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Test Coverage

Before releasing, please ensure that CHANGELOG.md contains references to the changes that have been made since last release. Don't worry about the `[Unreleased]` parts, this will be handled by the next command lines.

To make a new release:

rake version:bump:minor # Replace minor by major or patch, dependending on the type of release
rake do_release

This will handle tagging, building the gem and pushing it to RubyGems.
Take a look at [Juwelier's README](https://github.com/flajann2/juwelier#juwelier-craft-the-perfect-rubygem-for-ruby-23x-and-beyond) for more information.

Next you should update all the samples projects to use the new hiptest-publisher version. To do that, clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:hiptest/hiptest-publisher-samples.git
and run the commands:

cd hiptest-publisher-samples
bin/update-hps-version <NEW VERSION NUMBER>
Next check all CI are ok on GitHub.