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== Changes

This document describes the relevant changes between releases of the
_hawkular-client_ project.

=== v 5.0.0.pre1
* Hawkular services version 0.40.x and Hawkular Agent 1.x will be the last
  versions to include support for _inventory-on-metrics_ and Hawkular Metrics.
  The following versions won't be backwards compatible. Right now, a new API
  for inventory is already implemented. This pre-release of the client is
  adding support for this new inventory API and removing all support for the
  previous implementation. See link:api_breaking_changes.rdoc for more details.
* Because of the new inventory implementation, the _Operations_ client requires
  the feed id to be sent on all operations. See link:api_breaking_changes.rdoc
  for more details.
* Support for a _sender_request_id_ has been added to the _Operations_ client.
  This allows to match operation requests with their respective operation result
  websocket messages.

=== v 4.1.0
* Fixed binary data handling when invoking <em>Export JDR</em> on operations API.
* Added <em>delete_immediately</em> parameter to <em>Export JDR</em> operation.

=== v 4.0.0
* Standardized Exceptions under the Hawkular namespace, and the old names were deprecated, here is the list:
  1. <code>Hawkular::BaseClient::HawkularException</code> -> <code>Hawkular::Exception</code>
  2. <code>Hawkular::BaseClient::HawkularConnectionException</code> -> <code>Hawkular::ConnectionException</code>

=== v 3.0.2
* Adding <code>URI.unescape</code> in the <code>list_metrics_for_resource</code> method to fix the behavior of the method

=== V 3.0.1
* Fixed the issue in operations client when dealing with error handling

=== V 3.0.0
* Starting this version the older Hawkular Services (prior version 0.36.0.Final, excluding) are not compatible
* We added support for multitenancy
* We removed the deprecated API mentioned in the previous release notes
* A lot of methods in the inventory client have been changed or removed, here is the list:
1. <code>get_tenant</code> - removed
2. <code>list_relationships</code> - removed
3. <code>list_relationships_for_feed</code> - removed
4. <code>get_entity</code> - removed
5. <code>delete_feed</code> - removed
6. <code>create_feed</code> - removed
7. <code>create_resource_type</code> - removed
8. <code>create_resource</code> - removed
9. <code>create_resource_under_resource</code> - removed
10. <code>create_metric_type</code> - removed
11. <code>create_metric_for_resource</code> - removed
12. <code>events</code> - removed
13. <code>no_more_events!</code> - removed
14. <code>list_metrics_for_resource_type</code> - removed
15. <code>list_resource_types(feed_id)</code> - now the feed_id parameter is mandatory

Also the payload/parameters are now different:
* Metric ids follow this pattern <code>inventory.#{feedid}.#{type}.#{id}</code>
* Each metric is tagged with following tag <code>{module: 'inventory', feed: #{feedid}, type: #{type}, id: #{id}}</code>
* more details in the PR description (https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby/pull/196#issue-214961468)

=== V 2.9.0
* Adding a way to update collection interval on the agent
* Fixed <code>get_entity</code> method in the inventory client
* Big improvements to the testing suite. Now we run the tests against live Hawkular server that runs as a Docker container
* Fixed a bug in operations client where it was necessary to pass the operation name only as a string and it silently failed with symbol
* Alert conditions now expose also the interval field
* Added an option to query metrics based on tag only (regardless to type)
* Improved passing of options to underlying Rest client
* The API is now consistent when creating resource that already existed
* Making sure the gem can work with Alerts 1.5.1
* Now it's unable to add/remove datasources if the Hawkular Services are running in container
* All the sub-clients are now lazily initiated with the first usage
* Adds the ability to assign and remove tags to existing alerts
* Uniform client names

==== Deprecations
* instead of <code>HawkularUtilsMixin</code> use <code>Hawkular::ClientUtils</code>
* instead of <code>Hawkular::Operations::OperationsClient</code> use <code>Hawkular::Operations::Client</code>
* instead of <code>Hawkular::Alerts::AlertsClient</code> use <code>Hawkular::Alerts::Client</code>
* instead of <code>Hawkular::Token::TokenClient</code> use <code>Hawkular::Token::Client</code>
* instead of <code>Hawkular::Inventory::InventoryClient</code> use <code>Hawkular::Inventory::Client</code>

Warning: in the next major version we may remove the deprecated API

Full list of changes can be found at https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby/milestone/14?closed=1

=== V 2.8.0

* Allow to list tags in Hawkular-Metrics
* Adding support for Hawkular-Admin-Token via admin_token
* Use the new "ackBy" mechanism in Hawkular Alerts. The Ruby-client API stayed the same.
* Support for string metrics
* Exposes metric-id property if it exists and follow internal renaming
* Addition of 'delete_event' on the client.

Full list of changes can be found at https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby/milestone/13?closed=1

=== V 2.7.0

* Support for SSL connections
* Fix fetching stats to support rates

=== V 2.6.0

* Fix fetching operation params in the recommended way
* Add support for fetching stats for multiple metrics
* Fix fetching configuration properties of a resource

Full list of items can be found at https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby/milestone/11?closed=1

=== V 2.5.0

* Fix failure of list operations when no properties are passed - don't parse params
* Adds url_with_websocket method for helping to generate a ws(s) url
* Use server-level operation commands for deployments

Full list of items can be found at https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby/milestone/10?closed=1

=== V 2.4.0

* Expose `metric.type.id` in metric definitions from Inventory, as the agent changed what it sends
* Fix the 'Undeploy' operation

Full list of items can be found at https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby/milestone/9?closed=1

=== V 2.3.0

* Wrap connection errors in `HawkularConnectionException` (a subclass of `HawkularException`)
* Make sure the error callback is called on all kinds of errors (if it exists)
* Use the new Rest-API of Hawkular-Inventory.
* For authentication errors don't return raw html, but some sensible value
* Make it explicit that rest-client v2.0 is used to follow ManageIQ
* Provide parameters for operation definitions (depend on what the agent reports to inventory)
* Use the new Hawkular-metrics endpoints if the hawkular-metrics version we talk to is >= 0.16

Full list of items can be found at https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby/issues?q=milestone%3A2.3.0+is%3Aclosed

=== V 2.2.1

* Fix a regression where URI:HTTP objects were no longer accepted as input for entrypoints.

=== V 2.2.0

This release is needed to work with hawkular-services v0.0.5+

* Support the changed api endpoint (/deprecated) for Hawkular-inventory 0.17+ along the old version
* Add two missing fields (firing_match and auto_resolve) on Alert-triggers
* Add distinct parameter when getting availability data points
* Remove all defaulting/fallback to localhost:8080 in the APIs
* Allow to fetch multiple raw data items from Hawkular-metrics in one call. Requires Metrics v0.17+
* Corectly use the enabled flag for deployment operations

Full list of items can be found at https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby/issues?q=milestone%3A2.2.0+is%3Aclosed

=== V 2.1.0
* Fix an issue where the operations endpoint constructor expected a host to be passed, which was not.
* Add authentication to the websocket setup in Operations sub-client.
* Add a status endpoint call for the Alerts sub-client

=== V 2.0.0
* This version is compatible with hawkular-services[https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-services]
* By default no Tenant-Header is send in the requests, which is compatible with the old versions of Hawkular. However,
  if the option 'tenant' is passed when creating the client, it will be sent as the header. This is the only potentialy breaking change, because
  in 1.0.0, if the tenant was not specified the 'hawkular' Tenant-Header was used.
* Method for listing resources for a feed in the inventory sub-client has been fixed.

=== V 1.0.0
* This major release contains changes that <b>may break the backward compatibility</b>, more info here: link:api_breaking_changes.rdoc
* To use the client use the <code>require 'hawkular/hawkular_client'</code> instead of <code>require 'hawkular_all'</code>
* Inventory client has been rewritten to use the cannonical paths
* New supoort for group triggers in alert sub-client
* New method for creating event in the hawkular alert component
* New method for listing the available operation types on a resource type in inventory
* Hawkular-Tenant HTTP header is automatically added to each HTTP request
* New support for proxy option in the internal rest_client
* Improved VCR tests - some changing parameters in the data can be parametrized and the cassettes are stored as templates. Now, it's also possible to record those templates with <code>VCR_UPDATE=1</code>
* Tests are run also on ruby 2.3.0
* Couple of new tests

=== V 0.2.2

* Bug fix to correctly read resource info for resources that are not directly below a feed.
  Issue #54[https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby/issues/54]

=== V 0.2.1

* Add support to create items in inventory
* Add support to percentiles, limit and order parameters in Metrics API
* Add support to run operations on WildFly agent via websockets
* Add support to create items in alerts
* Add support for auth tokens (can be created by the client on the server)
* Add support to consume inventory events via websockets
* Add support to (offline) test websockets by recorded communication (VCR)

=== V 0.2.0

* Add support for Hawkular-Inventory and Hawkular-Alerts
* Reshuffling of inner classes
* The sub-url that is passed to +http_*+ methods is escaped via

=== V 0.1.2

* Fix exception handling - this was missing <code>require 'English'</code>

=== V 0.1.1

* Add VCR tests
* +Metrics::Client.new+ now requires a hash for credentials
* Code cleanup and enforcement via RuboCop