== 0.5.1 2011-04-08
* Ensure resulting string's length is never greater than supplied length (csquared)
== 0.5.0 2011-01-26
* Multibyte support. (smix, parndt)
== 0.4.0 2010-03-30
* Rails 3 support. This breaks rails 2 support.
== 0.3.2 2010-03-23
* Fix for autoloading of classes in older Rails versions. (kball)
* Fix issue #5: autoloading of default configuration.
== 0.3.1 2010-02-03
* Fixed minor typo on the word_boundary option name.
== 0.3.0 2010-02-02
* Added the ability to set global configuration parameters
* Added the word_boundry option
== 0.2.2 2009-12-23
* Fix issue #4: Handle case when supplied length is smaller than omission. (ghazel)
== 0.2.1 2009-12-18
* Fix issue #3: Handle case when input html contins a script tag.
== 0.2.0 2009-11-23
* Fix issue #2: The omission text's length is now included in the returned
string's calculation. This is more consistent with the rails truncate
helper's behavior.
== 0.1.2 2009-09-25
* Fix issue #1: Handle case when input html is nil. (bcardarella)
== 0.1.1 2009-08-25
* Fixed issue with regex which would not recognize <a> tags that contain slashes.
* Other refactoring and improvements to spec coverage.
== 0.1.0 2009-08-03
* Wrote truncate_html. Initial release.