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# In addition to the sketch, this file houses various other support code and
# helpers.

sketch = null

# Initializers
# ------------

# Initialize:
setup: ->   

  #- Required for CS-P5-mode parser.
  #- size(720, 480);

  # The `sketch` global is actually a reference to the sketch instance. This
  # approach is unique to the CS-P5 mode implementation. It acts as a namespace
  # for other globals, to make globals more apparent.
  sketch = @

  # The sketch instance also keeps a `state` namespace with attributes related
  # to sketch state. Aside from the sketch, it should be read-only.
  @state =
    frozen: no
    speedFactor: 0

  # First, initialize constants and extensions. These make the Processing API
  # even better.

  # Next, update any globals required for initializing classes. Class defaults
  # may require additional globals.
  @state.frameRate = frameRate.FILM

  # Next, initialize classes, including setting any less-static defaults.

  # Next, initialize Processing sketch settings.
  colorMode RGB, 255
  [w, h] = size.MEDIUM # Update size here.
  size w, h
  background color.WHITE
  # Next, initialize, along with its `Node`s, a single instance of `Wrap` called
  # `stage`, and keep it on `sketch`.

  # Next, initialize the stores for canvas image data, ie. to store screens so
  # view modes can be toggled non-destructively, and so image data can be
  # exported.

  # Last, initialize the controls for any mutable, configurable values in the
  # sketch, making the sketch much more interactive and powerful.

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# An initializer for constants:
_setupConstants: ->

  Constants, when possible, are attached to the Processing (sketch) API methods.
  This is because scope globals are of limited use in CS mode, and globalized
  methods are conveniently fitting as namespaces, despite being a little risky
  to modify.

  color.BLACK = color 0
  color.WHITE = color 255
  color.RED = color 255, 0, 0

  frameRate.DEBUG = 1
  frameRate.ANIMATION = 12
  frameRate.FILM = 24
  frameRate.VIDEO = 30
  frameRate.REAL = 60

  size.SMALL = [300, 300]
  size.MEDIUM = [720, 480]
  size.TWITTER = [1500, 500]

# An initializer for extensions:
_setupExtensions: ->

  * PVector extension to add helper constants and methods for the sketch. The main
    addition is the concept of a vector type.

  PVector.G = 0.01

  PVector.GENERIC = 0
  PVector.POSITION = 1
  PVector.VELOCITY = 2

  PVector.GRAVITY = 1 << 0
  PVector.ATTRACTION = 1 << 1

  PVector.createGravity = =>
    vec = new PVector 0, @state.speedFactor / 2
    vec.type = PVector.GRAVITY

  PVector::randomize = ->
    return unless @type is PVector.POSITION
    @x = random width
    @y = random height

  * Add helpers to the color API methods, mainly for conversion.

  #-This should be less magical.
  color.ensure = (c) ->
    c = parseInt c.substr(1), 16 if _.isString(c)
    if c > 0 then c - 16777216 else c

  color.transparentize = (c, ratio) -> color red(c), green(c), blue(c), alpha(c) * ratio

  * Add helpers to number methods, mainly for macro-calculations.

  random.dualScale = (n) -> random(1, n) / random(1, n)
  random.item = (list) -> list[_.random(list.length - 1)]
  random.signed = -> random -1, 1

  * Add core helpers.

  #-Currently unused.
  Processing.isKindOfClass = (obj, aClass) ->
    test = obj.constructor is aClass
    if not bool and obj.constructor.__super__?
      test = isKindOfClass obj.constructor.__super__, aClass

# An initializer for classes:
_setupClasses: ->


# An initializer for controls:
_setupGUI: ->

  The sketch has state and the dat.GUI library builds an interface to manipulate
  and tune that state for various results.

  gui = new dat.GUI()

  * Add sketch controls.

  folder = gui.addFolder 'sketch'

  toggle = folder.add @state, 'frozen'
  toggle.onFinishChange (toggled) => @freeze toggled

  select = folder.add @state, 'frameRate',
    'Debug': frameRate.DEBUG
    'Animation': frameRate.ANIMATION
    'Film': frameRate.FILM
    'Video': frameRate.VIDEO
    'Real': frameRate.REAL
  select.onFinishChange (option) => @state.frameRate = parseInt option, 10

  button = folder.add @, 'exportScreen'

  * Add stage controls.

  folder = gui.addFolder 'stage'

  colorPicker = folder.addColor @stage, 'fill'
  #-NOTE: onFinishChange somehow doesn't work.
  colorPicker.onChange (color) => @stage.fillColor color

  range = folder.add @stage, 'entropy', 0, 2

  range = folder.add @stage, 'frictionMag', 0.001, 0.1

  range = folder.add @stage, 'nodeCount', 0, 500
  range.onFinishChange (count) => @stage.updateNodeCount count

  toggle = folder.add @stage, 'gravity'
  toggle.onFinishChange (toggled) =>
    @stage.containment = if toggled then Wrap.REFLECTIVE else Wrap.TOROIDAL
    @stage.toggleForce PVector.GRAVITY, toggled

  select = folder.add @stage, 'containment',
    'Reflective': Wrap.REFLECTIVE
    'Toroidal': Wrap.TOROIDAL
  select.onFinishChange (option) => @stage.containment = parseInt option, 10

  button = folder.add @stage, 'clear'

  * Add node controls.

  folder = gui.addFolder 'node'

  createNodeParamsUpdater = (attribute, accessor) =>
    (value) =>
      for n in @stage.nodes
        if accessor? then n[accessor] value
        else n[attribute] = value

  colorPicker = folder.addColor @stage.nodeParams, 'stroke'
  colorPicker.onChange createNodeParamsUpdater('stroke', 'strokeColor')

  range = folder.add @stage.nodeParams, 'vMax', 0, @stage.nodeParams.vMax * 2
  range.onFinishChange createNodeParamsUpdater('vMax')

  range = folder.add @stage.nodeParams, 'attractDecayRate', 0, @stage.nodeParams.attractDecayRate * 2
  range.onFinishChange createNodeParamsUpdater('attractDecayRate')

  range = folder.add @stage.nodeParams, 'evadeLifespan', 0, @stage.nodeParams.evadeLifespan * 2
  range.onFinishChange createNodeParamsUpdater('evadeLifespan')

  range = folder.add @stage.nodeParams, 'tempRepulsionDecayRate', 0, @stage.nodeParams.tempRepulsionDecayRate * 2
  range.onFinishChange createNodeParamsUpdater('tempRepulsionDecayRate')

  toggle = folder.add @stage.nodeParams, 'attract'
  toggle.onFinishChange createNodeParamsUpdater('attract', 'isAttractor')

  toggle = folder.add @stage.nodeParams, 'collide'
  toggle.onFinishChange createNodeParamsUpdater('collide')

  toggle = folder.add @stage.nodeParams, 'varyMass'
  toggle.onFinishChange createNodeParamsUpdater('varyMass')

  select = folder.add @stage.nodeParams, 'viewMode',
    'Ball': Node.BALL
    'Line': Node.LINE
  select.onFinishChange (option) => @stage.onNodeViewModeChange parseInt option, 10

  # Export as a global onto the library itself.
  dat.GUI.shared = gui


# An initializer for image data storage:
_setupScreens: ->

  Screens can store and restore canvas state when switching between different
  draw modes.

  @_screenStacks = {}
  @_screenStacks[Wrap.TRACE] = []
  @_screenStacks[Wrap.DEFAULT] = []

# An initializer for the stage and its nodes:
_setupStage: ->

  The sketch only has one Wrap, and filling the sketch, it acts like a 'stage'.

  wind = new PVector 0.001, 0
  @stage = new Wrap
    id: 1
    containment: Wrap.TOROIDAL
    customForces: [ wind ]
    h: height
    w: width


  @stage.ready yes

# Updaters
# --------

# Update loop:
draw: -> @stage.draw()

# Stop updating:
freeze: (frozen) ->

  One of the first things we need to do is to be able to control the cycle-
  expensive run state without stopping the server. This is especially handy when
  LiveReload is used.

  frozen ?= @state.frozen

  n.move = !frozen for n in @stage.nodes
  if frozen then noLoop()
  else @loop()

  @state.frozen = frozen

_updateSpeedFactor: ->
  @state.speedFactor = frameRate.REAL / @state.frameRate
  frameRate @state.frameRate

# Canvas State
# ------------
# Some DOM-related logic:

canvasElement: -> @contentElement().querySelector 'canvas'
contentElement: -> document.getElementById 'content'

exportScreen: ->
  img = document.createElement 'img'
  img.src = @canvasElement().toDataURL()
  if @_imgPrev? then @contentElement().insertBefore img, @_imgPrev
  else @contentElement().appendChild img
  @_imgPrev = img

pushScreen: (customStack) ->
  [context, stack] = @_screenUpdateVars()
  stack = customStack if customStack?
  screen = context.getImageData 0, 0, width, height
  @_screenStacks[stack].push screen

popScreen: ->
  [context, stack] = @_screenUpdateVars()
  return unless @_screenStacks[stack].length
  context.putImageData @_screenStacks[stack].pop(), 0, 0

_screenUpdateVars: ->
  context = @canvasElement().getContext '2d'
  stack = if @stage.trace is on then Wrap.TRACE else Wrap.DEFAULT
  [context, stack]

# Responders
# ----------
# Some ad-hoc user input handling. Not as good as DOM events.

mouseClicked: -> @stage.mouseClicked()