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// results - programmatic handling of plugin results
'use strict'

const config = require('haraka-config')
const util = require('util')

// see docs in docs/Results.md
const append_lists = ['msg', 'pass', 'fail', 'skip', 'err']
const overwrite_lists = ['hide', 'order']
const log_opts = ['emit', 'human', 'human_html']
const all_opts = append_lists.concat(overwrite_lists, log_opts)
let cfg

class ResultStore {
  constructor(conn) {
    this.conn = conn
    this.store = {}
    cfg = config.get('results.ini', {
      booleans: ['+main.redis_publish'],

  has(plugin, list, search) {
    const name = this.resolve_plugin_name(plugin)
    const result = this.store[name]
    if (!result || !result[list]) return false

    if (typeof result[list] === 'string') {
      return this._has_string(result[list], search)

    if (Array.isArray(result[list])) {
      return this._has_array(result[list], search)

    return false

  _has_string(msg, search) {
    if (typeof search === 'string' && search === msg) return true
    if (typeof search === 'object' && msg.match(search)) return true
    return false

  _has_array(msg, search) {
    for (const item of msg) {
      switch (typeof search) {
        case 'string':
        case 'number':
        case 'boolean':
          if (search === item) return true
        case 'object':
          if (item.match(search)) return true
    return false

  redis_publish(name, obj) {
    if (!cfg.main.redis_publish) return
    if (!this.conn.server?.notes?.redis) return

    const channel = `result-${this.conn.transaction ? this.conn.transaction.uuid : this.conn.uuid}`
      JSON.stringify({ plugin: name, result: obj }),

  add(plugin, obj) {
    const name = this.resolve_plugin_name(plugin)
    let result = this.store[name]
    if (!result) {
      result = default_result()
      this.store[name] = result

    this.redis_publish(name, obj)

    // these are arrays each invocation appends to
    for (const key of append_lists) {
      if (!obj[key]) continue
      result[key] = this._append_to_array(result[key], obj[key])

    // these arrays are overwritten when passed
    for (const key of overwrite_lists) {
      if (!obj[key]) continue
      result[key] = obj[key]

    // anything else is an arbitrary key/val to store
    for (const key in obj) {
      if (all_opts.includes(key)) continue // weed out our keys
      if (obj[key] === undefined) continue // ignore keys w/undef value
      result[key] = obj[key] // save the rest

    return this._log(plugin, result, obj)

  _append_to_array(array, item) {
    if (Array.isArray(item)) return array.concat(item)

    return array

  incr(plugin, obj) {
    const name = this.resolve_plugin_name(plugin)
    let result = this.store[name]
    if (!result) {
      result = default_result()
      this.store[name] = result

    const pub = {}

    for (const key in obj) {
      let val = parseFloat(obj[key]) || 0
      if (isNaN(val)) val = 0
      if (isNaN(result[key])) result[key] = 0
      result[key] = parseFloat(result[key]) + parseFloat(val)
      pub[key] = result[key]

    this.redis_publish(name, pub)

  push(plugin, obj) {
    const name = this.resolve_plugin_name(plugin)
    let result = this.store[name]
    if (!result) {
      result = default_result()
      this.store[name] = result

    this.redis_publish(name, obj)

    for (const key in obj) {
      if (!result[key]) result[key] = []
      result[key] = this._append_to_array(result[key], obj[key])

    return this._log(plugin, result, obj)

  collate(plugin) {
    const name = this.resolve_plugin_name(plugin)
    const result = this.store[name]
    if (!result) return
    return this.private_collate(result, name).join(', ')

  get(plugin_or_name) {
    return this.store[this.resolve_plugin_name(plugin_or_name)]

  resolve_plugin_name(thing) {
    if (typeof thing === 'string') return thing
    if (typeof thing === 'object' && thing.name) return thing.name

  get_all() {
    return this.store

  private_collate(result, name) {
    const r = []

    const order = this._get_order(cfg[name])
    const hide = this._get_hide(cfg[name])

    // anything not predefined in the result was purposeful, show it first
    for (const key in result) {
      if (!this._pre_defined(key, result[key], hide)) continue
      r.push(`${key}: ${result[key]}`)

    // and then supporting information
    let array = append_lists // default
    if (order && order.length) array = order // config file
    if (result.order && result.order.length) array = result.order // caller

    for (const key of array) {
      if (!result[key]) continue
      if (!result[key].length) continue
      if (hide && hide.length && hide.indexOf(key) !== -1) continue
      r.push(`${key}:${result[key].join(', ')}`)

    return r

  _pre_defined(key, res, hide) {
    if (key[0] === '_') return false // 'private' keys
    if (all_opts.indexOf(key) !== -1) return false // these get shown later.
    if (hide.length && hide.indexOf(key) !== -1) return false
    if (typeof res === 'object') {
      if (Array.isArray(res)) {
        if (res.length === 0) return false
      } else {
        return false
    return true

  _get_order(c) {
    if (!c || !c.order) return []
    return c.order.trim().split(/[,; ]+/)

  _get_hide(c) {
    if (!c || !c.hide) return []
    return c.hide
      .split(/[,; ]+/)

  _log(plugin, result, obj) {
    const name = plugin.name

    // collate results
    result.human = obj.human
    if (!result.human) {
      const r = this.private_collate(result, name)
      result.human = r.join(', ')
      result.human_html = r.join(', \t ')

    // logging results
    if (obj.emit) this.conn.loginfo(plugin, result.human) // by request
    if (obj.err) {
      // Handle error objects by logging the message
      if (util.isError(obj.err)) {
        this.conn.logerror(plugin, obj.err.message)
      } else {
        this.conn.logerror(plugin, obj.err)
    if (!obj.emit && !obj.err) {
      // by config
      const pic = cfg[name]
      if (pic && pic.debug) this.conn.logdebug(plugin, result.human)
    return this.human

function default_result() {
  return { pass: [], fail: [], msg: [], err: [], skip: [] }

module.exports = ResultStore