
Test Coverage
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# *resv*
>A tool made of TypeScript that allows you to check the responsive design of each device at a glance. Start from the command line, monitor files and update automatically.

[![MIT License](](LICENSE)

### Tech
* [Node.js](
* [TypeScript](
* [reload](
* [webpack](
* [Jest](
* [node-sass](
* [Pug](
* [Commander.js](

### Installation
npm install [-g] [--save-dev] resv

### Usage
**If index.html you want to display is in the current directory:**
**If you want to specify the directory where index.html is located:**
resv [directory]
**or you can specify a URL:**
resv [url(e.g. http://localhost)]
**If you want to specify a directory to be monitored separately from the directory where index.html is located:**
resv -w [watch-directory]
**If you want to specify a port number(default: 8080):**
resv -p 80

### Options
| -w, ---watch-dir [directory] | The directory to watch. Defaults the serving directory |
| -e, --exts [extensions] | Extensions separated by commas or pipes. Defaults to html,css,sass,scss,js,jsx,tsx,vue,php,rb,go,py |
| -p, --port [port] | The port to bind to. Defaults to 8080(default: "8080") |
| -h, --help | output usage information |