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//====== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====================
// Steamworks SDK minimal include
// Defines the minimal set of things we need to use any single interface
// or register for any callback.

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "steamtypes.h"
#include "steamclientpublic.h"

// S_API defines the linkage and calling conventions for steam_api.dll exports
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
    #if defined( STEAM_API_EXPORTS )
    #define S_API extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) 
    #elif defined( STEAM_API_NODLL )
    #define S_API extern "C"
    #define S_API extern "C" __declspec( dllimport ) 
    #endif // STEAM_API_EXPORTS
#elif defined( GNUC )
    #if defined( STEAM_API_EXPORTS )
    #define S_API extern "C" __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) 
    #define S_API extern "C" 
    #endif // STEAM_API_EXPORTS
#else // !WIN32
    #if defined( STEAM_API_EXPORTS )
    #define S_API extern "C"  
    #define S_API extern "C" 
    #endif // STEAM_API_EXPORTS

#if ( defined(STEAM_API_EXPORTS) || defined(STEAM_API_NODLL) ) && !defined(API_GEN)
#define STEAM_PRIVATE_API( ... ) __VA_ARGS__
#elif defined(STEAM_API_EXPORTS) && defined(API_GEN)
#define STEAM_PRIVATE_API( ... )
#define STEAM_PRIVATE_API( ... ) protected: __VA_ARGS__ public:

// handle to a communication pipe to the Steam client
typedef int32 HSteamPipe;
// handle to single instance of a steam user
typedef int32 HSteamUser;
// function prototype
#if defined( POSIX )
#define __cdecl
extern "C" typedef void (__cdecl *SteamAPIWarningMessageHook_t)(int, const char *);
extern "C" typedef uint32 ( *SteamAPI_CheckCallbackRegistered_t )( int iCallbackNum );
#if defined( __SNC__ )
    #pragma diag_suppress=1700       // warning 1700: class "%s" has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor

//    steam callback and call-result helpers
//    The following macros and classes are used to register your application for
//    callbacks and call-results, which are delivered in a predictable manner.
//    STEAM_CALLBACK macros are meant for use inside of a C++ class definition.
//    They map a Steam notification callback directly to a class member function
//    which is automatically prototyped as "void func( callback_type *pParam )".
//    CCallResult is used with specific Steam APIs that return "result handles".
//    The handle can be passed to a CCallResult object's Set function, along with
//    an object pointer and member-function pointer. The member function will
//    be executed once the results of the Steam API call are available.
//    CCallback and CCallbackManual classes can be used instead of STEAM_CALLBACK
//    macros if you require finer control over registration and unregistration.
//    Callbacks and call-results are queued automatically and are only
//    delivered/executed when your application calls SteamAPI_RunCallbacks().
//  Note that there is an alternative, lower level callback dispatch mechanism.
//  See SteamAPI_ManualDispatch_Init

// Dispatch all queued Steamworks callbacks.
// This is safe to call from multiple threads simultaneously,
// but if you choose to do this, callback code could be executed on any thread.
// One alternative is to call SteamAPI_RunCallbacks from the main thread only,
// and call SteamAPI_ReleaseCurrentThreadMemory regularly on other threads.
S_API void S_CALLTYPE SteamAPI_RunCallbacks();

// Declares a callback member function plus a helper member variable which
// registers the callback on object creation and unregisters on destruction.
// The optional fourth 'var' param exists only for backwards-compatibility
// and can be ignored.
#define STEAM_CALLBACK( thisclass, func, .../*callback_type, [deprecated] var*/ ) \
    _STEAM_CALLBACK_SELECT( ( __VA_ARGS__, 4, 3 ), ( /**/, thisclass, func, __VA_ARGS__ ) )

// Declares a callback function and a named CCallbackManual variable which
// has Register and Unregister functions instead of automatic registration.
#define STEAM_CALLBACK_MANUAL( thisclass, func, callback_type, var )    \
    CCallbackManual< thisclass, callback_type > var; void func( callback_type *pParam )

// Dispatch callbacks relevant to the gameserver client and interfaces.
// To register for these, you need to use STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK.
// (Or call SetGameserverFlag on your CCallbackBase object.)
S_API void S_CALLTYPE SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks();

// Same as STEAM_CALLBACK, but for callbacks on the gameserver interface.
// These will be dispatched during SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks
#define STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK( thisclass, func, /*callback_type, [deprecated] var*/... ) \
    _STEAM_CALLBACK_SELECT( ( __VA_ARGS__, GS, 3 ), ( this->SetGameserverFlag();, thisclass, func, __VA_ARGS__ ) )
#define STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK_MANUAL( thisclass, func, callback_type, var ) \
    CCallbackManual< thisclass, callback_type, true > var; void func( callback_type *pParam )

// Purpose: base for callbacks and call results - internal implementation detail
class CCallbackBase
    CCallbackBase() { m_nCallbackFlags = 0; m_iCallback = 0; }
    // don't add a virtual destructor because we export this binary interface across dll's
    virtual void Run( void *pvParam ) = 0;
    virtual void Run( void *pvParam, bool bIOFailure, SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall ) = 0;
    int GetICallback() { return m_iCallback; }
    virtual int GetCallbackSizeBytes() = 0;

    enum { k_ECallbackFlagsRegistered = 0x01, k_ECallbackFlagsGameServer = 0x02 };
    uint8 m_nCallbackFlags;
    int m_iCallback;
    friend class CCallbackMgr;

    CCallbackBase( const CCallbackBase& );
    CCallbackBase& operator=( const CCallbackBase& );

// Purpose: templated base for callbacks - internal implementation detail
template< int sizeof_P >
class CCallbackImpl : protected CCallbackBase
    virtual ~CCallbackImpl() { if ( m_nCallbackFlags & k_ECallbackFlagsRegistered ) SteamAPI_UnregisterCallback( this ); }
    void SetGameserverFlag() { m_nCallbackFlags |= k_ECallbackFlagsGameServer; }

    friend class CCallbackMgr;
    virtual void Run( void *pvParam ) = 0;
    virtual void Run( void *pvParam, bool /*bIOFailure*/, SteamAPICall_t /*hSteamAPICall*/ ) { Run( pvParam ); }
    virtual int GetCallbackSizeBytes() { return sizeof_P; }

// Purpose: maps a steam async call result to a class member function
//            template params: T = local class, P = parameter struct
template< class T, class P >
class CCallResult : private CCallbackBase
    typedef void (T::*func_t)( P*, bool );

    void Set( SteamAPICall_t hAPICall, T *p, func_t func );
    bool IsActive() const;
    void Cancel();

    void SetGameserverFlag() { m_nCallbackFlags |= k_ECallbackFlagsGameServer; }
    virtual void Run( void *pvParam );
    virtual void Run( void *pvParam, bool bIOFailure, SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall );
    virtual int GetCallbackSizeBytes() { return sizeof( P ); }

    SteamAPICall_t m_hAPICall;
    T *m_pObj;
    func_t m_Func;

// Purpose: maps a steam callback to a class member function
//            template params: T = local class, P = parameter struct,
//            bGameserver = listen for gameserver callbacks instead of client callbacks
template< class T, class P, bool bGameserver = false >
class CCallback : public CCallbackImpl< sizeof( P ) >
    typedef void (T::*func_t)(P*);

    // NOTE: If you can't provide the correct parameters at construction time, you should
    // use the CCallbackManual callback object (STEAM_CALLBACK_MANUAL macro) instead.
    CCallback( T *pObj, func_t func );

    void Register( T *pObj, func_t func );
    void Unregister();

    virtual void Run( void *pvParam );
    T *m_pObj;
    func_t m_Func;

// Purpose: subclass of CCallback which allows default-construction in
//            an unregistered state; you must call Register manually
template< class T, class P, bool bGameServer = false >
class CCallbackManual : public CCallback< T, P, bGameServer >
    CCallbackManual() : CCallback< T, P, bGameServer >( nullptr, nullptr ) {}

    // Inherits public Register and Unregister functions from base class

// Internal implementation details for all of the above
#include "steam_api_internal.h"