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5 hrs
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import click
from helium_commander import Client, Organization
from helium_commander import User, Element, Sensor, Label
from helium_commander.commands import timeseries
from helium_commander.commands import metadata
from collections import OrderedDict

pass_client = click.make_pass_decorator(Client)

def cli():
    """Operations on the authorized organization

def list(client):
    """Display basic information of the organization.

    Displays basic attributes of the authorized organization.
    include = [User, Element, Sensor]
    org = Organization.singleton(client, include=include)
    Organization.display(client, [org], include=include)

supported_timezones = [

              help="the new name for the organization")
@click.option('--timezone', type=click.Choice(supported_timezones),
              help="the timezone for the organization")
def update(client, name, timezone):
    """Update the attributes of the organization.

    Updates the attributes of the currently authorized organization.
    org = Organization.singleton(client)
    attributes = OrderedDict()
    if name:
        attributes['name'] = name
    if timezone:
        attributes['timezone'] = timezone
    org = org.update(attributes=attributes)
    include = [User, Element, Sensor]
    org = Organization.singleton(client, include=include)
    Organization.display(client, [org], include=include)

def sensor(client):
    """List sensors for the organization.

    Lists all sensors for the authorized organization.
    org = Organization.singleton(client)
    Sensor.display(client, org.sensors())

def element(client):
    """List elements for the organization.

    Lists all elements for the authorized organization.
    org = Organization.singleton(client)
    Element.display(client, org.elements())

def user(client):
    """List users for the organization.

    Lists all users for the authorized organization.
    org = Organization.singleton(client)
    User.display(client, org.users())

def label(client):
    """List labels for the organization.

    Lists all labels for the authorized organization.
    org = Organization.singleton(client)
    Label.display(client, org.labels())

cli.add_command(timeseries.cli(Organization, singleton=True,
                               history=False, writable=False,
cli.add_command(metadata.cli(Organization, singleton=True))