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package wx.widgets.styles;

@:headerCode("#include <wx/button.h>")
class ButtonStyle {

    /** Left-justifies the label. Windows and GTK+ only. **/
    public static var LEFT:Int            = untyped __cpp__("wxBU_LEFT");
    /** Aligns the label to the top of the button. Windows and GTK+ only. **/
    public static var TOP:Int             = untyped __cpp__("wxBU_TOP");
    /** Right-justifies the bitmap label. Windows and GTK+ only. **/
    public static var RIGHT:Int           = untyped __cpp__("wxBU_RIGHT");
    /** Aligns the label to the bottom of the button. Windows and GTK+ only. **/
    public static var BOTTOM:Int          = untyped __cpp__("wxBU_BOTTOM");
    /** By default, all buttons are made of at least the standard button size, even if their contents is small enough to fit into a
      * smaller size. This is done for consistency as most platforms use buttons of the same size in the native dialogs, but can be
      * overridden by specifying this flag. If it is given, the button will be made just big enough for its contents. Notice that
      * under MSW the button will still have at least the standard height, even with this style, if it has a non-empty label. **/
    public static var EXACTFIT:Int        = untyped __cpp__("wxBU_EXACTFIT");
    /** Disables the display of the text label in the button even if it has one or its id is one of the standard stock ids with an
      * associated label: without using this style a button which is only supposed to show a bitmap but uses a standard id would
      * display a label too. **/
    public static var NOTEXT:Int          = untyped __cpp__("wxBU_NOTEXT");
    /** Creates a button without border. This is currently implemented in MSW, GTK2 and OSX/Cocoa. **/
    public static var BORDER_NONE:Int     = untyped __cpp__("wxBORDER_NONE");
