# Photish Todo
## In Progress
1. _Nothing_
## Backlog
1. Dev environment using Docker
1. Amazon AWS, image processing using their service or an EC2 box
1. Create BREW package, publish to TAP
1. Create Choco/OneGet package with appveyor, maybe git submodule
1. Create ArchLinux package, publish to AUR
1. Improve CLI help commands and documentation
1. Full features do not work in packaged version, i.e. host command, feature
flag them, create an integration test
1. Tweak FPM to allow homepage field override in DEB and RPM
1. Determine if other metadata can be set in packages
1. Video transcoding and template rendering for videos
1. Improve the `--example` template of Photish
1. AWS CLI tool deploy engine
1. Github pages deploy engine
1. Performance of image, video and page generation
1. Stabilize full tests for JRuby and Rubinius
1. Add unit tests to classes relying on feature tests
1. Improve metric scores from `rake stats`
1. Fix jruby tests on snap-ci
1. Setup rbx builds on snap-ci
1. Work out way to determine processes without facter