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package haxe.ui.dragdrop;

import haxe.ui.geom.Rectangle;
import haxe.ui.core.Component;

typedef DragOptions = {
     * A component that will trigger dragging - usually the draggable component or a sub-component of it.
     * Default: the draggable component
    @:optional var mouseTarget:Component;

     * The x offset to be added to the moveTarget during drag in addition to the mouse x offset from the moveTarget's x..
     * Default: 0
    @:optional var dragOffsetX:Float;

     * The y offset to be added to the moveTarget during drag in addition to the mouse y offset from the moveTarget's y.
     * Default: 0
    @:optional var dragOffsetY:Float;

     * The distance the mouse must travel while mouseDown on the mouseTarget before drag begins.
     * Default: 1
    @:optional var dragTolerance:Int;

     * A Rect specifying the bounds in the screen's coordinate space.
     * Default: screen's bounds
    @:optional var dragBounds:Rectangle;

     * A style name to add to draggable components
     * Default: draggable
    @:optional var draggableStyleName:String;

     * A style name to add to draggable components while being dragged
     * Default: dragging
    @:optional var draggingStyleName:String;