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'use strict'
var Sequelize = require('sequelize')
var DataTypes = Sequelize.DataTypes
var async = require('async')
var crypto = require('crypto')
var debug = require('debug')('jsonApi:store:relationaldb')
var Joi = require('joi')
var semver = require('semver')
var _ = require('lodash')
var util = require('util')
var modelGenerators = {
  Postgres: require('./modelGenerators/postgres'),
  Default: require('./modelGenerators/default')

var MIN_SERVER_VERSION = '1.10.0'

var Op = Sequelize.Op

class SqlStoreError extends Error {
  constructor (properties) {
    Object.assign(this, properties)

var SqlStore = module.exports = function SqlStore (config) {
  this.config = config

SqlStore._sequelizeInstances = Object.create(null)

  Handlers readiness status. This should be set to `true` once all handlers are ready to process requests.
SqlStore.prototype.ready = false

SqlStore._checkMinServerVersion = function () {
  var serverVersion = require('jsonapi-server')._version
  if (!serverVersion) return
    throw new Error('This version of jsonapi-store-mongodb requires jsonapi-server>=' + MIN_SERVER_VERSION + '.')

  initialise gets invoked once for each resource that uses this hander.
  In this instance, we're instantiating a Sequelize instance and building models.
SqlStore.prototype.initialise = function (resourceConfig) {
  var self = this
  self.resourceConfig = resourceConfig

  if (self.config.sequelize) {
    self.sequelize = self.config.sequelize
  } else {
    var database = self.config.database || resourceConfig.resource
    var sequelizeArgs = [database, self.config.username, self.config.password, {
      operatorsAliases: false,
      dialect: self.config.dialect,
      dialectOptions: self.config.dialectOptions,
      port: self.config.port,
      storage: || ':memory:',
      logging: self.config.logging || require('debug')('jsonApi:store:relationaldb:sequelize'),
      define: {
        // Set freezeTableName on all table definitions to prevent sequelize from pluralizing
        // all table names by itself.
        freezeTableName: true

    // To prevent too many open connections, we will store all Sequelize instances in a hash map.
    // Index the hash map by a hash of the entire config object. If the same config is passed again,
    // reuse the existing Sequelize connection resource instead of opening a new one.

    var md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5')
    var instanceId = md5sum.update(JSON.stringify(sequelizeArgs)).digest('hex')
    var instances = SqlStore._sequelizeInstances

    if (!instances[instanceId]) {
      var sequelize = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Sequelize, [null].concat(sequelizeArgs)))()
      instances[instanceId] = sequelize
    self.sequelize = instances[instanceId]


  self.ready = true

SqlStore.prototype.populate = function (options, callback) {
  if (typeof options === 'function') {
    callback = options
    options = {}

  var self = this

  var tasks = [
    function (cb) {
    function (cb) {
      async.eachSeries(self.relationArray, function (model, ecb) {
      }, cb)
    function (cb) {
      async.eachSeries(self.resourceConfig.examples, function (exampleJson, ecb) {
        var validation = Joi.validate(exampleJson, self.resourceConfig.attributes)
        if (validation.error) return ecb(validation.error)
        self.create({ request: { type: self.resourceConfig.resource } }, validation.value, ecb)
      }, cb)

  async.series(tasks, callback)

SqlStore.prototype._buildModels = function () {
  var self = this

  var localAttributes = Object.keys(self.resourceConfig.attributes).filter(function (attributeName) {
    var settings = self.resourceConfig.attributes[attributeName]._settings
    if (!settings) return true
    return !(settings.__one || settings.__many)
  localAttributes = _.pick(self.resourceConfig.attributes, localAttributes)
  var relations = Object.keys(self.resourceConfig.attributes).filter(function (attributeName) {
    var settings = self.resourceConfig.attributes[attributeName]._settings
    if (!settings) return false
    return (settings.__one || settings.__many) && !settings.__as
  relations = _.pick(self.resourceConfig.attributes, relations)

  var modelAttributes = { }
  switch (self.config.dialect) {
    case 'postgres':
      modelAttributes = new modelGenerators.Postgres(self.resourceConfig.resource, localAttributes)
      modelAttributes = new modelGenerators.Default(self.resourceConfig.resource, localAttributes)

  self.baseModel = self.sequelize.define(self.resourceConfig.resource, modelAttributes, { timestamps: false })

  self.relations = { }
  self.relationArray = [ ]
  Object.keys(relations).forEach(function (relationName) {
    var relation = relations[relationName]
    var otherModel = self._defineRelationModel(relationName, relation._settings.__many)
    self.relations[relationName] = otherModel

SqlStore.prototype._defineRelationModel = function (relationName, many) {
  var self = this

  var modelName = self.resourceConfig.resource + '-' + relationName
  var modelProperties = {
    uid: {
      type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
      primaryKey: true,
      autoIncrement: true
    id: {
      type: new DataTypes.STRING(38),
      allowNull: false
    type: {
      type: new DataTypes.STRING(38),
      allowNull: false
    meta: {
      type: DataTypes.STRING,
      get: function () {
        var data = this.getDataValue('meta')
        if (!data) return undefined
        return JSON.parse(data)
      set: function (val) {
        return this.setDataValue('meta', JSON.stringify(val))

  var relatedModel = self.sequelize.define(modelName, modelProperties, {
    timestamps: false,
    indexes: [ { fields: [ 'id' ] } ],
    freezeTableName: true

  if (many) {
    self.baseModel.hasMany(relatedModel, { onDelete: 'CASCADE', foreignKey: self.resourceConfig.resource + 'Id' })
  } else {
    self.baseModel.hasOne(relatedModel, { onDelete: 'CASCADE', foreignKey: self.resourceConfig.resource + 'Id' })

  return relatedModel

SqlStore.prototype._fixObject = function (json) {
  var self = this
  var resourceId = self.resourceConfig.resource + 'Id'

  Object.keys(json).forEach(function (attribute) {
    if (attribute.indexOf(self.resourceConfig.resource + '-') !== 0) return

    var fixedName = attribute.split(self.resourceConfig.resource + '-').pop()
    json[fixedName] = json[attribute]

    var val = json[attribute]
    delete json[attribute]
    if (!val) return

    if (!(val instanceof Array)) val = [ val ]
    val.forEach(function (j) {
      if (j.uid) delete j.uid
      if (j[resourceId]) delete j[resourceId]

  return json

SqlStore.prototype._errorHandler = function (e, callback) {
  // console.log(e, e.stack);
  if (e.message.match(/^ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK/)) {
    return callback(new SqlStoreError({
      status: '500',
      code: 'EMODIFIED',
      title: 'Resource Just Changed',
      detail: 'The resource you tried to mutate was modified by another request. Your request has been aborted.'

  return callback(new SqlStoreError({
    status: '500',
    code: 'EUNKNOWN',
    title: 'An unknown error has occured',
    detail: 'Something broke when connecting to the database - ' + e.message

SqlStore.prototype._generateSearchIncludes = function (relationships) {
  var self = this
  if (!relationships) {
    return {
      count: [],
      findAll: Object.keys(self.relations).map(function (key) {
        return self.relations[key]
  var searchIncludes = Object.keys(self.relations).reduce(function (partialSearchIncludes, relationName) {
    var model = self.relations[relationName]

    var matchingValue = relationships[relationName]
    if (!matchingValue) return partialSearchIncludes
    if (typeof matchingValue === 'string') {
      matchingValue = matchingValue.split(',')
    if (matchingValue instanceof Array) {
      matchingValue = matchingValue.filter(function (i) {
        return !(i instanceof Object)
      if (!matchingValue.length) return partialSearchIncludes
    } else if (matchingValue instanceof Object) {
      return partialSearchIncludes
    var includeClause = {
      model: model,
      where: { id: matchingValue }
    // replace simple model with clause
    return partialSearchIncludes
  }, {
    count: [],
    findAll: []

  return searchIncludes

SqlStore.prototype._generateSearchBlock = function (request) {
  var self = this

  var attributesToFilter = _.omit(request.processedFilter, Object.keys(self.relations))
  var searchBlock = self._getSearchBlock(attributesToFilter)
  return searchBlock

SqlStore.prototype._scalarFilterElementToWhereObj = function (element) {
  var self = this

  var value = element.value
  var op = element.operator
  if (!op) return value

  if (op === '>') return { []: value }
  if (op === '<') return { []: value }

  var iLikeOperator =
  if (self.sequelize.getDialect() === 'postgres') iLikeOperator = Op.iLike

  if (op === '~') {
    var caseInsensitiveEqualExpression = { }
    caseInsensitiveEqualExpression[iLikeOperator] = value
    return caseInsensitiveEqualExpression

  if (op === ':') {
    var caseInsensitiveContainsExpression = { }
    caseInsensitiveContainsExpression[iLikeOperator] = '%' + value + '%'
    return caseInsensitiveContainsExpression

SqlStore.prototype._filterElementToSearchBlock = function (filterElement) {
  var self = this

  if (!filterElement) return { }
  var whereObjs = (scalarFilterElement) {
    return self._scalarFilterElementToWhereObj(scalarFilterElement)
  if (!whereObjs.length) return { }
  if (filterElement.length === 1) {
    return whereObjs[0]
  return { [Op.or]: whereObjs }

SqlStore.prototype._getSearchBlock = function (filter) {
  var self = this

  if (!filter) return { }
  var searchBlock = { }

  Object.keys(filter).forEach(function (attributeName) {
    var filterElement = filter[attributeName]
    searchBlock[attributeName] = self._filterElementToSearchBlock(filterElement)

  return searchBlock

SqlStore.prototype._dealWithTransaction = function (done, callback) {
  var self = this
  var transactionOptions = {
    isolationLevel: Sequelize.Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.READ_COMMITTED,
    autocommit: false
  self.sequelize.transaction(transactionOptions).asCallback(function (err1, transaction) {
    if (err1) return done(err1)

    var t = { transaction: transaction }
    var commit = function () {
      var args = arguments
      transaction.commit().asCallback(function (err2) {
        if (err2) return done(err2)
        return done.apply(null,
    var rollback = function (e) {
      debug('Err',, e)
      var a = function () {
        if (e instanceof Error) return self._errorHandler(e, done)
        return done(e)
      transaction.rollback().then(a, a)
    var finishTransaction = function (err) {
      if (err) return rollback(err)
      return commit.apply(null,

    return callback(t, finishTransaction)

SqlStore.prototype._clearAndSetMany = function (relationModel, prop, theResource, keyName, ucKeyName, t, taskCallback) {
  var whereClause = { }
  whereClause[theResource.type + 'Id'] =
    where: whereClause,
    transaction: t.transaction
  }).asCallback(function (deleteError) {
    if (deleteError) return taskCallback(deleteError), function (item, acallback) {
      relationModel.create(item, t).asCallback(function (err, newRelationModel) {
        if (err) return acallback(err)

        theResource['add' + ucKeyName](newRelationModel, t).asCallback(acallback)
    }, taskCallback)

SqlStore.prototype._clearAndSetOne = function (relationModel, prop, theResource, keyName, ucKeyName, t, taskCallback) {
  var whereClause = { }
  whereClause[theResource.type + 'Id'] =
    where: whereClause,
    transaction: t.transaction
  }).asCallback(function (deleteError) {
    if (deleteError) return taskCallback(deleteError)
    if (!prop) {
      theResource['set' + ucKeyName](null, t).asCallback(taskCallback)
    } else {
      relationModel.create(prop, t).asCallback(function (err, newRelationModel) {
        if (err) return taskCallback(err)

        theResource['set' + ucKeyName](newRelationModel, t).asCallback(taskCallback)

SqlStore.prototype._clearAndSetRelationTables = function (theResource, partialResource, t, callback) {
  var self = this

  var tasks = { }
  Object.keys(self.relations).forEach(function (relationName) {
    var prop = partialResource[relationName]
    if (!partialResource.hasOwnProperty(relationName)) return
    var relationModel = self.relations[relationName]

    var keyName = self.resourceConfig.resource + '-' + relationName
    var ucKeyName = keyName[0].toUpperCase() + keyName.slice(1, keyName.length)

    tasks[relationName] = function (taskCallback) {
      if (prop instanceof Array) {
        self._clearAndSetMany(relationModel, prop, theResource, keyName, ucKeyName, t, taskCallback)
      } else {
        self._clearAndSetOne(relationModel, prop, theResource, keyName, ucKeyName, t, taskCallback)

  async.parallel(tasks, callback)

SqlStore.prototype._generateSearchOrdering = function (request) {
  if (!request.params.sort) return undefined

  var attribute = request.params.sort
  var order = 'ASC'
  attribute = String(attribute)
  if (attribute[0] === '-') {
    order = 'DESC'
    attribute = attribute.substring(1, attribute.length)
  return [ [ attribute, order ] ]

SqlStore.prototype._generateSearchPagination = function (request) {
  var page =
  if (!page) return undefined

  return {
    limit: page.limit,
    offset: page.offset

  Search for a list of resources, given a resource type.
 */ = function (request, callback) {
  var self = this

  var options = { }
  var where = self._generateSearchBlock(request)
  if (where) {
    options.where = where
  var includeBlocks = self._generateSearchIncludes(request.params.filter)
  debug('includeBlocks', util.inspect(includeBlocks, { depth: null }))
  if (includeBlocks.count.length) {
    options.include = includeBlocks.count
  self.baseModel.count(options).asCallback(function (ignoredErr, count) {
    debug('Count', count)
    if (includeBlocks.findAll.length) {
      options.include = includeBlocks.findAll
    var order = self._generateSearchOrdering(request)
    if (order) {
      options.order = order
    var pagination = self._generateSearchPagination(request)
    if (pagination) {
      if (pagination.offset > 0 || pagination.limit <= count) {
        _.assign(options, pagination)
    self.baseModel.findAll(options).asCallback(function (err, result) {
      debug(options, err, JSON.stringify(result))
      if (err) return self._errorHandler(err, callback)
      var records = (i) { return self._fixObject(i.toJSON()) })
      debug('Produced', JSON.stringify(records))
      return callback(null, records, count)

  Find a specific resource, given a resource type and an id.
SqlStore.prototype.find = function (request, callback) {
  var self = this

    where: { id: },
    include: self.relationArray
  }).asCallback(function (err, theResource) {
    if (err) {
      // We get a 22P02 error if the UUID format is wrong
      if (err.original.code === '22P02') {
        return callback(new SqlStoreError({
          status: '404',
          code: 'ENOTFOUND',
          title: 'Requested resource does not exist',
          detail: 'The' + + ' for ' + request.params.type + ' is of wrong format. (Make sure it is UUID)'
      return self._errorHandler(err, callback)

    // If the resource doesn't exist, error
    if (!theResource) {
      return callback(new SqlStoreError({
        status: '404',
        code: 'ENOTFOUND',
        title: 'Requested resource does not exist',
        detail: 'There is no ' + request.params.type + ' with id ' +

    theResource = self._fixObject(theResource.toJSON())
    debug('Produced', JSON.stringify(theResource))
    return callback(null, theResource)

  Create (store) a new resource give a resource type and an object.
SqlStore.prototype.create = function (request, newResource, finishedCallback) {
  var self = this

  self._dealWithTransaction(finishedCallback, function (t, finishTransaction) {
    self.baseModel.create(newResource, t).asCallback(function (err2, theResource) {
      if (err2) return finishTransaction(err2)

      self._clearAndSetRelationTables(theResource, newResource, t, function (err) {
        if (err) return finishTransaction(err)

        return finishTransaction(null, newResource)

  Delete a resource, given a resource type and and id.
SqlStore.prototype.delete = function (request, finishedCallback) {
  var self = this

  self._dealWithTransaction(finishedCallback, function (t, finishTransaction) {
      where: { id: },
      include: self.relationArray
    }).asCallback(function (findErr, results) {
      if (findErr) {
        // We get a 22P02 error if the UUID format is wrong
        if (findErr.original.code === '22P02') {
          return finishTransaction({
            status: '404',
            code: 'ENOTFOUND',
            title: 'Requested resource does not exist',
            detail: 'The' + + ' for ' + request.params.type + ' is of wrong format. (Make sure it is UUID)'
        return finishTransaction(findErr)

      var theResource = results[0]

      // If the resource doesn't exist, error
      if (!theResource) {
        return finishTransaction({
          status: '404',
          code: 'ENOTFOUND',
          title: 'Requested resource does not exist',
          detail: 'There is no ' + request.params.type + ' with id ' +

      theResource.destroy(t).asCallback(function (deleteErr) {
        return finishTransaction(deleteErr)

  Update a resource, given a resource type and id, along with a partialResource.
  partialResource contains a subset of changes that need to be merged over the original.
SqlStore.prototype.update = function (request, partialResource, finishedCallback) {
  var self = this

  self._dealWithTransaction(finishedCallback, function (t, finishTransaction) {
      where: { id: },
      include: self.relationArray,
      transaction: t.transaction
    }).asCallback(function (err2, theResource) {
      if (err2) {
        // We get a 22P02 error if the UUID format is wrong
        if (err2.original.code === '22P02') {
          return finishTransaction({
            status: '404',
            code: 'ENOTFOUND',
            title: 'Requested resource does not exist',
            detail: 'The' + + ' for ' + request.params.type + ' is of wrong format. (Make sure it is UUID)'
        return finishTransaction(err2)

      // If the resource doesn't exist, error
      if (!theResource) {
        return finishTransaction({
          status: '404',
          code: 'ENOTFOUND',
          title: 'Requested resource does not exist',
          detail: 'There is no ' + request.params.type + ' with id ' +

      self._clearAndSetRelationTables(theResource, partialResource, t, function (err) {
        if (err) return finishTransaction(err)

        theResource.update(partialResource, t).asCallback(function (err3) {
          if (err3) return finishTransaction(err3)
          return finishTransaction(null, partialResource)