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package wx.widgets.styles;

@:headerCode("#include <wx/gauge.h>")
class GaugeStyle {

    /** Creates a horizontal gauge. */
    public static var HORIZONTAL:Int       = untyped __cpp__("wxGA_HORIZONTAL");
    /** Creates a vertical gauge. */
    public static var VERTICAL:Int         = untyped __cpp__("wxGA_VERTICAL");
    /** Creates smooth progress bar with one pixel wide update step (not supported by all platforms). */
    public static var SMOOTH:Int           = untyped __cpp__("wxGA_SMOOTH");
    /** Display the current value in percents in the gauge itself. This style is only supported in wxQt and ignored under the other platforms. */
    //public static var TEXT:Int             = untyped __cpp__("wxGA_TEXT");
    /** Reflect the value of gauge in the application taskbar button under Windows 7 and later and the dock icon under OS X, ignored under the other platforms. */
    //public static var PROGRESS:Int         = untyped __cpp__("wxGA_PROGRESS");
