'use strict'
const co = require('co')
const cli = require('heroku-cli-util')
const authorizations = require('../../authorizations')
function * run (context, heroku) {
let promise = heroku.request({
method: 'POST',
path: '/oauth/authorizations',
body: {
description: context.flags.description,
scope: context.flags.scope ? context.flags.scope.split(',') : undefined,
expires_in: context.flags['expires-in']
if (!context.flags.short && !context.flags.json) {
promise = cli.action('Creating OAuth Authorization', promise)
let auth = yield promise
if (context.flags.short) {
} else if (context.flags.json) {
} else {
const ScopeCompletion = {
skipCache: true,
options: (ctx) => {
return ['global', 'identity', 'read', 'write', 'read-protected', 'write-protected']
module.exports = {
topic: 'authorizations',
command: 'create',
description: 'create a new OAuth authorization',
help: 'This creates an authorization with access to your Heroku account.',
needsAuth: true,
flags: [
{char: 'd', name: 'description', hasValue: true, description: 'set a custom authorization description'},
{char: 's', name: 'scope', hasValue: true, description: 'set custom OAuth scopes', completion: ScopeCompletion},
{char: 'e', name: 'expires-in', hasValue: true, description: 'set expiration in seconds (default no expiration)'},
{char: 'S', name: 'short', description: 'only output token'},
{char: 'j', name: 'json', description: 'output in json format'}
run: cli.command(co.wrap(run))