# Wrap
# ====
class Wrap extends Node
constructor: (params = Wrap.defaults) ->
_.defaults params, Wrap.defaults unless params is Wrap.defaults
super params
@_allForces = null
@_isReady = no
@_needsClear = no
@nodes = []
# Static
# ======
Wrap can contain its nodes using distinct modes.
Wrap can render its nodes to screen in distinct states.
Wrap can layout its nodes in distinct patterns.
entropy: 1
autoReplace: on # Re-add on remove node.
contain: on # Contain nodes.
drainAtEdge: on # Drain node inertia at edges.
forceOptions: 0
customForces: []
autoMass: off
gravity: off
move: off
trace: off
varyMass: off
nodeDensity: 1 / 10
nodeParams: _.pick(Node.defaults,
'vMax', 'attractDecayRate', 'evadeLifespan', 'tempRepulsionDecayRate',
'attract', 'collide', 'varyMass')
@setup: ->
This needs to be called for the class to be ready for use. Some default
attributes reference other values not ready on initial declaration.
_.defaults @defaults, Node.defaults
@defaults.fill = color.WHITE
@defaults.traceFill = @traceFillColor @defaults.fill
@defaults.containment = Wrap.REFLECTIVE
@defaults.layoutPattern = Wrap.RANDOM
@defaults.viewMode = Node.FORMLESS
_.extend @defaults.nodeParams,
_.pick(Node.defaults, 'stroke', 'viewMode')
@defaults.frictionMag = 0.01 * sketch.state.speedFactor # constant * normal
@traceFillColor: (fc) -> color.transparentize fc, 0.01
# Inherited
# =========
draw: () ->
tracePrev = @trace
@trace = @nodeParams.viewMode is Node.LINE
if tracePrev is on and @trace isnt tracePrev
sketch.pushScreen Wrap.TRACE
# 'Layer' the canvas if needed.
isTraceFrame = millis() % (sketch.state.frameRate * 10) is 0
if @trace is on and isTraceFrame
fill @getTraceFillColor()
# Clear the canvas if needed.
if @trace is off or @_needsClear
fill @fillColor()
# Sometimes when switching view modes, the canvas needs to be cleared and restored.
if @_needsClear
@_needsClear = no
n?.draw() for n in @nodes
# Accessors
# ---------
radius: -> no
left: -> @x()
top: -> @y()
right: -> @w + @left()
bottom: -> @h + @top()
fillColor: (fc) ->
@traceFill = Wrap.traceFillColor fc if fc?
super fc
# Public
# ======
clear: ->
fill @fillColor()
removeNode: (n) ->
n.wrap = null
@nodes.splice @nodes.indexOf(n), 1
@updateNodeCount @nodes.length if @autoReplace
updateNodeCount: (count, customNodeParams) ->
count ?= @width() * @nodeDensity # Infer if needed.
count = parseInt count
# Contract if needed.
if @nodes.length > count
# Return nodes removed.
nodes = (@nodes.pop() until @nodes.length is count)
@nodeCount = @nodes.length
return nodes
# Or expand.
hasGravity = !!(@forceOptions & PVector.GRAVITY)
gravity = PVector.createGravity() if hasGravity
nodes = []
until @nodes.length is count
nodeParams = _.extend {}, @nodeParams, customNodeParams,
id: @nodes.length
wrap: @
n = new Node nodeParams
n.p.randomize() if @layoutPattern is Wrap.RANDOM and not customNodeParams?.p?
n.applyForce gravity if hasGravity
n.applyForce f for f in @customForces
@nodes.push n
nodes.push n
@nodeCount = @nodes.length # Observable value for dat.GUI.
return nodes
updateNodeContainment: (n) ->
shift = if @gravity is on then 1 else (1 - @entropy)
if @containment is Wrap.REFLECTIVE
do (v = n.v) =>
if n.right() > @right()
n.right @right()
v.x *= -shift if v.x > 0
else if n.left() < @left()
n.left @left()
v.x *= -shift if v.x < 0
if n.bottom() > @bottom()
n.bottom @bottom()
v.y *= -shift if v.y > 0
else if n.y() < @top() @top()
v.y *= -shift if v.y < 0
else if @containment is Wrap.TOROIDAL
contained = { x: yes, y: yes }
if n.left() > @right() then n.right @left()
else if n.right() < @left() then n.left @right()
else contained.x = no
if > @bottom() then n.bottom @top()
else if n.bottom() < @top() then @bottom()
else contained.y = no
if @drainAtEdge is on and (contained.x or contained.y)
# Physics
# -------
applyNodeFriction: (n) ->
friction = n.v.get()
friction.mult -1 * @frictionMag
n.applyForce friction
toggleForce: (f, toggled) ->
return no unless toggled?
@_allForces ?= @customForces
isForceOption = typeof f is 'number'
isForceName = f in @_allForces
if isForceOption
vec = PVector.createGravity() if f is PVector.GRAVITY
if toggled is on then @forceOptions |= f else @forceOptions ^= f
else if isForceName
vec = @_allForces[f]
if toggled is on then @customForces.push vec
else @customForces.splice @customForces.indexOf(vec), 1
if vec? then for n in @nodes
n.applyForce vec, toggled
# Accessors
# ---------
getTraceFillColor: -> @traceFill
ready: (r) -> @_ready = r if r?; @onReady() if r; @_ready
# Callbacks
# ---------
mouseClicked: ->
handled = _.any @nodes, (n) ->
n.handleClick { mouseX, mouseY }
, @
return if handled
# Add attractor node in empty space.
@updateNodeCount @nodes.length + 1,
attract: on
p: [ mouseX, mouseY, 0 ]
nodeMoved: (n) ->
@applyNodeFriction n
@updateNodeContainment n if @contain is on
onNodeViewModeChange: (vm) ->
if vm?
@nodeParams.viewMode = vm
n.viewMode = vm for n in @nodes
@_needsClear = @nodeParams.viewMode is Node.LINE
onReady: ->