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# Laravel Folder Watcher

Provides a Laravel console command that can watch a given folder, and any changes are passed to the provided command script.

Useful for running as a background task that initiates a virus scan on uploaded files.

Checkout our standalone command line tool inspired by the work we did here. [](

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This package has been developed by H&H|Digital, an Australian botique developer. Visit us at [](

## Install

Via composer:

`$ composer require-dev hnhdigital-os/laravel-folder-watcher dev-master`

Enable the console command by editing app/Console/Kernel.php:

     * The Artisan commands provided by your application.
     * @var array
    protected $commands = [

## Usage

Run the console command using the following:

### Load

Load a given configuration file. This will load a background process for each folder/binary combination.

`# php artisan watcher load --config-file=***`

### Background

Loads a given watch path and binary as a background process.

`# php artisan watcher background --watch-path=*** --binary=*** --script-arguments=***`

### Run

Runs a given watch path and binary.

`# php artisan watcher run --watch-path=*** --binary=*** --script-arguments=***`

### List

Lists all the background watch processes currently active.

`# php artisan watcher list`

### Kill

Provide a process id (from the list action) to stop it running. Using --pid=all will stop all processes.

`# php artisan watcher kill --pid=***`

## Configuration file

You can provide any yaml based file as input to this command using the load action and the --config-file argument.

The yaml file is in the following format:

[folder path]:
    - [binary]: [arguments]

* [folder path]: The directory that will be watched for changes. The watcher recursively adds all child folders.
* [binary]: The binary that we will run. This could be an absolute path or an alias. (eg php)
* [arguments]: The arguments that need to be given to the binary. Use the placeholders below to allow the watcher to pass this through.

### Command placeholders

* {{file-path}}: The absolute file path to the changed file.
* {{root-path}}: The base directory of the watcher.
* {{file-removed}}: Boolean (1 or 0) to indicate if the file was deleted.

## Contributing

Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.

## Credits

* [Rocco Howard](
* [All Contributors](

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.