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package haxe.ui;

import haxe.ui.util.RTTI;
#if !macro
import haxe.ui.Toolkit;
import haxe.ui.components.Button;
import haxe.ui.components.Image;
import haxe.ui.core.Component;
import haxe.ui.core.ComponentClassMap;
import haxe.ui.core.ComponentFieldMap;
import haxe.ui.core.IDataComponent;
import haxe.ui.core.IDirectionalComponent;
import haxe.ui.core.InteractiveComponent;
import haxe.ui.layouts.Layout;
import haxe.ui.layouts.LayoutFactory;
import haxe.ui.parsers.ui.ComponentInfo;
import haxe.ui.parsers.ui.ComponentParser;
import haxe.ui.parsers.ui.LayoutInfo;
import haxe.ui.parsers.ui.ValidatorInfo;
import haxe.ui.parsers.ui.resolvers.AssetResourceResolver;
import haxe.ui.parsers.ui.resolvers.ResourceResolver;
import haxe.ui.util.SimpleExpressionEvaluator;
import haxe.ui.util.TypeConverter;
import haxe.ui.util.Variant;

class RuntimeComponentBuilder {
    #if macro

    public static function build(file:String) {
        return null;


    public static function build(file:String) {
        return fromAsset(file);


    #if !macro
    public static function fromAsset(assetId:String):Component {
        var data = ToolkitAssets.instance.getText(assetId);
        return fromString(data, null, new AssetResourceResolver(assetId));
    public static function fromString(data:String, type:String = null, resourceResolver:ResourceResolver = null):Component {
        if (data == null || data.length == 0) {
            return null;

        if (type == null) { // lets try and auto detect
            if (StringTools.startsWith(StringTools.trim(data), "<")) {
                type = "xml";

        var parser:ComponentParser = ComponentParser.get(type);
        if (parser == null) {
            trace('WARNING: type "${type}" not recognised');
            return null;

        var c:ComponentInfo = parser.parse(data, resourceResolver);
        for (style in c.styles) {
            if (style.scope == "global") {
        var component = buildComponentFromInfo(c);

        var fullScript = "";
        for (scriptString in c.scriptlets) {
            fullScript += scriptString;

        //component.script = fullScript;

        return component;
    private static function buildComponentFromInfo(c:ComponentInfo):Component {
        if (c.condition != null && SimpleExpressionEvaluator.evalCondition(c.condition) == false) {
            return null;

        var className:String = ComponentClassMap.get(c.type.toLowerCase());
        if (className == null) {
            trace("WARNING: no class found for component: " + c.type);
            return null;

        var tempComponent:Component = Type.createEmptyInstance(Type.resolveClass(className));
        var isDelegate = false;
        if (tempComponent == null) {
            var tempComponent2 = Type.createEmptyInstance(Type.resolveClass(className));
            // "delegate components" are a way of deferring creation of the component to wrapper class
            // this can be useful to allow runtime components to _not_ have to extend from Component
            // but still be used in xml layouts and such (like UI fragmenets) providing the class can
            // be found (and created) in the ComponentClassMap
            if ((tempComponent2 is IComponentDelegate)) {
                isDelegate = true;
            } else {
                trace("WARNING: could not create class instance: " + className);
                return null;
        var component:Component = null;
        if ((tempComponent is IDirectionalComponent)) { // lets see if its a directional class
            var parts = tempComponent.className.split(".");
            var name = parts.pop();
            if (StringTools.startsWith(name, "Horizontal") == false && StringTools.startsWith(name, "Vertical") == false) { // is it already a vertical or horizontal variant?
                var direction = c.direction;
                if (direction == null) {
                    direction = "horizontal";
                var directionalName = direction + name;
                var directionalClassName = ComponentClassMap.get(directionalName.toLowerCase());
                if (directionalClassName == null) {
                    trace("WARNING: no directional class found for component: " + c.type + " (" + (direction + c.type.toLowerCase()) + ")");
                    return null;
                component = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(directionalClassName), []);
                if (component == null) {
                    trace("WARNING: could not create class instance: " + directionalClassName);
                    return null;
        } else if (isDelegate) {
            var componentDelegate:IComponentDelegate = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(className), []);
            component = componentDelegate.component;
        if (component == null) {
            component = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(className), []);
        if (c.id != null)               component.id = c.id;
        if (c.left != null)             component.left = c.left;
        if (c.top != null)              component.top = c.top;
        if (c.width != null)            component.width = c.width;
        if (c.height != null)           component.height = c.height;
        if (c.percentWidth != null)     component.percentWidth = c.percentWidth;
        if (c.percentHeight != null)    component.percentHeight = c.percentHeight;
        if (c.text != null)             component.text = c.text;
        if (c.styleNames != null)       component.styleNames = c.styleNames;
        if (c.style != null)            component.styleString = c.style;
        if (c.layout != null) {
            var layout:Layout = buildLayoutFromInfo(c.layout);
            component.layout = layout;

        if ((component is haxe.ui.containers.ScrollView)) { // special properties for scrollview and derived classes
            var scrollview:haxe.ui.containers.ScrollView = cast(component, haxe.ui.containers.ScrollView);
            if (c.contentWidth != null)             scrollview.contentWidth = c.contentWidth;
            if (c.contentHeight != null)            scrollview.contentHeight = c.contentHeight;
            if (c.percentContentWidth != null)      scrollview.percentContentWidth = c.percentContentWidth;
            if (c.percentContentHeight != null)     scrollview.percentContentHeight = c.percentContentHeight;

        for (propName in c.properties.keys()) {
            var propValue:Dynamic = c.properties.get(propName);
            propName = ComponentFieldMap.mapField(propName);
            if (StringTools.startsWith(propName, "on")) {
                //component.addScriptEvent(propName, propValue);
            } else {
                var propInfo = RTTI.getClassProperty(Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(component)), propName);
                // if the property is a variant, we'll need to make sure (explicitly) that it is a converted
                // since the abstract wont exist at runtime, so it wont have the from, to, etc
                if (propInfo != null && propInfo.propertyType == "variant") {
                    propValue = Variant.fromDynamic(propValue);
                    Reflect.setProperty(component, propName, propValue);
                } else {
                    propValue = TypeConverter.convertFrom(propValue);
                    Reflect.setProperty(component, propName, propValue);

        if ((component is IDataComponent) && c.data != null) {
            cast(component, IDataComponent).dataSource = new haxe.ui.data.DataSourceFactory<Dynamic>().fromString(c.dataString, haxe.ui.data.ArrayDataSource);

        if (c.validators != null) {
            buildValidators(c, component, c.validators);

        for (childInfo in c.children) {
            var childComponent = buildComponentFromInfo(childInfo);
            if (childComponent != null) {

        return component;

    private static function buildValidators(c:ComponentInfo, component:Component, validators:Array<ValidatorInfo>) {
        var list = [];
        for (validator in validators) {
            var type = validator.type;
            var instance = haxe.ui.validators.ValidatorManager.instance.createValidator(type);
            if (validator.properties != null) {
                for (propertyName in validator.properties.keys()) {
                    var propertyValue = validator.properties.get(propertyName);
                    var convertedPropertyValue = TypeConverter.convertFrom(propertyValue);
                    instance.setProperty(propertyName, convertedPropertyValue);
        if (list.length > 0 && (component is InteractiveComponent)) {
            cast(component, InteractiveComponent).validators = list;

    private static function buildLayoutFromInfo(l:LayoutInfo):Layout {
        var layout:Layout = LayoutFactory.createFromName(l.type.toLowerCase());
        if (layout == null) {
            trace("WARNING: could not create class instance: " + l.type.toLowerCase());
            return null;

        for (propName in l.properties.keys()) {
            var propValue:Dynamic = l.properties.get(propName);
            Reflect.setProperty(layout, propName, Variant.fromDynamic(propValue));

        return layout;

#if !macro
interface IComponentDelegate {
    public var component(get, set):haxe.ui.core.Component;