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package haxe.ui.parsers.locale;

using StringTools;

class KeyValueParser extends LocaleParser {
    var PARSER_SEPARATOR:String = "";
    var PARSER_COMMENT_STRING:String = "";
    var PARSER_LINE_FEED:String = "\n";
    var PARSER_STRICT:Bool = false; // do not allow parser to continue if a line is incorrect
    public override function parse(data:String):Map<String, String> {
        if (PARSER_SEPARATOR == "") {
            throw "PARSER_SEPARATOR needs implementation in " + Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(this));
        var result:Map<String, String> = new Map<String, String>();
        var lines = data.split(PARSER_LINE_FEED);
        for (line in lines) {
            line = line.trim();
            if (line.length == 0 || (line.startsWith(PARSER_COMMENT_STRING) && PARSER_COMMENT_STRING != "")) {

            var separator:Int = line.indexOf(PARSER_SEPARATOR);
            if (separator == -1) {
                // skip the line if separator is not found else throw if strict
                if (PARSER_STRICT)
                    throw 'Locale parser: Invalid line ${line}. Missing separator $PARSER_SEPARATOR';
                else continue;

            var key = line.substr(0, separator).trim();
            var content = line.substr(separator + 1);
            result.set(key, content);

        return result;