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# NativeScript Build Helper ![apple](https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/picons-social/57/16-apple-32.png) ![android](https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/logos-3/228/android-32.png)

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This NPM package helps automate the release of NativeScript applications


## Requirements

* Node 4+
* NativeScript 2.5+
* Git version control
* fastlane (if automatic upload is need)

## Installation

npm install @holisticon/nativescript-buildhelper --save-dev

Or if you want to use the development version (nightly build), which maybe not stable!:

npm install @holisticon/nativescript-buildhelper@next --save-dev

## <a name="usage"></a> Usage

For those who haven't deployed any apps in v2.4 of NativeScript; one of the new features that is turned on by default is SnapShots.    Now most the time this is a AWESOME thing, however occasionally this can cause issues.   For example I have one app of mine that this crashes at startup when using SnapShots.

Now the docs do list how to disable snapshots; but it is a lot easier for me to find the notes on my own site than trying to figure out which doc has the info.

The environmental variable you need to adjust is: <strong>TNS_ANDROID_SNAPSHOT</strong>

0 = Force Snapshots off always
1 = Force snapshots on (including in debug mode)
Unset = Snapshots only in Release mode

### <a name="buildnumbering"></a> Build Numbering

Use this command to append the build number to CFBundleVersion on iOS and to versionCode on Android:

tns-buildnumbering 42

## Advanced Usage

### Debugging

If you need to debug the tests use the node-inspector:
npm run debug
node-inspector --web-port=8282

You can then open chrome at ** for debugging.

If you want to have verbose logging add NODE_DEBUG=holisticon_tns:

NODE_DEBUG=holisticon_tns node tns-buldnumbering