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50 mins
Test Coverage
import siftup from './siftup.js';

 * Merges heaps at intervals [i, j[ and [j, k[ in array *a*
 * into a new heap at interval [i, k[.
 * Hypothesis :
 *   - i <= j <= k
 *   - j - 1 is the last leaf ot the first heap
 * @param {int} arity arity of the heap
 * @param {function} compare the comparison function
 * @param {function} swap the swap function
 * @param {array} a the array where the two heaps are stored
 * @param {int} i is the root of the first heap
 * @param {int} j is the root of the second heap
 * @param {int} k - 1 is the index of the last leaf in the second heap

export default function merge(arity, compare, swap, a, i, j, k) {
    for (; j < k; ++j) {
        siftup(arity, compare, swap, a, i, j + 1, j);