectranet.pl" fcrdns_len=1 other_ips_len=0 invalid_tlds=0 generic_rdns=true
[INFO] [connect.asn] asn: 29314, org: Al. Zwyciestwa 253, 81-525 Gdynia, Poland
[INFO] [connect.geoip] EU, PL, Gdansk, 82, 8506km
[INFO] [dnsbl] fail:dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net, bl.spamcop.net, b.barracudacentral.org, zen.spamhaus.org, dnsbl.sorbs.net
[INFO] [connect.asn] asn: 29314, org: Al. Zwyciestwa 253, 81-525 Gdynia, Poland, asn_score: -4364, asn_connections: 4367, asn_good: 0, asn_bad: 4364, fail:karma, asn_all_bad
[INFO] [limit] no IP history from : karma
[INFO] [karma] score: -24, awards: 001,002,115,114,111,116,021,023
[NOTICE] [core] disconnect ip= rdns="095160074108.gdansk.vectranet.pl" helo="" relay=N early=N esmtp=N tls=N pipe=N errors=0 txns=0 rcpts=0/0/0 msgs=0/0/0 bytes=0 lr="" time=12.752

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[npm-img]: https://nodei.co/npm/haraka-plugin-log-reader.png
[npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/haraka-plugin-log-reader