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Test Coverage
 * Yiiq - background job queue manager for Yii
 * This file contains Yiiq worker command class.
 * @author  Martin Stolz <herr.offizier@gmail.com>
 * @package yiiq.commands

namespace Yiiq\commands;

use Yiiq\Yiiq;
use Yiiq\jobs\Job;
use Yiiq\jobs\Runner;
use Yiiq\util\Queue;
use Yiiq\util\SignalDispatcher;

 * Yiiq worker command class.
 * @author  Martin Stolz <herr.offizier@gmail.com>
class Worker extends Base
     * Worker pid.
     * @var int
    protected $pid;

     * Worker queues.
     * @var Queue[]
    protected $queues;

     * Max count of child threads.
     * @var int
    protected $maxThreads;

     * Signal dispatcher.
     * @var SignalDispatcher
    protected $signalDispatcher;

     * Child pid pool.
     * @var \ARedisSet
    protected $childPool;

     * Child pid to job id array.
     * @var Job[]
    protected $pidToJob = [];

     * Shutdown flag.
     * Becomes true on SIGTERM.
     * @var boolean
    protected $shutdown = false;

     * Get child pid pool.
     * @return \ARedisSet
    protected function getChildPool()
        if ($this->childPool === null) {
            $this->childPool = \Yii::app()->yiiq->pools->children[$this->pid];

        return $this->childPool;

     * Check if given queues are already watched.
    protected function checkRunningWorkers()
        foreach ($this->queues as $queue) {
            if (
                ($oldPid = \Yii::app()->yiiq->pools->workers[$queue]->get())
                && (\Yii::app()->yiiq->health->isPidAlive($oldPid))
            ) {
                \Yii::trace('Worker for queue '.$queue.' already running.');

     * Save current pid to redis.
    protected function savePid()
        foreach ($this->queues as $queue) {


     * Remove current pid from redis.
    protected function clearPid()
        foreach ($this->queues as $queue) {


     * Get signal dispatcher.
     * @return SignalDispatcher
    protected function getSignalDispatcher()
        if ($this->signalDispatcher === null) {
            $this->signalDispatcher = new SignalDispatcher(\Yii::app()->yiiq);

        return $this->signalDispatcher;

     * Setup signal handlers.
    protected function setupSignals()
            on(SIGTERM, function () {
                $this->shutdown = true;
            on(SIGCHLD, function () {
                $this->waitForThread(WNOHANG | WUNTRACED);

     * Signal handlers array.
     * @return string[]
    protected function getSignalHandlers()
        return [
            SIGTERM => 'handleSigTerm',
            SIGCHLD => 'handleSigChld',

     * Get active child threads count.
     * @return int
    protected function getThreadsCount()
        return (int) \Yii::app()->redis->getClient()->scard($this->getChildPool()->name);

     * Can we fork one more thread?
     * @return boolean
    protected function hasFreeThread()
        return $this->getThreadsCount() < $this->maxThreads;

     * Wait for any child to exit.
     * If $options = WNOHANG returns immediately if no child process exited.
     * @param integer $options (optional)
    protected function waitForThread($options = 0)
        // Receive all child pids.
        do {
            $status = null;
            $childPid = pcntl_wait($status, $options);

            if ($childPid <= 0) {


            if (!isset($this->pidToJob[$childPid])) {

            $job = $this->pidToJob[$childPid];

            // If status is non-zero or job is still marked as executing,
            // child process failed.
            if ($status || $job->status->isExecuting) {
        } while ($childPid > 0);

     * Wait for child threads to complete.
    protected function waitForThreads()
        while ($this->getThreadsCount()) {

     * Wait for threads or signals.
    protected function wait()
        // If no free slots available wait for any child to exit. Otherwise just wait some time.
        if (!$this->hasFreeThread()) {
                'no free threads ('.$this->maxThreads.' threads)'

        } else {
                'no new jobs ('.$this->getThreadsCount()
                .' of '.$this->maxThreads.' threads busy)'

            // Wait a little before next loop.

     * Run job with given id.
     * Job will be executed in fork and method will return
     * after the fork get initialized.
     * @param Job $job
    protected function execute(Job $job)
        $runner = new Runner(\Yii::app()->yiiq, $job);

        $childPid = $runner->run();
        if (!$childPid) {

        $this->pidToJob[$childPid] = $job;

     * Main loop.
    protected function loop()
        $count  = count($this->queues);
        $queue  = null;
        $job    = null;

        $queueIterator = new \InfiniteIterator(new \ArrayIterator($this->queues));

        while (!$this->shutdown) {
            // Iterate over free threads.
            while ($this->hasFreeThread()) {
                // Look for new job.
                // Iterate over all watched queues, stop when new job found or
                // all queues iterated.
                $iterationCount = 0;
                foreach ($queueIterator as $queue) {
                    if ($job = $queue->pop()) {

                    if ($iterationCount >= $count) {

                // No job was found - exit loop.
                if (!$job) {

                // Execute found job.

            // Wait for free threads or signals.

            // Handle signals.

     * Run worker for given queues and with given count of
     * max child threads.
     * @param string[] $queue
     * @param integer  $threads
    public function actionRun(array $queue, $threads)

        $this->pid          = posix_getpid();
        $this->queues       = array_map(function ($queue) {
            return \Yii::app()->yiiq->queues[$queue];
        }, $queue);
        $this->maxThreads   = (int) $threads;

        \Yii::app()->yiiq->setProcessTitle('worker', $this->queues, 'initializing');


        \Yii::trace('Started new yiiq worker '.$this->pid.' for '.implode(', ', $this->queues).'.');


        \Yii::app()->yiiq->setProcessTitle('worker', $this->queues, 'terminating');


        \Yii::trace('Terminated yiiq worker '.$this->pid.'.');