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namespace Herpaderpaldent\Seat\SeatDiscourse\Http\Controllers;

use Cviebrock\DiscoursePHP\SSOHelper;
use Herpaderpaldent\Seat\SeatDiscourse\Action\Discourse\Groups\Sync;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable as User;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository as Config;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Seat\Web\Models\Acl\Role;

 * Class SsoController.
 * Controller to process the Discourse SSO request.  There is a good bit of logic in here that almost feels like too
 * much for a controller, but given that this is the only thing that this controller is doing, I am not going to break
 * it out into some service class.
 * @package Spinen\Discourse
class SsoController extends Controller
     * Package configuration.
     * @var Collection
    protected $config;

     * SSOHelper Instance.
     * @var SSOHelper
    protected $sso;

     * Authenticated user.
     * @var User
    protected $user;

     * SsoController constructor.
     * @param Config $config
     * @param SSOHelper $sso
    /*public function __construct(Config $config, SSOHelper $sso)

        $this->sso = $sso->setSecret($this->config->get('secret'));
    public function __construct(SSOHelper $sso)
        $this->sso = $sso->setSecret(getenv('DISCOURSE_SECRET'));

    public function redirect()
        if (! auth()->user()->group->email) {
            return redirect()->route('profile.view')->with('error', 'You must enter an email address to use the forum.');

        return redirect()->away(env('DISCOURSE_URL'));


     * Build out the extra parameters to send to Discourse.
     * @return array
    protected function buildExtraParameters()
        /*return $this->config->get('user')
                            ->except(['access', 'email', 'external_id'])
                            ->reject([$this, 'nullProperty'])
                            ->map([$this, 'parseUserValue'])
                            ->map([$this, 'castBooleansToString'])
        return [

            // Groups to make sure that the user is part of in a comma-separated string
            // NOTE: Groups cannot have spaces in their names & must already exist in Discourse
            'add_groups' => $this->user->group->roles->map(function ($role) {return studly_case($role->title); })->implode(','),

            // Boolean for user a Discourse admin, leave null to ignore
            //'admin' => null,

            // Full path to user's avatar image
            'avatar_url' => 'http://image.eveonline.com/Character/' . $this->user->group->main_character_id . '_128.jpg',

            // The avatar is cached, so this triggers an update
            'avatar_force_update' => true,

            // Content of the user's bio
            //'bio' => null,

            // Boolean for user a Discourse admin, leave null to ignore
            //'moderator' => null,

            // Full name on Discourse if the user is new or
            // if SiteSetting.sso_overrides_name is set
            'name' => $this->user->group->main_character->name,

            // Groups to make sure that the user is *NOT* part of in a comma-separated string
            // NOTE: Groups cannot have spaces in their names & must already exist in Discourse
            // There is not a way to specify the exact list of groups that a user is in, so
            // you may want to send the inverse of the 'add_groups'
            'remove_groups' => Role::all()->diff($this->user->group->roles)->map(function ($role) {return studly_case($role->title); })->implode(','),

            // If the email has not been verified, set this to true
            'require_activation' => false,

            // username on Discourse if the user is new or
            // if SiteSetting.sso_overrides_username is set
            'username' => $this->user->name,

     * Make boolean's into string.
     * The Discourse SSO API does not accept 0 or 1 for false or true.  You must send
     * "false" or "true", so convert any boolean property to the string version.
     * @param $property
     * @return string
    public function castBooleansToString($property)
        if (! is_bool($property)) {
            return $property;

        return ($property) ? 'true' : 'false';

     * Cache the configs on the object as a collection.
     * The 'user' property will be an array, so go ahead and convert it to a collection
     * @param Config $config
    /*protected function loadConfigs(Config $config)
        $this->config = collect($config->get('services.discourse'));
        $this->config->put('user', collect($this->config->get('user')));

     * Process the SSO login request from Discourse.
     * @param Request                                                          $request
     * @param \Herpaderpaldent\Seat\SeatDiscourse\Action\Discourse\Groups\Sync $sync
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \Cviebrock\DiscoursePHP\Exception\PayloadException
    public function login(Request $request, Sync $sync)
        if(! auth()->user()->group->email){
            return redirect()->route('profile.view')->with('error', 'You must enter an email address to use the forum.');
        //ToDo: Refactoring sync by replacing it with model events

        $this->user = $request->user();

        foreach ($this->user->group->users as $user){
            if (is_null($user->refresh_token))
                return redirect()->route('profile.view')->with('error', 'One of your characters is missing its refresh token. Please login with him again');

        if (! ($this->sso->validatePayload($payload = $request->get('sso'), $request->get('sig')))) {
            abort(403); //Forbidden

        $query = $this->sso->getSignInString(

        return redirect(str_finish(getenv('DISCOURSE_URL'), '/') . 'session/sso_login?' . $query);

     * Check to see if property is null.
     * @param string $property
     * @return bool
    public function nullProperty($property)
        return is_null($property);

     * Get the property from the user.
     * If a string is passed in, then get it from the user object, otherwise, return what was given
     * @param string $property
     * @return mixed
    public function parseUserValue($property)
        if (! is_string($property)) {
            return $property;

        return $this->user->{$property};