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mail,2.7.1,MIT,,"Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Mikel Lindsaar\@NLPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\@NLa copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\@NL'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\@NLwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\@NLdistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\@NLpermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\@NLthe following conditions:\@NLThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\@NLincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\@NLTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\@NLEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\@NLMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\@NLIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\@NLCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\@NLTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\@NLSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\@NL# Mail [![Build Status](](\@NL## Introduction\@NLMail is an internet library for Ruby that is designed to handle emails\@NLgeneration, parsing and sending in a simple, rubyesque manner.\@NLThe purpose of this library is to provide a single point of access to handle\@NLall email functions, including sending and receiving emails.  All network\@NLtype actions are done through proxy methods to Net::SMTP, Net::POP3 etc.\@NLBuilt from my experience with TMail, it is designed to be a pure ruby\@NLimplementation that makes generating, sending and parsing emails a no\@NLbrainer.\@NLIt is also designed from the ground up to work with the more modern versions\@NLof Ruby.  This is because Ruby > 1.9 handles text encodings much more wonderfully\@NLthan Ruby 1.8.x and so these features have been taken full advantage of in this\@NLlibrary allowing Mail to handle a lot more messages more cleanly than TMail.\@NLMail does run on Ruby 1.8.x... it's just not as fun to code.\@NLFinally, Mail has been designed with a very simple object oriented system\@NLthat really opens up the email messages you are parsing, if you know what\@NLyou are doing, you can fiddle with every last bit of your email directly.\@NL## Donations\@NLMail has been downloaded millions of times, by people around the world, in fact,\@NLit represents more than 1% of *all* gems downloaded.\@NLIt is (like all open source software) a labour of love and something I am doing\@NLwith my own free time.  If you would like to say thanks, please feel free to\@NL[make a donation]( and feel free to send\@NLme a nice email :)\@NL<a href=''><img alt='Click here to lend your support to: mail and make a donation at !' src='' border='0' /></a>\@NL# Contents\@NL* [Compatibility](#compatibility)\@NL* [Discussion](#discussion)\@NL* [Current Capabilities of Mail](#current-capabilities-of-mail)\@NL* [Roadmap](#roadmap)\@NL* [Testing Policy](#testing-policy)\@NL* [API Policy](#api-policy)\@NL* [Installation](#installation)\@NL* [Encodings](#encodings)\@NL* [Contributing](#contributing)\@NL* [Usage](#usage)\@NL* [Core Extensions](#core-extensions)\@NL* [Excerpts from TREC Span Corpus 2005](#excerpts-from-trec-span-corpus-2005)\@NL* [License](#license)\@NL## Compatibility\@NLMail supports Ruby 1.8.7+, including JRuby and Rubinius.\@NLEvery Mail commit is tested by Travis on [all supported Ruby versions](\@NL## Discussion\@NLIf you want to discuss mail with like minded individuals, please subscribe to\@NLthe [Google Group](\@NL## Current Capabilities of Mail\@NL* RFC5322 Support, Reading and Writing\@NL* RFC6532 Support, reading UTF-8 headers\@NL* RFC2045-2049 Support for multipart emails\@NL* Support for creating multipart alternate emails\@NL* Support for reading multipart/report emails &amp; getting details from such\@NL* Wrappers for File, Net/POP3, Net/SMTP\@NL* Auto-encoding of non-US-ASCII bodies and header fields\@NLMail is RFC5322 and RFC6532 compliant now, that is, it can parse US-ASCII and UTF-8\@NLemails and generate US-ASCII emails. There are a few obsoleted syntax emails that\@NLit will have problems with, but it also is quite robust, meaning, if it finds something\@NLit doesn't understand it will not crash, instead, it will skip the problem and keep\@NLparsing. In the case of a header it doesn't understand, it will initialise the header\@NLas an optional unstructured field and continue parsing.\@NLThis means Mail won't (ever) crunch your data (I think).\@NLYou can also create MIME emails.  There are helper methods for making a\@NLmultipart/alternate email for text/plain and text/html (the most common pair)\@NLand you can manually create any other type of MIME email.\@NL## Roadmap\@NLNext TODO:\@NL* Improve MIME support for character sets in headers, currently works, mostly, needs\@NL  refinement.\@NL## Testing Policy\@NLBasically... we do BDD on Mail.  No method gets written in Mail without a\@NLcorresponding or covering spec.  We expect as a minimum 100% coverage\@NLmeasured by RCov.  While this is not perfect by any measure, it is pretty\@NLgood.  Additionally, all functional tests from TMail are to be passing before\@NLthe gem gets released.\@NLIt also means you can be sure Mail will behave correctly.\@NLNote: If you care about core extensions (aka ""monkey-patching""), please read the Core Extensions section near the end of this README.\@NL## API Policy\@NLNo API removals within a single point release.  All removals to be deprecated with\@NLwarnings for at least one MINOR point release before removal.\@NLAlso, all private or protected methods to be declared as such - though this is still I/P.\@NL## Installation\@NLInstallation is fairly simple, I host mail on rubygems, so you can just do:\@NL    # gem install mail\@NL## Encodings\@NLIf you didn't know, handling encodings in Emails is not as straight forward as you\@NLwould hope.\@NLI have tried to simplify it some:\@NL1. All objects that can render into an email, have an `#encoded` method.  Encoded will\@NL   return the object as a complete string ready to send in the mail system, that is,\@NL   it will include the header field and value and CRLF at the end and wrapped as\@NL   needed.\@NL2. All objects that can render into an email, have a `#decoded` method.  Decoded will\@NL   return the object's ""value"" only as a string.  This means it will not include\@NL   the header fields (like 'To:' or 'Subject:').\@NL3. By default, calling <code>#to_s</code> on a container object will call its encoded\@NL   method, while <code>#to_s</code> on a field object will call its decoded method.\@NL   So calling <code>#to_s</code> on a Mail object will return the mail, all encoded\@NL   ready to send, while calling <code>#to_s</code> on the From field or the body will\@NL   return the decoded value of the object. The header object of Mail is considered a\@NL   container. If you are in doubt, call <code>#encoded</code>, or <code>#decoded</code>\@NL   explicitly, this is safer if you are not sure.\@NL4. Structured fields that have parameter values that can be encoded (e.g. Content-Type) will\@NL   provide decoded parameter values when you call the parameter names as methods against\@NL   the object.\@NL5. Structured fields that have parameter values that can be encoded (e.g. Content-Type) will\@NL   provide encoded parameter values when you call the parameter names through the\@NL   <code>object.parameters['<parameter_name>']</code> method call.\@NL## Contributing\@NLPlease do!  Contributing is easy in Mail.  Please read the document for more info\@NL## Usage\@NLAll major mail functions should be able to happen from the Mail module.\@NLSo, you should be able to just <code>require 'mail'</code> to get started.\@NL### Making an email\@NL```ruby\@NLmail = do\@NL  from    ''\@NL  to      ''\@NL  subject 'This is a test email'\@NL  body'body.txt')\@NLend\@NLmail.to_s #=> ""From:\r\nTo: you@...\@NL```\@NL### Making an email, have it your way:\@NL```ruby\@NLmail = do\@NL  body'body.txt')\@NLend\@NLmail['from'] = ''\@NLmail[:to]    = ''\@NLmail.subject = 'This is a test email'\@NLmail.header['X-Custom-Header'] = 'custom value'\@NLmail.to_s #=> ""From:\r\nTo: you@...\@NL```\@NL### Don't Worry About Message IDs:\@NL```ruby\@NLmail = do\@NL  to   ''\@NL  body 'Some simple body'\@NLend\@NLmail.to_s =~ /Message\-ID: <[\d\w_]+@.+.mail/ #=> 27\@NL```\@NLMail will automatically add a Message-ID field if it is missing and\@NLgive it a unique, random Message-ID along the lines of:\@NL    <>\@NL### Or do worry about Message-IDs:\@NL```ruby\@NLmail = do\@NL  to         ''\@NL  message_id '<>'\@NL  body       'Some simple body'\@NLend\@NLmail.to_s =~ /Message\-ID: <>/ #=> 27\@NL```\@NLMail will take the message_id you assign to it trusting that you know\@NLwhat you are doing.\@NL### Sending an email:\@NLMail defaults to sending via SMTP to local host port 25.  If you have a\@NLsendmail or postfix daemon running on this port, sending email is as\@NLeasy as:\@NL```ruby\@NLMail.deliver do\@NL  from     ''\@NL  to       ''\@NL  subject  'Here is the image you wanted'\@NL  body'body.txt')\@NL  add_file '/full/path/to/somefile.png'\@NLend\@NL```\@NLor\@NL```ruby\@NLmail = do\@NL  from     ''\@NL  to       ''\@NL  subject  'Here is the image you wanted'\@NL  body'body.txt')\@NL  add_file :filename => 'somefile.png', :content =>'/somefile.png')\@NLend\@NLmail.deliver!\@NL```\@NLSending via sendmail can be done like so:\@NL```ruby\@NLmail = do\@NL  from     ''\@NL  to       ''\@NL  subject  'Here is the image you wanted'\@NL  body'body.txt')\@NL  add_file :filename => 'somefile.png', :content =>'/somefile.png')\@NLend\@NLmail.delivery_method :sendmail\@NLmail.deliver\@NL```\@NLSending via smtp (for example to [mailcatcher](\@NL```ruby\@NLMail.defaults do\@NL  delivery_method :smtp, address: ""localhost"", port: 1025\@NLend\@NL```\@NLExim requires its own delivery manager, and can be used like so:\@NL```ruby\@NLmail.delivery_method :exim, :location => ""/usr/bin/exim""\@NLmail.deliver\@NL```\@NLMail may be ""delivered"" to a logfile, too, for development and testing:\@NL```ruby\@NL# Delivers by logging the encoded message to $stdout\@NLmail.delivery_method :logger\@NL# Delivers to an existing logger at :debug severity\@NLmail.delivery_method :logger, logger: other_logger, severity: :debug\@NL```\@NL### Getting Emails from a POP Server:\@NLYou can configure Mail to receive email using <code>retriever_method</code>\@NLwithin <code>Mail.defaults</code>:\@NL```ruby\@NLMail.defaults do\@NL  retriever_method :pop3, :address    => """",\@NL                          :port       => 995,\@NL                          :user_name  => '<username>',\@NL                          :password   => '<password>',\@NL                          :enable_ssl => true\@NLend\@NL```\@NLYou can access incoming email in a number of ways.\@NLThe most recent email:\@NL```ruby\@NLMail.all    #=> Returns an array of all emails\@NLMail.first  #=> Returns the first unread email\@NLMail.last   #=> Returns the last unread email\@NL```\@NLThe first 10 emails sorted by date in ascending order:\@NL```ruby\@NLemails = Mail.find(:what => :first, :count => 10, :order => :asc)\@NLemails.length #=> 10\@NL```\@NLOr even all emails:\@NL```ruby\@NLemails = Mail.all\@NLemails.length #=> LOTS!\@NL```\@NL### Reading an Email\@NL```ruby\@NLmail ='/path/to/message.eml')\@NLmail.envelope_from   #=> ''\@NLmail.from.addresses  #=> ['', '']\@NLmail.sender.address  #=> ''\              #=> ''\              #=> ''\@NLmail.subject         #=> ""This is the subject""\       #=> '21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600'\@NLmail.message_id      #=> '<>'\@NLmail.decoded         #=> 'This is the body of the email...\@NL```\@NLMany more methods available.\@NL### Reading a Multipart Email\@NL```ruby\@NLmail ='multipart_email')\@NLmail.multipart?          #=> true\        #=> 2\@NLmail.body.preamble       #=> ""Text before the first part""\@NLmail.body.epilogue       #=> ""Text after the last part""\ { |p| p.content_type }  #=> ['text/plain', 'application/pdf']\ { |p| p.class }         #=> [Mail::Message, Mail::Message]\[0].content_type_parameters  #=> {'charset' => 'ISO-8859-1'}\[1].content_type_parameters  #=> {'name' => 'my.pdf'}\@NL```\@NLMail generates a tree of parts.  Each message has many or no parts.  Each part\@NLis another message which can have many or no parts.\@NLA message will only have parts if it is a multipart/mixed or multipart/related\@NLcontent type and has a boundary defined.\@NL### Testing and Extracting Attachments\@NL```ruby\@NLmail.attachments.each do | attachment |\@NL  # Attachments is an AttachmentsList object containing a\@NL  # number of Part objects\@NL  if (attachment.content_type.start_with?('image/'))\@NL    # extracting images for example...\@NL    filename = attachment.filename\@NL    begin\@NL + filename, ""w+b"", 0644) {|f| f.write attachment.decoded}\@NL    rescue => e\@NL      puts ""Unable to save data for #{filename} because #{e.message}""\@NL    end\@NL  end\@NLend\@NL```\@NL### Writing and Sending a Multipart/Alternative (HTML and Text) Email\@NLMail makes some basic assumptions and makes doing the common thing as\@NLsimple as possible.... (asking a lot from a mail library)\@NL```ruby\@NLmail = Mail.deliver do\@NL  to      ''\@NL  from    'Mikel Lindsaar <>'\@NL  subject 'First multipart email sent with Mail'\@NL  text_part do\@NL    body 'This is plain text'\@NL  end\@NL  html_part do\@NL    content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'\@NL    body '<h1>This is HTML</h1>'\@NL  end\@NLend\@NL```\@NLMail then delivers the email at the end of the block and returns the\@NLresulting Mail::Message object, which you can then inspect if you\@NLso desire...\@NL```\@NLputs mail.to_s #=>\@NLTo:\@NLFrom: Mikel Lindsaar <>\@NLSubject: First multipart email sent with Mail\@NLContent-Type: multipart/alternative;\@NL  boundary=--==_mimepart_4a914f0c911be_6f0f1ab8026659\@NLMessage-ID: <4a914f12ac7e_6f0f1ab80267d1@baci.local.mail>\@NLDate: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 00:15:46 +1000\@NLMime-Version: 1.0\@NLContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\@NL----==_mimepart_4a914f0c911be_6f0f1ab8026659\@NLContent-ID: <4a914f12c8c4_6f0f1ab80268d6@baci.local.mail>\@NLDate: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 00:15:46 +1000\@NLMime-Version: 1.0\@NLContent-Type: text/plain\@NLContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\@NLThis is plain text\@NL----==_mimepart_4a914f0c911be_6f0f1ab8026659\@NLContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\@NLContent-ID: <4a914f12cf86_6f0f1ab802692c@baci.local.mail>\@NLDate: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 00:15:46 +1000\@NLMime-Version: 1.0\@NLContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\@NL<h1>This is HTML</h1>\@NL----==_mimepart_4a914f0c911be_6f0f1ab8026659--\@NL```\@NLMail inserts the content transfer encoding, the mime version,\@NLthe content-id's and handles the content-type and boundary.\@NLMail assumes that if your text in the body is only us-ascii, that your\@NLtransfer encoding is 7bit and it is text/plain.  You can override this\@NLby explicitly declaring it.\@NL### Making Multipart/Alternate, Without a Block\@NLYou don't have to use a block with the text and html part included, you\@NLcan just do it declaratively.  However, you need to add Mail::Parts to\@NLan email, not Mail::Messages.\@NL```ruby\@NLmail = do\@NL  to      ''\@NL  from    'Mikel Lindsaar <>'\@NL  subject 'First multipart email sent with Mail'\@NLend\@NLtext_part = do\@NL  body 'This is plain text'\@NLend\@NLhtml_part = do\@NL  content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'\@NL  body '<h1>This is HTML</h1>'\@NLend\@NLmail.text_part = text_part\@NLmail.html_part = html_part\@NL```\@NLResults in the same email as done using the block form\@NL### Getting Error Reports from an Email:\@NL```ruby\@NL@mail ='/path/to/bounce_message.eml')\@NL@mail.bounced?         #=> true\@NL@mail.final_recipient  #=> rfc822;\@NL@mail.action           #=> failed\@NL@mail.error_status     #=> 5.5.0\@NL@mail.diagnostic_code  #=> smtp;550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable\@NL@mail.retryable?       #=> false\@NL```\@NL### Attaching and Detaching Files\@NLYou can just read the file off an absolute path, Mail will try\@NLto guess the mime_type and will encode the file in Base64 for you.\@NL```ruby\@NL@mail =\@NL@mail.add_file(""/path/to/file.jpg"")\ #=> true\ #=> 'base64'\@NL@mail.attachments.first.mime_type #=> 'image/jpg'\@NL@mail.attachments.first.filename #=> 'file.jpg'\@NL@mail.attachments.first.decoded =='/path/to/file.jpg') #=> true\@NL```\@NLOr You can pass in file_data and give it a filename, again, mail\@NLwill try and guess the mime_type for you.\@NL```ruby\@NL@mail =\@NL@mail.attachments['myfile.pdf'] ='path/to/myfile.pdf')\ #=> true\@NL@mail.attachments.first.mime_type #=> 'application/pdf'\@NL@mail.attachments.first.decoded =='path/to/myfile.pdf') #=> true\@NL```\@NLYou can also override the guessed MIME media type if you really know better\@NLthan mail (this should be rarely needed)\@NL```ruby\@NL@mail =\@NL@mail.attachments['myfile.pdf'] = { :mime_type => 'application/x-pdf',\@NL                                    :content =>'path/to/myfile.pdf') }\ #=> 'application/x-pdf'\@NL```\@NLOf course... Mail will round trip an attachment as well\@NL```ruby\@NL@mail = do\@NL  to      ''\@NL  from    'Mikel Lindsaar <>'\@NL  subject 'First multipart email sent with Mail'\@NL  text_part do\@NL    body 'Here is the attachment you wanted'\@NL  end\@NL  html_part do\@NL    content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'\@NL    body '<h1>Funky Title</h1><p>Here is the attachment you wanted</p>'\@NL  end\@NL  add_file '/path/to/myfile.pdf'\@NLend\@NL@round_tripped_mail =\@NL@round_tripped_mail.attachments.length #=> 1\@NL@round_tripped_mail.attachments.first.filename #=> 'myfile.pdf'\@NL```\@NLSee ""Testing and extracting attachments"" above for more details.\@NL## Using Mail with Testing or Spec'ing Libraries\@NLIf mail is part of your system, you'll need a way to test it without actually\@NLsending emails, the TestMailer can do this for you.\@NL```ruby\@NLrequire 'mail'\@NL=> true\@NLMail.defaults do\@NL  delivery_method :test\@NLend\@NL=> #<Mail::Configuration:0x19345a8 @delivery_method=Mail::TestMailer>\@NLMail::TestMailer.deliveries\@NL=> []\@NLMail.deliver do\@NL  to ''\@NL  from ''\@NL  subject 'testing'\@NL  body 'hello'\@NLend\@NL=> #<Mail::Message:0x19284ec ...\@NLMail::TestMailer.deliveries.length\@NL=> 1\@NLMail::TestMailer.deliveries.first\@NL=> #<Mail::Message:0x19284ec ...\@NLMail::TestMailer.deliveries.clear\@NL=> []\@NL```\@NLThere is also a set of RSpec matchers stolen/inspired by Shoulda's ActionMailer matchers (you'll want to set <code>delivery_method</code> as above too):\@NL```ruby\@NLMail.defaults do\@NL  delivery_method :test # in practice you'd do this in spec_helper.rb\@NLend\@NLdescribe ""sending an email"" do\@NL  include Mail::Matchers\@NL  before(:each) do\@NL    Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.clear\@NL    Mail.deliver do\@NL      to ['', '']\@NL      from ''\@NL      subject 'testing'\@NL      body 'hello'\@NL    end\@NL  end\@NL  it { have_sent_email } # passes if any email at all was sent\@NL  it { have_sent_email.from('') }\@NL  it {'') }\@NL  # can specify a list of recipients...\@NL  it {['', '']) }\@NL  # ...or chain recipients together\@NL  it {'').to('') }\@NL  it { have_sent_email.with_subject('testing') }\@NL  it { have_sent_email.with_body('hello') }\@NL  # Can match subject or body with a regex\@NL  # (or anything that responds_to? :match)\@NL  it { have_sent_email.matching_subject(/test(ing)?/) }\@NL  it { have_sent_email.matching_body(/h(a|e)llo/) }\@NL  # Can chain together modifiers\@NL  # Note that apart from recipients, repeating a modifier overwrites old value.\@NL  it { have_sent_email.from('').to('').matching_body(/hell/)\@NL  # test for attachments\@NL  # ... by specific attachment\@NL  it { have_sent_email.with_attachments(my_attachment) }\@NL  # ... or any attachment\@NL  it { have_sent_email.with_attachments(any_attachment) }\@NL  # ... by array of attachments\@NL  it { have_sent_email.with_attachments([my_attachment1, my_attachment2]) } #note that order is important\@NL  #... by presence\@NL  it { have_sent_email.with_any_attachments }\@NL  #... or by absence\@NL  it { have_sent_email.with_no_attachments }\@NLend\@NL```\@NL## Excerpts from TREC Spam Corpus 2005\@NLThe spec fixture files in spec/fixtures/emails/from_trec_2005 are from the\@NL2005 TREC Public Spam Corpus. They remain copyrighted under the terms of\@NLthat project and license agreement. They are used in this project to verify\@NLand describe the development of this email parser implementation.\@NL\@NLThey are used as allowed by 'Permitted Uses, Clause 3':\@NL    ""Small excerpts of the information may be displayed to others\@NL     or published in a scientific or technical context, solely for\@NL     the purpose of describing the research and development and\@NL     related issues.""\@NL     --\@NL## License\@NL(The MIT License)\@NLCopyright (c) 2009-2016 Mikel Lindsaar\@NLPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\@NLa copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\@NL'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\@NLwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\@NLdistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\@NLpermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\@NLthe following conditions:\@NLThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\@NLincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\@NLTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\@NLEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\@NLMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\@NLIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\@NLCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\@NLTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\@NLSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.",/Users/scott/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6/gems/mail-2.7.1
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