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Test Coverage

First off - **you rock!**, thanks you so much for taking to time and energy to make this project better!

A healthy community is filled with different coders with differnt coding styles. This can cause cognative friction. 
Here are a few rules to follow in order to minimize that friction and ease code reviews and discussions before 
maintainers accept and merge your work.

You MUST follow the [PSR-1]( and [PSR-2]( Use
[PHP-CS-Fixer]( to make this task easier if you are unfamiliar with these stantards.
Additionally you:
# MUST run the test suite.
# MUST write (or update) unit tests.
# SHOULD write documentation.

Please, write [commit messages that make sense](,
and [rebase your branch]( before submitting your Pull Request.

You may be asked to [squash your commits](
too. This is used to "clean" your Pull Request before merging it (we don't want commits such as `fix tests`, `fix 2`,
`fix 3`, etc).

Let's do this!