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"use strict";
var _ = {
  omitBy: require("lodash.omitby")
var async = require("async");
var debug = require("./debugging");
var mongodb = require("mongodb");
var Joi = require("joi");
var semver = require("semver");

var MIN_SERVER_VERSION = "1.10.0";

var MongoStore = module.exports = function MongoStore(config) {
  this._config = config;

  Handlers readiness status. This should be set to `true` once all handlers are ready to process requests.
MongoStore.prototype.ready = false;

MongoStore._checkMinServerVersion = function() {
  var serverVersion = require('jsonapi-server')._version;
  if (!serverVersion) return;
    throw new Error("This version of jsonapi-store-mongodb requires jsonapi-server>=" + MIN_SERVER_VERSION + ".");

MongoStore._mongoUuid = function(uuid) {
  return new mongodb.Binary(uuid, mongodb.Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID);

MongoStore._isRelationshipAttribute = function(attribute) {
  return attribute._settings && (attribute._settings.__one || attribute._settings.__many);

MongoStore._toMongoDocument = function(resource) {
  var document = _.omitBy(resource, function(value) { return value === undefined; });
  document._id = MongoStore._mongoUuid(;
  return document;

MongoStore._getRelationshipAttributeNames = function(attributes) {
  var attributeNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attributes);
  var relationshipAttributeNames = attributeNames.reduce(function(partialAttributeNames, name) {
    var attribute = attributes[name];
    if (MongoStore._isRelationshipAttribute(attribute)) {
      return partialAttributeNames.concat(name);
    return partialAttributeNames;
  }, []);
  return relationshipAttributeNames;

MongoStore._filterElementToMongoExpr = function(filterElement) {
  var value = filterElement.value;
  if (!filterElement.operator) return value;
  var mongoExpr = {
    ">": { $gt: value },
    "<": { $lt: value },
    "~": new RegExp("^" + value + "$", "i"),
    ":": new RegExp(value)
  return mongoExpr;

MongoStore.prototype._getSearchCriteria = function(request) {
  var self = this;
  var filter = request.processedFilter;
  if (!filter) return { };
  var criteria = Object.keys(filter).map(function(attribute) {
    var values = filter[attribute].map(MongoStore._filterElementToMongoExpr);
    var attributeConfig = self.resourceConfig.attributes[attribute];
    // Relationships need to be queried via .id
    if (attributeConfig && attributeConfig._settings) {
      attribute += ".id";
    values = values.reduce(function(mongoExpressions, mongoExpr) {
      if (mongoExpr !== null) {
        var mongoExprForAttr = { };
        mongoExprForAttr[attribute] = mongoExpr;
      return mongoExpressions;
    }, []);
    if (values.length === 0) {
      return null;
    if (values.length === 1) {
      return values[0];
    return { $or: values };
  }).filter(function(value) {
    return value !== null;
  if (criteria.length === 0) {
    return { };
  if (criteria.length === 1) {
    return criteria[0];
  return { $and: criteria };

MongoStore._notFoundError = function(type, id) {
  return {
    status: "404",
    code: "ENOTFOUND",
    title: "Requested resource does not exist",
    detail: "There is no " + type + " with id " + id

MongoStore._unknownError = function(err) {
  return {
    status: "500",
    code: "EUNKNOWN",
    title: "An unknown error has occured",
    detail: err

MongoStore.prototype._createIndexesForRelationships = function(collection, relationshipAttributeNames) {
  if (!Array.isArray(relationshipAttributeNames) || !relationshipAttributeNames.length) return;

  relationshipAttributeNames.forEach(function(name) {
    var keys = { };
    keys[name + ".id"] = 1;

MongoStore.prototype._applySort = function(request, cursor) {
  if (!request.params.sort) return cursor;

  var attribute = request.params.sort;
  var order = 1;
  attribute = String(attribute);
  if (attribute[0] === "-") {
    order = -1;
    attribute = attribute.substring(1, attribute.length);
  var sortParam = { };
  sortParam[attribute] = order;

  return cursor.sort(sortParam);

MongoStore.prototype._applyPagination = function(request, cursor) {
  if (! return cursor;

  return cursor.skip(;

  Initialise gets invoked once for each resource that uses this handler.
MongoStore.prototype.initialise = function(resourceConfig) {
  var self = this;
  if (!self._config.url) {
    return console.error("MongoDB url missing from configuration");
  self.resourceConfig = resourceConfig;
  self.relationshipAttributeNames = MongoStore._getRelationshipAttributeNames(resourceConfig.attributes);
  mongodb.MongoClient.connect(self._config.url, {
    reconnectTries: 999999999,
    reconnectInterval: 5000
  }).then(function(db) {
    self._db = db;
    self._db.on("close", function(err) {
      console.error("mongodb connection closed:", err.message);
      self.ready = false;
      self._db.collection("Nope").findOne({ _id: 0 }, { _id: 0 }, function() {
        console.error("mongodb connection is back");
        self.ready = true;
  }).catch(function(err) {
    console.error("mongodb connection failed:", err.message);
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 5000);
  }).then(function() {
    var resourceName = resourceConfig.resource;
    var collection = self._db.collection(resourceName);
    self._createIndexesForRelationships(collection, self.relationshipAttributeNames);
    self.ready = true;

  Drops the database if it already exists and populates it with example documents.
MongoStore.prototype.populate = function(callback) {
  var self = this;
  if (!self._db) return;

  self._db.dropDatabase(function(err) {
    if (err) return console.error("error dropping database", err.message);
    async.each(self.resourceConfig.examples, function(document, cb) {
      var validationResult = Joi.validate(document, self.resourceConfig.attributes);
      if (validationResult.error) {
        return cb(validationResult.error);
      self.create({ params: {} }, validationResult.value, cb);
    }, function(error) {
      if (error) console.error("error creating example document:", error);
      return callback();

  Search for a list of resources, give a resource type.
 */ = function(request, callback) {
  var self = this;
  var collection = self._db.collection(request.params.type);
  var criteria = self._getSearchCriteria(request);
  debug("search", JSON.stringify(criteria));

    resultSet: function(asyncCallback) {
      var cursor = collection.find(criteria, { _id: 0 });
      self._applySort(request, cursor);
      self._applyPagination(request, cursor);
      return cursor.toArray(asyncCallback);
    totalRows: function(asyncCallback) {
      return collection.find(criteria, { _id: 0 }).count(asyncCallback);
  }, function(err, results) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(MongoStore._unknownError);
    return callback(null, results.resultSet, results.totalRows);

  Find a specific resource, given a resource type and and id.
MongoStore.prototype.find = function(request, callback) {
  var collection = this._db.collection(request.params.type);
  var documentId = MongoStore._mongoUuid(;

  debug("findOne", JSON.stringify({ _id: documentId }));
  collection.findOne({ _id: documentId }, { _id: 0 }, function(err, result) {
    if (err || !result) {
      return callback(MongoStore._notFoundError(request.params.type,;
    return callback(null, result);

  Create (store) a new resource give a resource type and an object.
MongoStore.prototype.create = function(request, newResource, callback) {
  var collection = this._db.collection(newResource.type);
  var document = MongoStore._toMongoDocument(newResource);
  debug("insert", JSON.stringify(document));
  collection.insertOne(document, function(err) {
    if (err) return callback(MongoStore._unknownError(err));
    collection.findOne(document, { _id: 0 }, function(findErr, result) {
      if (findErr) return callback(err);
      if (!result) return callback("Could not find document after insert");
      return callback(null, result);

  Delete a resource, given a resource type and an id.
MongoStore.prototype.delete = function(request, callback) {
  var collection = this._db.collection(request.params.type);
  var documentId = MongoStore._mongoUuid(;
  collection.deleteOne({ _id: documentId }, function(err, result) {
    if (err) return callback(MongoStore._unknownError(err));
    if (result.deletedCount === 0) {
      return callback(MongoStore._notFoundError(request.params.type,;
    return callback(null, result);

  Update a resource, given a resource type and id, along with a partialResource.
  partialResource contains a subset of changes that need to be merged over the original.
MongoStore.prototype.update = function(request, partialResource, callback) {
  var collection = this._db.collection(request.params.type);
  var documentId = MongoStore._mongoUuid(;
  var partialDocument = _.omitBy(partialResource, function(value) { return value === undefined; });
  debug("findOneAndUpdate", JSON.stringify(partialDocument));
    _id: documentId
  }, {
    $set: partialDocument
  }, {
    returnOriginal: false,
    projection: { _id: 0 }
  }, function(err, result) {
    if (err) {
      debug("err", JSON.stringify(err));
      return callback(MongoStore._unknownError(err));

    if (!result || !result.value) {
      return callback(MongoStore._notFoundError(request.params.type,;

    debug("result", JSON.stringify(result));
    return callback(null, result.value);