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package models

// ClusterType represents the type of the cluster.
type ClusterType string

const (
    // Free cluster type.
    Free ClusterType = "FREE"
    // Small cluster type.
    Small ClusterType = "SMALL"
    // Medium cluster type.
    Medium ClusterType = "MEDIUM"
    // Large cluster type.
    Large ClusterType = "LARGE"
    // Serverless cluster type.
    Serverless ClusterType = "SERVERLESS"
    // Devmode cluster type.
    Devmode ClusterType = "DEVMODE"

//Product type Hazelcast Cloud clusters
type ProductTypeName string

const (
    Starter    ProductTypeName = "STARTER"
    Enterprise ProductTypeName = "ENTERPRISE"

//Zone topology type for enterprise Hazelcast Cloud clusters
type ZoneType string

const (
    ZoneTypeSingle   ZoneType = "SINGLE"
    ZoneTypeMultiple ZoneType = "MULTI"

//Eviction policy to be applied when the size of map grows larger than the value specified by the Max Size element described below. For more information, see [Eviction Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#eviction-policy)
type EvictionPolicy string

const (
    Lru    EvictionPolicy = "LRU"
    Lfu    EvictionPolicy = "LFU"
    None   EvictionPolicy = "NONE"
    Random EvictionPolicy = "RANDOM"

//Internal storage format. For more information, see [In Memory Format](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/replicated-map#in-memory-format)
type InMemoryFormat string

const (
    Object InMemoryFormat = "OBJECT"
    Binary InMemoryFormat = "BINARY"
    Native InMemoryFormat = "NATIVE"

//Type of the value collection. For more information, see [Value Collection Type](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/multimap#value-collection-type)
type ValueCollectionType string

const (
    Set  ValueCollectionType = "SET"
    List ValueCollectionType = "LIST"

//Sets the initial load mode. For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
type InitialLoadMode string

const (
    Lazy  InitialLoadMode = "LAZY"
    Eager InitialLoadMode = "EAGER"

//Policy on how to define the map's maximum size. For more information, see [Maz Size Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#max-size-policy)
type MaxSizePolicy string

const (
    UsedNativeMemoryPercentage MaxSizePolicy = "USED_NATIVE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE"
    FreeNativeMemoryPercentage MaxSizePolicy = "FREE_NATIVE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE"

//A policy to deal with an overloaded topic; so topic where there is no place to store new messages. For more information, see [Overload Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/reliable-topic#reliable-topic-overload-policy
type TopicOverloadPolicy string

const (
    DiscardOldest TopicOverloadPolicy = "DISCARD_OLDEST"
    DiscardNewest TopicOverloadPolicy = "DISCARD_NEWEST"
    Block         TopicOverloadPolicy = "BLOCK"
    Error         TopicOverloadPolicy = "ERROR"

//State of the cluster that show current status.
type State string

const (
    Running                  State = "RUNNING"
    Pending                  State = "PENDING"
    StopInProgress           State = "STOP_IN_PROGRESS"
    Stopped                  State = "STOPPED"
    DeleteInProgress         State = "DELETE_IN_PROGRESS"
    Deleted                  State = "DELETED"
    ScaleUpInProgress        State = "SCALE_UP_IN_PROGRESS"
    ScaleDownInProgress      State = "SCALE_DOWN_IN_PROGRESS"
    ScaleUp                  State = "SCALE_UP"
    ScaleDown                State = "SCALE_DOWN"
    ResumeInProgress         State = "RESUME_IN_PROGRESS"
    UpdatingClusterConfig    State = "UPDATING_CLUSTER_CONFIG"
    UpdatingInstancePerZone  State = "UPDATING_INSTANCE_PER_ZONE"
    UpdatingZones            State = "UPDATING_ZONES"
    UpdatingHazelcastVersion State = "UPDATING_HAZELCAST_VERSION"
    UpdatingInstanceType     State = "UPDATING_INSTANCE_TYPE"
    Failed                   State = "FAILED"

//The input for Create Starter Cluster.
type CreateStarterClusterInput struct {
    //Name of the cluster.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Cloud provider of the cluster.
    CloudProvider string `json:"cloudProvider"`
    //Name of the region.
    Region string `json:"region"`
    //Cluster type of the cluster
    ClusterType ClusterType `json:"clusterType"`
    //Hazelcast IMDG version of the cluster.
    HazelcastVersion string `json:"hazelcastVersion"`
    //Total memory of the cluster.
    TotalMemory float64 `json:"totalMemory"`
    //Shows if auto scaling feature enabled or not.
    IsAutoScalingEnabled bool `json:"isAutoScalingEnabled"`
    //Shows if hot backup feature is enabled or not.
    IsHotBackupEnabled bool `json:"isHotBackupEnabled"`
    //Shows if hot restart feature is enabled or not.
    IsHotRestartEnabled bool `json:"isHotRestartEnabled"`
    //Shows if Ip whitelisting is enabled to restrict connection to the cluster or not.
    IsIPWhitelistEnabled bool `json:"isIpWhitelistEnabled"`
    //Shows if TLS(Transport Layer Security) is enabled while connecting to the cluster or not.
    IsTLSEnabled bool `json:"isTlsEnabled"`
    //Shows if Ip whitelisting is enabled to restrict connection to the cluster or not.
    IPWhitelist []string `json:"ipWhitelist"`
    //Data structure configuration of the cluster.
    DataStructure DataStructureInput `json:"dataStructures"`

//The input for Get Cluster.
type GetStarterClusterInput struct {
    ClusterId string `json:"clusterId"`

// CreateServerlessClusterInput represents input parameters set for serverless cluster creation.
type CreateServerlessClusterInput struct {
    // Name of the cluster.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // Name of the region.
    Region string `json:"region"`
    // Type of the cluster
    ClusterType ClusterType `json:"clusterType"`

// GetServerlessClusterInput represents input parameters set for serverless cluster retrieval.
type GetServerlessClusterInput struct {
    ClusterId string `json:"clusterId"`

//The input for Create Enterprise Cluster.
type CreateEnterpriseClusterInput struct {
    //Name of the cluster.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Cloud provider of the cluster.
    CloudProvider string `json:"cloudProvider"`
    //Name of the region.
    Region string `json:"region"`
    //Zone type of the cluster.
    ZoneType ZoneType `json:"zoneType"`
    //Instance type of the cluster
    InstanceType string `json:"instanceType"`
    //Number of Hazelcast cluster members per zone.
    InstancePerZone int `json:"instancePerZone"`
    //Hazelcast IMDG version of the cluster.
    HazelcastVersion string `json:"hazelcastVersion"`
    //Public access enabled flag of the cluster
    IsPublicAccessEnabled bool `json:"isPublicAccessEnabled"`
    //CIDR Range of the cluster network.
    CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock"`
    //Native memory of the cluster.
    NativeMemory int `json:"nativeMemory"`
    //Shows if auto scaling feature enabled or not.
    IsAutoScalingEnabled bool `json:"isAutoScalingEnabled"`
    //Shows if hot restart feature is enabled or not.
    IsHotRestartEnabled bool `json:"isHotRestartEnabled"`
    //Shows if hot backup feature is enabled or not.
    IsHotBackupEnabled bool `json:"isHotBackupEnabled"`
    //Shows if TLS(Transport Layer Security) is enabled while connecting to the cluster or not.
    IsTLSEnabled bool `json:"isTlsEnabled"`
    //Data structure configuration of the cluster.
    DataStructure DataStructureInput `json:"dataStructures"`

//The input for Get Enterprise Cluster Input.
type GetEnterpriseClusterInput struct {
    ClusterId string `json:"clusterId"`

//This response id of the Cluster Response
type ClusterId struct {
    ClusterId int `json:"clusterId"`

//This response for Cluster
type Cluster struct {
    //Unique identifier of cluster.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Unique identifier of the cluster owner.
    CustomerId int `json:"customerId"`
    //Name of the cluster.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //ReleaseName of the cluster than you can use for group name.
    ReleaseName string `json:"releaseName"`
    //Password of the cluster.
    Password string `json:"password"`
    //Port of the Hazelcast IMDG on the cluster.
    Port int `json:"port"`
    //Hazelcast IMDG version of the cluster.
    HazelcastVersion string `json:"hazelcastVersion"`
    //Shows if auto scaling feature enabled or not.
    IsAutoScalingEnabled bool `json:"isAutoScalingEnabled"`
    //Shows if hot backup feature is enabled or not.
    IsHotBackupEnabled bool `json:"isHotBackupEnabled"`
    //Shows if hot restart feature is enabled or not.
    IsHotRestartEnabled bool `json:"isHotRestartEnabled"`
    //Shows if Ip whitelisting is enabled to restrict connection to the cluster or not.
    IsIpWhitelistEnabled bool `json:"isIpWhitelistEnabled"`
    //Shows if TLS(Transport Layer Security) is enabled while connecting to the cluster or not.
    IsTlsEnabled bool `json:"isTlsEnabled"`
    //Type of the product for the cluster.
    ProductType struct {
        //Name of the Product Type.
        Name ProductTypeName `json:"name"`
        //This field shows that if the product is free to use.
        IsFree bool `json:"isFree"`
    } `json:"productType"`
    // ClusterType represents the type of the cluster.
    ClusterType struct {
        // Name of the cluster type.
        Name ClusterType `json:"name"`
    } `json:"clusterType"`
    //State of the cluster that show current status.
    State State `json:"state"`
    //Date that shows when cluster was created.
    CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
    //Date that shows when cluster was started after the creation.
    StartedAt string `json:"startedAt"`
    //Date that shows when cluster was stopped.
    StoppedAt string `json:"stoppedAt"`
    //Progress of the cluster.
    Progress struct {
        //Status of progress.
        Status string `json:"status"`
        //Total item count of progress.
        TotalItemCount int `json:"totalItemCount"`
        //Completed item count of progress.
        CompletedItemCount int `json:"completedItemCount"`
    //Cloud provider of the cluster.
    CloudProvider struct {
        //Name of the cloud provider.
        Name string `json:"name"`
        //Name of the region.
        Region string `json:"region"`
        //Availability zones of the region.
        AvailabilityZones []string `json:"availabilityZones"`
    } `json:"cloudProvider"`
    //Discovery tokens of the cluster to connect Hazelcast.
    DiscoveryTokens []DiscoveryToken `json:"discoveryTokens"`
    //Specs of the cluster.
    Specs struct {
        //Total memory of the cluster.
        TotalMemory float64 `json:"totalMemory"`
        //Heap memory of the cluster.
        HeapMemory int `json:"heapMemory"`
        //Native memory of the cluster.
        NativeMemory int `json:"nativeMemory"`
        //Number of cpu of the cluster.
        Cpu int `json:"cpu"`
        //Instance type of the cluster.
        InstanceType string `json:"instanceType"`
        //Number of Hazelcast cluster members per zone.
        InstancePerZone int `json:"instancePerZone"`
    } `json:"specs"`
    //Networking configuration of the cluster.
    Networking struct {
        //Type of the network. It determines that cluster is publicly accessible or not.
        Type string `json:"type"`
        //CIDR Range of the cluster network.
        CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock"`
        //Peering information of the cluster networking.
        Peering struct {
            //This field is true if at least one peering connection established, false otherwise.
            IsEnabled bool `json:"is_enabled"`
        } `json:"peering"`
        //Peering information of the cluster networking.
        PrivateLink struct {
            //State of the private link connection.
            Url string `json:"url"`
            //Url to cloud formation template that you can use for Private Link. For more information, see [AWS Private Link](https
            State string `json:"state"`
        } `json:"privateLink"`
    } `json:"networking"`
    //Data structure configuration of the cluster.
    DataStructures DataStructureResponse `json:"dataStructures"`

//Discovery token of the cluster to connect Hazelcast.
type DiscoveryToken struct {
    Source string `json:"source"`
    Token  string `json:"token"`

//Type of all data structure input
type DataStructureInput struct {
    //List of map config for the cluster. For more information, see [Map Configuration](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations)
    MapConfigs []MapConfigInput `json:"mapConfigs,omitempty"`
    //List of JCache config for the cluster. For more information, see [JCache](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache)
    JcacheConfigs []JCacheConfigInput `json:"jcacheConfigs,omitempty"`
    //List of Replicated Map config for the cluster. For more information, see [Replicated Map](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/replicated-map)
    ReplicatedMapConfigs []ReplicatedMapConfigInput `json:"replicatedMapConfigs,omitempty"`
    //List of Queue config for the cluster. For more information, see [Queue](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue)
    QueueConfigs []QueueConfigInput `json:"queueConfigs,omitempty"`
    //List of Set config for the cluster. For more information, see [Set](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/set)
    SetConfigs []SetConfigInput `json:"setConfigs,omitempty"`
    //List of List config for the cluster. For more information, see [List Configuration](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/list)
    ListConfigs []ListConfigInput `json:"listConfigs,omitempty"`
    //List of Topic config for the cluster. For more information, see [Topic](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/topic)
    TopicConfigs []TopicConfigInput `json:"topicConfigs,omitempty"`
    //List of Multi Map config for the cluster. For more information, see [MultiMap](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/multimap)
    MultiMapConfigs []MultiMapConfigInput `json:"multiMapConfigs,omitempty"`
    //List of Ring Buffer config for the cluster. For more information, see [RingBuffer](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer)
    RingBufferConfigs []RingBufferConfigInput `json:"ringBufferConfigs,omitempty"`
    //List of Reliable Topic config for the cluster. For more information, see [ReliableTopic](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/reliable-topic)
    ReliableTopicConfigs []ReliableTopicConfigInput `json:"reliableTopicConfigs,omitempty"`

//Type of all data structure response
type DataStructureResponse struct {
    //List of map config for the cluster. For more information, see [Map Configuration](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations)
    MapConfigs []MapConfigResponse `json:"mapConfigs"`
    //List of JCache config for the cluster. For more information, see [JCache](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache)
    JCacheConfigs []JCacheConfigResponse `json:"jCacheConfigs"`
    //List of Replicated Map config for the cluster. For more information, see [Replicated Map](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/replicated-map)
    ReplicatedMapConfigs []ReplicatedMapConfigResponse `json:"replicatedMapConfigs"`
    //List of Queue config for the cluster. For more information, see [Queue](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue)
    QueueConfigs []QueueConfigResponse `json:"queueConfigs"`
    //List of Set config for the cluster. For more information, see [Set](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/set)
    SetConfigs []SetConfigResponse `json:"setConfigs"`
    //List of List config for the cluster. For more information, see [List Configuration](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/list)
    ListConfigs []ListConfigResponse `json:"listConfigs"`
    //List of Topic config for the cluster. For more information, see [Topic](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/topic)
    TopicConfigs []TopicConfigResponse `json:"topicConfigs"`
    //List of Multi Map config for the cluster. For more information, see [MultiMap](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/multimap)
    MultiMapConfigs []MultiMapConfigResponse `json:"multiMapConfigs"`
    //List of Ring Buffer config for the cluster. For more information, see [RingBuffer](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer)
    RingBufferConfigs []RingBufferConfigResponse `json:"ringBufferConfigs"`
    //List of Reliable Topic config for the cluster. For more information, see [ReliableTopic](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/reliable-topic)
    ReliableTopicConfigs []ReliableTopicConfigResponse `json:"reliableTopicConfigs"`

//Type of Map Data Structures Input
type MapConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the map config. For more information, see [Map Name](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#map-name)
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Number of asynchronous backups/replications. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //Number of backups/replications. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Eviction policy to be applied when the size of map grows larger than the value specified by the Max Size element described below. For more information, see [Eviction Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#eviction-policy)
    EvictionPolicy EvictionPolicy `json:"evictionPolicy"`
    //Hazelcast iterates through all the owned entries and finds the matching ones. This can be made faster by indexing the most frequently queried fields.
    MapIndices *[]string `json:"indexes,omitempty"`
    //Unique Identifier of the map store.
    MapStore *MapStoreInput `json:"mapStore,omitempty"`
    //Maximum time in seconds for each entry to stay idle in the map. For more information, see [Title](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#max-idle-seconds)
    MaxIdleSeconds int `json:"maxIdleSeconds"`
    //The percentage value when the eviction will start depending on the selected Max Size Policy. For more information, see [Max Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#max-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`
    //Policy on how to define the map's maximum size. For more information, see [Maz Size Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#max-size-policy)
    MaxSizePolicy MaxSizePolicy `json:"maxSizePolicy"`
    //It is the maximum time in seconds for each entry to stay in the map. For more information, see [TTL](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#time-to-live)
    TtlSeconds int `json:"ttlSeconds"`

//Type of Map Store Data Structures Input
type MapStoreInput struct {
    //Name of the class implementing MapLoader and/or MapStore. For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
    ClassName string `json:"className"`
    //Used to create batch chunks when writing map store. For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
    WriteBatchSize int `json:"writeBatchSize"`
    //In write-behind mode, Hazelcast coalesces updates on a specific key by default; it applies only the last update on it. For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
    WriteCoalescing bool `json:"writeCoalescing"`
    //Sets the initial load mode. For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
    InitialLoadMode InitialLoadMode `json:"initialLoadMode"`
    //Number of seconds to delay to call the MapStore.store(key, value). For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
    WriteDelaySeconds int                `json:"writeDelaySeconds"`
    Properties        []MapStoreProperty `json:"properties"`

//Type of Map Store Property Data Structures Input
type MapStoreProperty struct {
    Key   string `json:"key"`
    Value string `json:"value"`

//Type of Map Config Response
type MapConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the map config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the map config. For more information, see [Map Name](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#map-name)
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Number of asynchronous backups/replications. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //Number of backups/replications. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Eviction policy to be applied when the size of map grows larger than the value specified by the Max Size element described below. For more information, see [Eviction Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#eviction-policy)
    EvictionPolicy string `json:"evictionPolicy"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`
    //Hazelcast iterates through all the owned entries and finds the matching ones. This can be made faster by indexing the most frequently queried fields.
    MapIndices []struct {
        //Unique Identifier of the map index.
        Id string `json:"id"`
        //Name of the map index.
        Name string `json:"name"`
    } `json:"mapIndices"`
    //Unique Identifier of the map store.
    MapStore struct {
        //Name of the class implementing MapLoader and/or MapStore. For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
        ClassName string `json:"class_name"`
        //Used to create batch chunks when writing map store. For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
        WriteBatchSize int `json:"write_batch_size"`
        //In write-behind mode, Hazelcast coalesces updates on a specific key by default; it applies only the last update on it. For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
        WriteCoalescing bool `json:"write_coalescing"`
        //Sets the initial load mode. For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
        InitialLoadMode string `json:"initial_load_mode"`
        //Number of seconds to delay to call the MapStore.store(key, value). For more information, see [MapLoader and MapStore](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/maploader-and-mapstore)
        WriteDelaySeconds int `json:"write_delay_seconds"`
    } `json:"mapStore"`
    //Maximum time in seconds for each entry to stay idle in the map. For more information, see [Title](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#max-idle-seconds)
    MaxIdleSeconds int `json:"maxIdleSeconds"`
    //The percentage value when the eviction will start depending on the selected Max Size Policy. For more information, see [Max Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#max-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`
    //Policy on how to define the map's maximum size. For more information, see [Maz Size Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#max-size-policy)
    MaxSizePolicy string `json:"maxSizePolicy"`
    //It is the maximum time in seconds for each entry to stay in the map. For more information, see [TTL](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/map-configurations#time-to-live)
    TtlSeconds int `json:"ttlSeconds"`

//Type of List Data Structure Input
type ListConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the list config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //This value sets how many asynchronous backup will be. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/list#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //This value sets that how many synchronous backup will be. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/list#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //You can set maximum number of entries for the List you are creating with setting this value. For more information, see [Maximum Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/list#maximum-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`

//Type of List Data Structure Response
type ListConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the list config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the list config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //This value sets how many asynchronous backup will be. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/list#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //This value sets that how many synchronous backup will be. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/list#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`
    //You can set maximum number of entries for the List you are creating with setting this value. For more information, see [Maximum Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/list#maximum-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`

//Type of Set Data Structure Input
type SetConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the Set config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //This value sets how many asynchronous backup will be. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/set#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //This value sets that how many synchronous backup will be. For more information, see [Backup Count]( https
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //You can set maximum number of entries for the set you are creating with setting this value. For more information, see [Maximum Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/set#maximum-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`

//Type of Set Data Structure Response
type SetConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the Set config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the Set config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //This value sets how many asynchronous backup will be. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/set#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //This value sets that how many synchronous backup will be. For more information, see [Backup Count]( https
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`
    //You can set maximum number of entries for the set you are creating with setting this value. For more information, see [Maximum Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/set#maximum-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`

//Type of Queue Data Structure Input
type QueueConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the Queue config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Number of asynchronous backups. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //Number of synchronous backups. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Used to purge unused or empty queues. For more information, see [TTL](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue#time-to-live)
    EmptyQueueTtl int `json:"emptyQueueTtl"`
    //Maximum number of items in the queue. For more information, see [Maximum Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue#maximum-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`

//Type of Queue Data Structure Response
type QueueConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the Queue config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the Queue config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Number of asynchronous backups. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //Number of synchronous backups. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Used to purge unused or empty queues. For more information, see [TTL](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue#time-to-live)
    EmptyQueueTtl int `json:"emptyQueueTtl"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`
    //Maximum number of items in the queue. For more information, see [Maximum Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/queue#maximum-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`

//Type of Replicated Map Data Structure Input
type ReplicatedMapConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the Replicated Map config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Specifies whether the Replicated Map is available for reads before the initial replication is completed. For more information, see [Asynchronous Fillup](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/replicated-map#asynchronous-fillup)
    AsyncFillUp bool `json:"asyncFillUp"`
    //Internal storage format. For more information, see [In Memory Format](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/replicated-map#in-memory-format)
    InMemoryFormat InMemoryFormat `json:"inMemoryFormat"`

//Type of Replicated Map Data Structure Response
type ReplicatedMapConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the Replicated Map config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the Replicated Map config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`
    //Specifies whether the Replicated Map is available for reads before the initial replication is completed. For more information, see [Asynchronous Fillup](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/replicated-map#asynchronous-fillup)
    AsyncFillUp bool `json:"asyncFillUp"`
    //Internal storage format. For more information, see [In Memory Format](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/replicated-map#in-memory-format)
    InMemoryFormat string `json:"inMemoryFormat"`

//Type of JCache Data Structure Input
type JCacheConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the JCache config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Number of asynchronous backups/replications. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //Number of synchronous backups/replications. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Eviction policy that compares values to find the best matching eviction candidate. For more information, see [Eviction Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#eviction-policy)
    EvictionPolicy EvictionPolicy `json:"evictionPolicy"`
    //Fully qualified class name of the cache key type. For more information, see [Key Type](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#key-type)
    KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
    //Maximum free/used percentage or maximum size in bytes depending on the selected maxSizePolicy. For more information, see [Maximum Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#maximum-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`
    //Maximum size policy. If maximum size is reached, the cache is evicted based on the eviction policy. For more information, see [Max Size Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#max-size-policy)
    MaxSizePolicy MaxSizePolicy `json:"maxSizePolicy"`
    //Time-to-live for cache entries, in seconds. For more information, see [TTL](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#time-to-live)
    TtlSeconds int `json:"ttlSeconds"`
    //Fully qualified class name of the cache value type. For more information, see [Value Type](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#value-type)
    ValueType string `json:"valueType"`

//Type of JCache Data Structure Response
type JCacheConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the JCache config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the JCache config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Number of asynchronous backups/replications. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //Number of synchronous backups/replications. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Eviction policy that compares values to find the best matching eviction candidate. For more information, see [Eviction Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#eviction-policy)
    EvictionPolicy string `json:"evictionPolicy"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`
    //Fully qualified class name of the cache key type. For more information, see [Key Type](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#key-type)
    KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
    //Maximum free/used percentage or maximum size in bytes depending on the selected maxSizePolicy. For more information, see [Maximum Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#maximum-size)
    MaxSize int `json:"maxSize"`
    //Maximum size policy. If maximum size is reached, the cache is evicted based on the eviction policy. For more information, see [Max Size Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#max-size-policy)
    MaxSizePolicy string `json:"maxSizePolicy"`
    //Time-to-live for cache entries, in seconds. For more information, see [TTL](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#time-to-live)
    TtlSeconds int `json:"ttlSeconds"`
    //Fully qualified class name of the cache value type. For more information, see [Value Type](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/jcache#value-type)
    ValueType string `json:"valueType"`

//Type of Topic Data Structure Input
type TopicConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the Topic config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Global ordering enables, all receivers will receive all messages from all sources with the same order. For more information, see [Global Ordering](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/topic#global-ordering)
    GlobalOrdering bool `json:"globalOrdering"`

//Type of Topic Data Structure Response
type TopicConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the Topic config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the Topic config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Global ordering enables, all receivers will receive all messages from all sources with the same order. For more information, see [Global Ordering](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/topic#global-ordering)
    GlobalOrdering bool `json:"globalOrdering"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`

//Type of MultiMap Data Structure Input
type MultiMapConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the MultiMap config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //The number of asynchronous backups. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/multimap#asynchronous-backups-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //The number of synchronous backups. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/multimap#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Type of the value collection. For more information, see [Value Collection Type](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/multimap#value-collection-type)
    ValueCollectionType ValueCollectionType `json:"valueCollectionType"`

//Type of MultiMap Data Structure Response
type MultiMapConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the MultiMap config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the MultiMap config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //The number of asynchronous backups. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/multimap#asynchronous-backups-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //The number of synchronous backups. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/multimap#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`
    //Type of the value collection. For more information, see [Value Collection Type](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/multimap#value-collection-type)
    ValueCollectionType string `json:"valueCollectionType"`

//Type of Ring Buffer Data Structure Input
type RingBufferConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the RingBuffer config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //The number of asynchronous backups. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //The number of synchronous backups. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Capacity of the RingBuffer. For more information, see [Capacity](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#capacity)
    Capacity int `json:"capacity"`
    //In-memory format that controls the format of the RingBuffer’s stored items. For more information, see [In Memory Format](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#in-memory-format)
    InMemoryFormat InMemoryFormat `json:"inMemoryFormat"`
    //The value that controls how long the items remain in the RingBuffer before they are expired. For more information, see [TTL](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#time-to-live)
    TtlSeconds int `json:"ttlSeconds"`

//Type of Ring Buffer Data Structure Response
type RingBufferConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the RingBuffer config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the RingBuffer config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //The number of asynchronous backups. For more information, see [Asynchronous Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#asynchronous-backup-count)
    AsyncBackupCount int `json:"asyncBackupCount"`
    //The number of synchronous backups. For more information, see [Backup Count](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#backup-count)
    BackupCount int `json:"backupCount"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`
    //Capacity of the RingBuffer. For more information, see [Capacity](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#capacity)
    Capacity int `json:"capacity"`
    //In-memory format that controls the format of the RingBuffer’s stored items. For more information, see [In Memory Format](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#in-memory-format)
    InMemoryFormat string `json:"inMemoryFormat"`
    //The value that controls how long the items remain in the RingBuffer before they are expired. For more information, see [TTL](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/ringbuffer#time-to-live)
    TtlSeconds int `json:"ttlSeconds"`

//Type of Reliable Topic Data Structure Input
type ReliableTopicConfigInput struct {
    //Name of the ReliableTopic config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //The minimum number of messages that Reliable Topic tries to read in batches. For more information, see [Batch Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/reliable-topic#reliable-topic-batch-size)
    ReadBatchSize int `json:"readBatchSize"`
    //A policy to deal with an overloaded topic; so topic where there is no place to store new messages. For more information, see [Overload Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/reliable-topic#reliable-topic-overload-policy )
    TopicOverloadPolicy TopicOverloadPolicy `json:"topicOverloadPolicy"`

//Type of Reliable Topic Data Structure Response
type ReliableTopicConfigResponse struct {
    //Unique Identifier of the ReliableTopic config.
    Id string `json:"id"`
    //Name of the ReliableTopic config.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    //Shows that if this config is ready to use.
    IsReady bool `json:"isReady"`
    //The minimum number of messages that Reliable Topic tries to read in batches. For more information, see [Batch Size](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/reliable-topic#reliable-topic-batch-size)
    ReadBatchSize int `json:"readBatchSize"`
    //A policy to deal with an overloaded topic; so topic where there is no place to store new messages. For more information, see [Overload Policy](https://docs.cloud.hazelcast.com/docs/reliable-topic#reliable-topic-overload-policy )
    TopicOverloadPolicy string `json:"topicOverloadPolicy"`

//Type of Cluster Resume Input
type ClusterResumeInput struct {
    ClusterId string `json:"ClusterId"`

//Type of Cluster Delete Input
type ClusterDeleteInput struct {
    ClusterId string `json:"ClusterId"`

//Type of Cluster Stop Input
type ClusterStopInput struct {
    ClusterId string `json:"ClusterId"`

//Type of Cluster List Input
type ClusterListInput struct {
    ProductType ProductTypeName `json:"productType"`