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import Ember from 'ember';
import DS from 'ember-data';

  The Spree Serializer is based on the `DS.ActiveModelSerializer`, but implements
  a stricter `serialize` method.

  var model = DS.Model.extend({
    firstName: DS.attr("string", { persistToServer: true }),
    lastName: DS.attr("string")

  var hugh = model.create();
    firstName: "Hugh",
    lastName: "Francis"

  // => Results in payload:
  user: {
    first_name: "Hugh"

  @class Spree 
  @namespace Serializer 
  @module spree-ember-core/serializers/spree
  @extends DS.ActiveModelSerializer
export default DS.ActiveModelSerializer.extend({
    Serializes a record for sending to the Spree server.  Here, we extend the
    default behaviour of `DS.ActiveModelSerializer#serialize` to ensure that we
    only persist attributes & relationships that have `persistToServer: true` in
    the model definition.  We also add the `id` to the payload, as we're often
    sending nested models to the server.

    @method serialize
    @param {DS.Model} record A model to serialize.
    @return {Object} A JSON object representing the record.
  serialize: function(record) {
    var payload = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
    record.eachAttribute(function(name, meta) {
      if (!meta.options.persistToServer) {
        delete payload[Ember.String.underscore(name)];
    }, this);
    record.eachRelationship(function(name, meta) {
      if (!meta.options.persistToServer) {
        if (meta.kind === "belongsTo") {
          delete payload[Ember.String.underscore(name)+"_id"];
        } else if (meta.kind === "hasMany") {
          delete payload[Ember.String.underscore(name)+"_ids"];
    }, this);
    payload.id = record.id;
    return payload;