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import Ember from 'ember';
import layout from '../templates/components/spree-auth';
  A simple Fieldset that doubles as a Signin & Signup form.  Sends action:
  `authenticateUser` or `createAndAuthenticateUser` depending on whether
  `isSignup` is set to `true` or `false`.

  **To Override:** You'll need to run the generator:

  ember g spree-ember-auth-component

  This will install a layout file at: `app/templates/components/spree-auth`, and
  a component file at `app/components/spree-auth`, ready to be extended.

  @class SpreeAuth
  @extends Ember.Component
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  layout: layout,
    The mode of the component. 
    @property isSignup
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  isSignup: false,
    The action that is sent when `isSignup` is `false`.  This is caught by the action
    defined in the `spree-auth-user-route-mixin`.
    @property authAction
    @type String
    @default 'authenticateUser'
  authAction: 'authenticateUser',
    The action that is sent when `isSignup` is `true`.  This is caught by the action
    defined in the `spree-auth-user-route-mixin`.
    @property createAction
    @type String
    @default 'createAndAuthenticateUser'
  createAction: 'createAndAuthenticateUser',
  identification: null,
  password: null,
  passwordConfirmation: null,

  actions: {
    submit: function() {
      var identification       = this.get('identification');
      var password             = this.get('password');
      var passwordConfirmation = this.get('passwordConfirmation');

      var action = this.get('isSignup') ? 'createAction' : 'authAction';
      this.sendAction(action, {
        identification: identification,
        password: password,
        passwordConfirmation: passwordConfirmation