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namespace App\Commands;

use App\Traits\SharedTrait;
use DB;
use HnhDigital\CliHelper\CommandInternalsTrait;
use HnhDigital\CliHelper\FileSystemTrait;
use LaravelZero\Framework\Commands\Command;
use ZipArchive;

class BackupCommand extends Command
    use CommandInternalsTrait, FileSystemTrait, SharedTrait;

     * The signature of the command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'backup
                            {--profile=0 : Profile}
                            {--connection=0 : Local connection}
                            {--database=0 : Database}
                            {--no-progress=0 : Do not display progress}';

     * The description of the command.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Backup a specific local database';

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return mixed
    public function handle()
        if (!$this->checkInstalledPackages()) {


        // Select profile.
        if (empty($profile = $this->option('profile'))) {
            $profile = $this->selectProfile();
        } elseif (!array_has($this->profiles, $profile)) {
            $this->error('Invalid profile supplied.');

            return 1;

        // Select connection profile.
        if (empty($connection = $this->option('connection'))) {
            $connection = $this->selectLocalConnection($profile);
        } elseif (!array_has($this->profiles, $profile.'.local.'.$connection)) {
            $this->error('Invalid connection profile supplied.');

            return 1;
        } elseif (!empty($connection)) {

        // Select database.
        if (empty($database = $this->option('database'))) {
            $database = $this->selectDatabase($connection);
        } elseif (!empty($database)) {
            if (!$this->checkDatabaseExists($connection, $database)) {
                $this->error(sprintf('%s does not exist.', $database));

                return 1;

        return $this->runBackup($profile, $connection, $database);

     * Check database exists.
     * @param string $database
     * @return bool
    private function checkDatabaseExists($connection, $database)
        config(['database.connections.'.$connection.'.database' => '']);

        $available_databases = DB::connection($connection)
            ->select('SHOW DATABASES');

        foreach ($available_databases as $db) {
            if ($db->Database === $database) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Select profile.
     * @return string
    private function selectProfile()
        $menu_options = [];

        foreach (array_keys($this->profiles) as $name) {
            $menu_options[$name] = strtoupper($name);

        $option = $this->menu('Select profile', $menu_options)->open();

        return $option;

     * Select local connection.
     * @return string
    private function selectLocalConnection($profile)
        $menu_options = [];

        foreach (array_keys(array_get($this->profiles, $profile.'.local', [])) as $name) {
            $menu_options[$name] = strtoupper($name);

        $option = $this->menu('Select local connection', $menu_options)->open();

        $this->loadDatabaseConnections($profile, $option);

        return $option;

     * Select database.
     * @return string
    private function selectDatabase($connection)
        config(['database.connections.'.$connection.'.database' => '']);

        $databases = [];

        $available_databases = DB::connection($connection)
            ->select('SHOW DATABASES');

        foreach ($available_databases as $database) {
            $databases[$database->Database] = $database->Database;

        $database = $this->menu('Select database', $databases)->open();

        config(['database.connections.'.$connection.'.database' => $database]);

        return $database;

     * Run backup.
     * @return void
    private function runBackup($profile, $connection, $database)
        $backup_file_path = $this->getConfigPath(sprintf('backups/%s/%s', $profile, $database)).'/'.date('Y-m-d-H-i-s');

        // Display status of the backup progress.
        $progress_cmd = '';
        if (!$this->option('no-progress')) {
            // Get the data and index length of tables in this database.
            $size_result = DB::connection($connection)->select(sprintf(
                'SELECT ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 0) AS "size"
                FROM information_schema.TABLES
                WHERE table_schema="%s"',

            // Get value and set to 65% compression.
            $size = round(object_get(array_get($size_result, '0'), 'size') * 0.65, 0);

            if (empty($size)) {
                $size = 1;

            $progress_cmd = sprintf(' | pv --progress --size "%sm"', $size);

        $mysqldump_cmd = 'export MYSQL_PWD="%s";';
        $mysqldump_cmd .= ' mysqldump --host=%s --user=%s';
        $mysqldump_cmd .= ' --compress --complete-insert --disable-keys --quick';
        $mysqldump_cmd .= ' --single-transaction --add-drop-table --add-drop-table';
        $mysqldump_cmd .= ' %s %s > "%s"';

        // Run the mysql dump.
            array_get($this->profiles, $profile.'.local.'.$connection.'.password'),
            array_get($this->profiles, $profile.'.local.'.$connection.'.host'),
            array_get($this->profiles, $profile.'.local.'.$connection.'.username'),

        if (!file_exists($backup_file_path.'.sql') || filesize($backup_file_path.'.sql') == 0) {
            return 1;

        copy($backup_file_path.'.sql', $backup_file_path.'.temp.sql');

        // Remove definer sections as it breaks restores.
            "perl -pe 's/\sDEFINER=`[^`]+`@`[^`]+`//' < \"%s\" > \"%s\"",

        // Remove sql file.

        // Create ZIP of given sql file.
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $zip->open($backup_file_path.'.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE);
        $zip->addFile($backup_file_path.'.sql', 'backup.sql');

        // Remove sql file.


        return 0;