namespace Honeybadger\HoneybadgerLaravel\Events;
use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher;
use Illuminate\Queue\Events\JobProcessed as LaravelJobProcessed;
use Illuminate\Queue\Events\JobProcessing;
class JobProcessed extends ApplicationEvent
public string $handles = LaravelJobProcessed::class;
private float $startTime;
* @param LaravelJobProcessed $event
* @return EventPayload
public function getEventPayload($event): EventPayload
$job = $event->job;
$metadata = [
'connectionName' => $event->connectionName,
// we have to call 'resolveName' because sometimes the actual job is wrapped (i.e. DatabaseJob -> Job)
'job' => $job->resolveName(),
'id' => $job->getJobId(),
// number of attempts made to process the job
'attempts' => $job->attempts(),
// if the job has been marked as failed
'hasFailed' => $job->hasFailed(),
// if the job has been released back into the queue
'isReleased' => $job->isReleased(),
// if the job has been deleted (i.e. it's not in the queue anymore)
'isDeleted' => $job->isDeleted(),
// number of times the job can be retried
'maxTries' => $job->maxTries(),
// number of exceptions that can be thrown before the job is considered failed (regardless of the number of attempts)
'maxExceptions' => $job->maxExceptions(),
// number of seconds the job can run before it's considered timed out
'timeout' => $job->timeout(),
// timestamp indicating when the job should timeout
'retryUntil' => $job->retryUntil(),
// duration in milliseconds of the job processing
// calculated by measuring the time difference since the JobProcessing event was raised
'duration' => $this->getDurationInMs($this->startTime),
return new EventPayload(
'Job processed',
* Register the listeners for the subscriber.
* We are overriding the register() method from the parent class,
* so we can listen to the JobProcessing event as well.
public function register(): void
/** @var Dispatcher $dispatcher */
$dispatcher = app('events');
$dispatcher->listen(JobProcessing::class, function ($event) {
$this->startTime = microtime(true);
$dispatcher->listen($this->handles, [$this, 'handle']);