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Kanca is an application to analyze `Facebook Group` activity. Its key features are:

- **Open sourced**, as you can see here.
- **Fully client side**, hosted on GitHub pages (zero cost, no data persisted on server).
- Analyze user FB group feed behavior like most active users, most liked posts, etc.
- Analyze FB group user engagement like new users, user retention, etc.

# Local Development

## Requirements

1. Node.js 6+
2. Facebook Developer's Application, create it at [https://developers.facebook.com](https://developers.facebook.com) for free
3. Make sure you enabled Facebook Login feature and put `http://localhost:3000` exist in your `Valid OAuth redirect URIs` (Facebook Login -> Settings)

## Installation

1. Go to project root directory, copy `.env.template` to `.env` (edit it as you need, look at description below)
2. Install its dependencies `$ npm install` or `$ yarn install`

## IDE/ Text Editor/ OS Configuration

Since this project uses [Flow](https://flow.org/), and some environment specific configuration, some IDE or Text Editors needs additional configuration.

### Windows

Please use `Bash on Ubuntu on Windows` or `Windows Subsystem Linux` for local development.

### VSCode

Add `"javascript.validate.enable": false` on your VSCode config (`.vscode/settings.json`).

It would be better if you install this [Flow plugin](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=flowtype.flow-for-vscode) as well.

## Development

1. Run `$ npm start` or `$ yarn start`
2. Open browser at `http://localhost:3000`

## Environment Variable Explanation

- `REACT_APP_FB_APP_ID` it's Facebook Developer's Application ID, look at your application dashboard on https://developers.facebook.com.
- `REACT_APP_URL_PREFIX` default is `/kanca`, it's used as a `url prefix`, mostly used if we published as project page at GitHub pages.
- `REACT_APP_FEED_PAGES` default is `10`, it's used to set how many pages of group feed do we want to fetch by default.
- `REACT_APP_GROUP_IDS` Facebook Group IDs to be shown at `featured groups` on group selection, eg. `1920036621597031` for `Facebook Developer Circle: Malang` group. Separated by commas `,`.

# Roadmap

To track development progress and roadmap, follow this [GitHub Project](https://github.com/hellowin/kanca/projects).

# License
