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package haxe.ui.geom;

class Point {
    public var x:Float;
    public var y:Float;
        Adds the coordinates of another point to the coordinates of `this` point. 
        This operation modifies `this` point in place.

        @param point The point to be added.
    public function add(point:Point) {
        this.x += point.x;
        this.y += point.y;
        Subtracts the coordinates of another point from the coordinates of `this` point. 
        This operation modifies `this` point in place.

        @param point The point to be added.
    public function subtract(point:Point) {
        this.x -= point.x;
        this.y -= point.y;
        Adds the specified coordinates to the coordinates of `this` point. 
        This operation modifies `this` point in place.

        @param dx The value to be added to the x coordinate of `this` point.
        @param dy The value to be added to the y coordinate of `this` point.
    public function addCoords(dx:Float, dy:Float) {
        this.x += dx;
        this.y += dy;
        Subtracts the specified coordinates from the coordinates of `this` point. 
        This operation modifies `this` point in place.

        @param dx The value to be subtracted from the x coordinate of `this` point.
        @param dy The value to be subtracted from the y coordinate of `this` point.
    public function subtractCoords(dx:Float, dy:Float) {
        this.x -= dx;
        this.y -= dy;
        Adds the coordinates of another point to the coordinates of `this` point to
        create a new point.

        @param point The point to be added.
        @return The new point.
    public function sum(point:Point):Point {
        return new Point(this.x + point.x, this.y + point.y);
        Subtracts the coordinates of another point from the coordinates of `this` point to
        create a new point.

        @param point The point to be subtracted.
        @return The new point.
    public function diff(point:Point):Point {
        return new Point(this.x - point.x, this.y - point.y);

        Creates a point obtained by rotating `this` point clockwise by 90 degrees about the origin.

        @return Rotated point.
    public function orthogonalCW():Point {
        return new Point(y, -x);

        Creates a point obtained by rotating `this` point counter-clockwise by 90 degrees about the origin.

        @return Rotated point.
    public function orthogonalCCW():Point {
        return new Point(-y, x);

        Creates a point with radius vector opposite to `this` point's radius vector. Equivalent to creating the
        point with coordinates equal to ones of `this` point by absolute value, but with opposite sign.

        @return Point with opposite radius vector.
    public function opposite():Point {
        return new Point(-x, -y);

        Rotates `this` point by 180 degrees about the origin. Equivalent to changing the sign of both of `this` point's

        This operation modifies `this` point in place.
    public function revert() {
        this.x = -x;
        this.y = -y;

        Rotates `this` point counter-clockwise by a specified angle. 
        This operation modifies `this` point in place.

        @param radians Angle of rotation (in radians).
    public function rotate(radians:Float) {
        var cos = Math.cos(radians);
        var sin = Math.sin(radians);

        var newX = cos * x - sin * y;
        var newY = sin * x + cos * y;

        this.x = newX;
        this.y = newY;

        Creates a new point obtained by rotating `this` point counter-clockwise by a specified angle. 

        @param radians Angle of rotation (in radians).
        @return Rotated point.
    public function rotated(radians:Float):Point {
        var cos = Math.cos(radians);
        var sin = Math.sin(radians);

        var newX = cos * x - sin * y;
        var newY = sin * x + cos * y;

        return new Point(newX, newY);

        Returns the length of `this` point's radius vector, or the distance between the origin and `this` point.
        @return The length of the radius vector.
    public function length():Float {
        return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);

        Scales the line segment between the origin and `this` point by a specified factor. 
        Equivalent to multiplying each coordinate of `this` point by `factor`.

        This operation modifies `this` point in place.

        @param factor Value by which the coordinates of `this` point are multiplied.
    public function multiply(factor:Float) {
        x *= factor;
        y *= factor;

        Returns the point obtained by scaling the line segment between the origin and `this` point by 
        a specified factor. Equivalent to creating a new point with each coordinate being `factor` times 
        greater than the corresponding coordinate of `this` point.

        @param factor Value by which the coordinates of `this` point are multiplied.
        @return The resulting point.
    public function product(factor:Float):Point {
        return new Point(x * factor, y * factor);

        Scales the line segment between the origin and `this` point to a set length.

        This operation modifies `this` point in place.

        @param targetLength The scaling value. For example, if the current point is
                            (0,5), and you normalize it to 2, the point returned is
                            at (0,2).
    public function normalize(targetLength:Float) {
        if (x == 0 && y == 0)
        var norm = targetLength / length();

        Creates a new point by scaling the line segment between the origin and `this`
        point to a set length.

        @param targetLength The scaling value. For example, if the current point is
                            (0,5), and you normalize it to 2, the point returned is
                            at (0,2).
        @return The normalized point.
    public function normalized(targetLength:Float):Point {
        if (x == 0 && y == 0)
            return new Point();
        var norm = targetLength / length();
        return product(norm);

        Creates a new point by scaling the line segment between the origin and `this`
        point to a length of 1. Equivalent to `this.normalized(1)`.
        @return The orth of `this` point.
    public function orth():Point {
        return normalized(1);

        Creates a new point by with coordinates equal to the coordinates of `this` point.
        @return The new point.
    public function copy():Point {
        return new Point(x, y);

    public function new(x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;