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Test Coverage
  "contractName": "Ownable",
  "abi": [
      "inputs": [],
      "payable": false,
      "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
      "type": "constructor"
      "anonymous": false,
      "inputs": [
          "indexed": true,
          "name": "previousOwner",
          "type": "address"
          "indexed": true,
          "name": "newOwner",
          "type": "address"
      "name": "OwnershipTransferred",
      "type": "event"
      "constant": true,
      "inputs": [],
      "name": "owner",
      "outputs": [
          "name": "",
          "type": "address"
      "payable": false,
      "stateMutability": "view",
      "type": "function"
      "constant": true,
      "inputs": [],
      "name": "isOwner",
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          "name": "",
          "type": "bool"
      "payable": false,
      "stateMutability": "view",
      "type": "function"
      "constant": false,
      "inputs": [],
      "name": "renounceOwnership",
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      "payable": false,
      "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
      "type": "function"
      "constant": false,
      "inputs": [
          "name": "newOwner",
          "type": "address"
      "name": "transferOwnership",
      "outputs": [],
      "payable": false,
      "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
      "type": "function"
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  "source": "pragma solidity ^0.5.0;\n\n/**\n * @title Ownable\n * @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control\n * functions, this simplifies the implementation of \"user permissions\".\n */\ncontract Ownable {\n    address private _owner;\n\n    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender\n     * account.\n     */\n    constructor () internal {\n        _owner = msg.sender;\n        emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), _owner);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @return the address of the owner.\n     */\n    function owner() public view returns (address) {\n        return _owner;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.\n     */\n    modifier onlyOwner() {\n        require(isOwner());\n        _;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @return true if `msg.sender` is the owner of the contract.\n     */\n    function isOwner() public view returns (bool) {\n        return msg.sender == _owner;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract.\n     * @notice Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner.\n     * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner`\n     * modifier anymore.\n     */\n    function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner {\n        emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0));\n        _owner = address(0);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.\n     * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.\n     */\n    function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {\n        _transferOwnership(newOwner);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner.\n     * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.\n     */\n    function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal {\n        require(newOwner != address(0));\n        emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner);\n        _owner = newOwner;\n    }\n}\n",
  "sourcePath": "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol",
  "ast": {
    "absolutePath": "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol",
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        "documentation": "@title Ownable\n@dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control\nfunctions, this simplifies the implementation of \"user permissions\".",
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            "documentation": "@dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender\naccount.",
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            "documentation": "@dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract.\n@notice Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner.\nIt will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner`\nmodifier anymore.",
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            "documentation": "@dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract.\n@notice Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner.\nIt will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner`\nmodifier anymore.",
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    "src": "0:2092:20"
  "compiler": {
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    "version": "0.5.0+commit.1d4f565a.Emscripten.clang"
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  "schemaVersion": "3.0.2",
  "updatedAt": "2019-02-28T09:44:08.685Z",
  "devdoc": {
    "details": "The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control functions, this simplifies the implementation of \"user permissions\".",
    "methods": {
      "constructor": {
        "details": "The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender account."
      "isOwner()": {
        "return": "true if `msg.sender` is the owner of the contract."
      "owner()": {
        "return": "the address of the owner."
      "renounceOwnership()": {
        "details": "Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract."
      "transferOwnership(address)": {
        "details": "Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.",
        "params": {
          "newOwner": "The address to transfer ownership to."
    "title": "Ownable"
  "userdoc": {
    "methods": {
      "renounceOwnership()": {
        "notice": "Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner. It will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner` modifier anymore."