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'use strict'

const co = require('co')
const cli = require('heroku-cli-util')

function * run (context, heroku) {
  const pgbackups = require('../../lib/pgbackups')(context, heroku)
  const fetcher = require('../../lib/fetcher')(heroku)
  const host = require('../../lib/host')

  const {app, args, flags} = context
  const interval = Math.max(3, parseInt(flags['wait-interval'])) || 3
  const db = yield fetcher.addon(app, args.database)

  if (flags.snapshot) {
    yield cli.action(`Taking snapshot of ${cli.color.addon(db.name)}`, co(function * () {
      yield heroku.post(`/postgres/v0/databases/${db.id}/snapshots`, {host: host(db)})
  } else {
    let dbInfo = yield heroku.request({
      host: host(db),
      method: 'get',
      path: `/client/v11/databases/${db.id}`
    }).catch(err => {
      if (err.statusCode !== 404) throw err
      cli.exit(1, `${cli.color.addon(db.name)} is not yet provisioned.\nRun ${cli.color.cmd('heroku addons:wait')} to wait until the db is provisioned.`)
    if (dbInfo) {
      let dbProtected = /On/.test(dbInfo.info.find(attribute => attribute.name === 'Continuous Protection').values[0])
      if (dbProtected) {
        cli.warn('Continuous protection is already enabled for this database. Logical backups of large databases are likely to fail.')
        cli.warn('See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgres-data-safety-and-continuous-protection#physical-backups-on-heroku-postgres.')
    let backup
    yield cli.action(`Starting backup of ${cli.color.addon(db.name)}`, co(function * () {
      backup = yield heroku.post(`/client/v11/databases/${db.id}/backups`, {host: host(db)})
Use Ctrl-C at any time to stop monitoring progress; the backup will continue running.
Use ${cli.color.cmd('heroku pg:backups:info')} to check progress.
Stop a running backup with ${cli.color.cmd('heroku pg:backups:cancel')}.
    if (app !== db.app.name) {
      cli.log(`HINT: You are running this command with a non-billing application.
Use ${cli.color.cmd('heroku pg:backups -a ' + db.app.name)} to check the list of backups.
    yield pgbackups.wait(`Backing up ${cli.color.configVar(backup.from_name)} to ${cli.color.cyan(pgbackups.transfer.name(backup))}`, backup.uuid, interval, flags.verbose, db.app.name)

module.exports = {
  topic: 'pg',
  command: 'backups:capture',
  description: 'capture a new backup',
  needsApp: true,
  needsAuth: true,
  args: [{name: 'database', optional: true}],
  flags: [
    {name: 'wait-interval', hasValue: true},
    {name: 'snapshot'},
    {name: 'verbose', char: 'v'}
  run: cli.command({preauth: true}, co.wrap(run))