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namespace Trellis\Sham;

use Trellis\Common\Error\BadValueException;
use Trellis\Runtime\Attribute\AttributeInterface;
use Trellis\Runtime\Attribute\EmbeddedEntityList\EmbeddedEntityListAttribute;
use Trellis\Runtime\Attribute\Image\ImageAttribute;
use Trellis\Runtime\ValueHolder\ComplexValue;
use Trellis\Runtime\EntityTypeInterface;
use Trellis\Runtime\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Trellis\Runtime\Entity\EntityList;
use Trellis\Sham\TextGuesser;
use Faker\Factory;

 * Sham\DataGenerator is a class that is able to create or fill entities
 * containing fake data.
class DataGenerator
    protected $faker;

    protected $locale;

     * name of options array key to use for an array of attribute_name => value pairs
    const OPTION_FIELD_VALUES = 'attribute_values';

     * name of options array key to use to exclude certain attributes from fake data generation
    const OPTION_EXCLUDED_FIELDS = 'excluded_attributes';

     * name of options array key to use to mark changed entities as clean
    const OPTION_MARK_CLEAN = 'mark_clean';

     * name of options array key to use to set the locale used for fake data generation
    const OPTION_LOCALE = 'locale';

     * name of options array key to use to set the number of entities to generate
    const OPTION_COUNT = 'count';

     * name of options array key to use to disable the guessing of fake data provider by attribute_name
    const OPTION_GUESS_PROVIDER_BY_NAME = 'guess_provider_by_name';

     * name of options array key to use to set the current level of recursion (for reference attributes)
    const OPTION_RECURSION_LEVEL = 'recursion_level';

    public function __construct($locale = 'de_DE')
        $this->locale = $locale;
        $this->faker = Factory::create($this->locale);

     * This method fills the given entity with fake data. You may customize
     * the fake data generation used for each attribute by using the options array.
     * Supported options:
     * - OPTION_LOCALE: Locale for fake data (e.g. 'en_UK', defaults to 'de_DE').
     * - OPTION_MARK_CLEAN: Calls `$entity->markClean()` at the end to prevent
     *                 change events to occur after faking data. Default is false.
     * - OPTION_FIELD_VALUES: array of `attribute_name` => `value` pairs to customize
     *                  fake values per attribute of the given entity. You can
     *                  either specify a direct value or provide a closure. The
     *                  closure must return the value you want to set on that attribute.
     * - OPTION_EXCLUDED_FIELDS: Array of attribute_names to excluded from filling
     *                  with fake data.
     * - OPTION_GUESS_PROVIDER_BY_NAME: Boolean true by default. Certain attribute_names
     *                  trigger different providers (e.g. firstname or email).
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\InvalidValueException in case of fake data being invalid for the given attribute
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\BadValueException in case of invalid locale option string
     * @throws \Trellis\Common\Error\RuntimeException on EmbeddedEntityListAttribute misconfiguration
    public function fake(EntityInterface $entity, array $options = array())
        if (!empty($options[self::OPTION_LOCALE])) {
            $loc = $options[self::OPTION_LOCALE];
            if (!is_string($loc) || !preg_match('#[a-z]{2,6}_[A-Z]{2,6}#', $loc)) {
                throw new BadValueException(
                    'Given option "' . self::OPTION_LOCALE
                    . '" is not a valid string. Use "languageCode_countryCode", e.g. "de_DE" or "en_UK".'
            $this->locale = $loc;
            $this->faker = Factory::create($this->locale);

        $attributes_to_exclude = array();
        if (!empty($options[self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_FIELDS])) {
            $excluded = $options[self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_FIELDS];
            if (!is_array($excluded)) {
                throw new BadValueException(
                    'Given option "' . self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_FIELDS
                    . '" is not an array. It should be an array of attribute_names.'
            $attributes_to_exclude = $excluded;

        $type = $entity->getType();
        foreach ($type->getAttributes() as $attribute_name => $attribute) {
            if (in_array($attribute_name, $attributes_to_exclude, true)) {

            $name = $this->getMethodNameFor($attribute);
            if (null !== $name) {
                $this->$name($entity, $attribute, $options);
            } else {
                $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $attribute->getDefaultValue(), $options);

        if (array_key_exists(self::OPTION_MARK_CLEAN, $options)
            && true === $options[self::OPTION_MARK_CLEAN]
        ) {

     * Creates an array with fake data for the given type.
     * @param EntityTypeInterface $type type to create fake data for
     * @param array $options For valid options see fake() method
     * @return array of fake data for the given type
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\InvalidValueException in case of fake data being invalid for the given attribute
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\BadValueException in case of invalid locale option string
     * @throws \Trellis\Common\Error\RuntimeException on EmbeddedEntityListAttribute misconfiguration
    public function fakeData(EntityTypeInterface $type, array $options = array())
        $entity = $type->createEntity();
        $this->fake($entity, $options);
        return $entity->toArray();

     * Creates a entity with fake data for the given type.
     * @param EntityTypeInterface $type type to create entities for
     * @param array $options For valid options see fake() method
     * @param EntityInterface $parent Parent entity to create entity within
     * @return EntityInterface newly created with fake data
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\InvalidValueException in case of fake data being invalid for the given attribute
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\BadValueException in case of invalid locale option string
     * @throws \Trellis\Common\Error\RuntimeException on EmbeddedEntityListAttribute misconfiguration
    public function createFakeEntity(
        EntityTypeInterface $type,
        array $options = array(),
        EntityInterface $parent = null
    ) {
        $options[self::OPTION_MARK_CLEAN] = true;
        $entity = $type->createEntity([], $parent);
        $this->fake($entity, $options);
        return $entity;

     * Creates `count` number of entities with fake data for the given type.
     * @param EntityTypeInterface $type type to create entities for
     * @param array $options use `count` for number of entities to create. For other options see fake() method.
     * @param EntityInterface $parent Parent entity to create entity within
     * @return array of new entities with fake data
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\InvalidValueException in case of fake data being invalid for the given attribute
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\BadValueException in case of invalid locale option string
     * @throws \Trellis\Common\Error\RuntimeException on EmbeddedEntityListAttribute misconfiguration
    public function createFakeEntities(
        EntityTypeInterface $type,
        array $options = array(),
        EntityInterface $parent = null
    ) {
        $entities = array();

        $count = 10;
        if (!empty($options[self::OPTION_COUNT])) {
            $cnt = $options[self::OPTION_COUNT];
            if (!is_int($cnt)) {
                throw new BadValueException(
                    'Given option "' . self::OPTION_COUNT
                    . '" is not an integer. Provide a correct value or use fallback to default count.'
            $count = $cnt;

        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $entities[] = $this->createFakeEntity($type, $options, $parent);

        return $entities;

     * This method fills the entity with fake data. You may customize the
     * fake data used for each attribute by using the options array.
     * Supported options:
     * - OPTION_LOCALE: Locale for fake data (e.g. 'en_UK', defaults to 'de_DE').
     * - OPTION_MARK_CLEAN: Calls `$entity->markClean()` at the end to prevent
     *                 change events to occur after faking data. Default is false.
     * - OPTION_FIELD_VALUES: array of `attribute_name` => `value` pairs to customize
     *                  fake values per attribute of the given entity. You can
     *                  either specify a direct value or provide a closure. The
     *                  closure must return the value you want to set on that attribute.
     * - OPTION_EXCLUDED_FIELDS: Array of attribute_names to excluded from filling
     *                  with fake data.
     * - OPTION_GUESS_PROVIDER_BY_NAME: Boolean true by default. Certain attribute_names
     *                  trigger different providers (e.g. firstname or email).
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\InvalidValueException in case of fake data being invalid for the given attribute
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\BadValueException in case of invalid locale option string
     * @throws \Trellis\Common\Error\RuntimeException on EmbeddedEntityListAttribute misconfiguration
    public static function fill(EntityInterface $entity, array $options = array())
        $data_generator = new static();
        $data_generator->fake($entity, $options);

     * Creates an array with fake data for the given type.
     * @param EntityTypeInterface $type type to create fake data for
     * @param array $options For valid options see fill() method
     * @return array of fake data for the given type
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\InvalidValueException in case of fake data being invalid for the given attribute
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\BadValueException in case of invalid locale option string
     * @throws \Trellis\Common\Error\RuntimeException on EmbeddedEntityListAttribute misconfiguration
    public static function createDataFor(EntityTypeInterface $type, array $options = array())
        $data_generator = new static();
        return $data_generator->fakeData($type, $options);

     * Creates a entity with fake data for the given type.
     * @param EntityTypeInterface $type type to create entities for
     * @param array $options For valid options see fill() method
     * @return EntityInterface newly created with fake data
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\InvalidValueException in case of fake data being invalid for the given attribute
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\BadValueException in case of invalid locale option string
     * @throws \Trellis\Common\Error\RuntimeException on EmbeddedEntityListAttribute misconfiguration
    public static function createEntity(EntityTypeInterface $type, array $options = array())
        $data_generator = new static();
        return $data_generator->createFakeEntity($type, $options);

     * Creates `count` number of entities with fake data for the given type.
     * @param EntityTypeInterface $type type to create entities for
     * @param array $options use `count` for number of entities to create. For other options see fill() method.
     * @return array of new entities with fake data
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\InvalidValueException in case of fake data being invalid for the given attribute
     * @throws \Trellis\Runtime\Entity\BadValueException in case of invalid locale option string
     * @throws \Trellis\Common\Error\RuntimeException on EmbeddedEntityListAttribute misconfiguration
    public static function createEntities(EntityTypeInterface $type, array $options = array())
        $data_generator = new DataGenerator();
        return $data_generator->createFakeEntities($type, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a Text on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Text to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addText(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $min_length = $attribute->getOption('min_length');
        $max_length = $attribute->getOption('max_length');

        if ($this->shouldGuessByName($options)) {
            $value = TextGuesser::guess($attribute->getName(), $this->faker);

        if (!isset($value)) {
            $value = $this->faker->words($this->faker->numberBetween(2, 10), true);

        if ($min_length && ($len = mb_strlen($value)) < $min_length) {
            $repeat = ceil(($min_length - $len) / $len);
            $value .= str_repeat($value, $repeat);

        if ($max_length && mb_strlen($value) > $max_length) {
            $value = substr($value, 0, $max_length);
            $value = preg_replace('#\s$#', 'o', $value);

        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $value, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a TextCollection on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the TextCollection to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addTextList(
        EntityInterface $entity,
        AttributeInterface $attribute,
        array $options = array()
    ) {
        $values = array();

        $number_of_values = $this->faker->numberBetween(1, 5);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_values; $i++) {
            $text = $this->faker->words($this->faker->numberBetween(1, 3), true);
            if ($this->shouldGuessByName($options)) {
                $closure = TextGuesser::guess($attribute->getName(), $this->faker);
                if (!empty($closure) && is_callable($closure)) {
                    $text = call_user_func($closure);
            $values[] = $text;

        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $values, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a Textarea on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Textarea to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addTextarea(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $text = $this->faker->paragraphs($this->faker->numberBetween(1, 5));
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $text), $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for an Integer on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Integer to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addInteger(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $this->faker->randomNumber(5), $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for an IntegerList on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the IntegerList to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addIntegerList(
        EntityInterface $entity,
        AttributeInterface $attribute,
        array $options = array()
    ) {
        $values = array();

        $number_of_values = $this->faker->numberBetween(1, 5);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_values; $i++) {
            $values[] = $this->faker->randomNumber(5);

        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $values, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a Float on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Float to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addFloat(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $this->faker->randomFloat(5), $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a Url on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Url to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addUrl(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $this->faker->url(), $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a Uuid on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Uuid to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addUuid(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $this->faker->uuid(), $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a choice attribute on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Choice to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addChoice(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $allowed_values = $attribute->getOption('allowed_values');
        $choice = $allowed_values[array_rand($allowed_values)];
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $choice, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a KeyValue on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the KeyValue to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addKeyValue(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $values = array();

        $number_of_values = $this->faker->numberBetween(1, 5);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_values; $i++) {
            $values[$this->faker->word] = $this->faker->sentence;

        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $values, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a KeyValueList on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the KeyValueList to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addKeyValueList(
        EntityInterface $entity,
        AttributeInterface $attribute,
        array $options = array()
    ) {
        $collection = array();

        $numberOfEntries = $this->faker->numberBetween(1, 5);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfEntries; $i++) {
            $number_of_values = $this->faker->numberBetween(1, 5);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_values; $i++) {
                $collection[$this->faker->word] = $this->faker->words($this->faker->numberBetween(1, 3), true);

        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $collection, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a ComplexValue on a entity.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the ComplexValue to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return mixed
    protected function createComplexValue(AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $values = array();
        $value_holder = $attribute->createValueHolder();
        $value_type = $value_holder->getValueType();

        if (class_exists($value_type)
            && preg_grep('#ComplexValueInterface$#', class_implements($value_type))
        ) {
            foreach ($value_type::getPropertyMap() as $property_name => $property_type) {
                switch ($property_type) {
                    case ComplexValue::VALUE_TYPE_TEXT:
                        if ($this->shouldGuessByName($options)) {
                            $values[$property_name] = TextGuesser::guess($property_name, $this->faker);
                        if (empty($values[$property_name])) {
                            $values[$property_name] = $this->faker->words(3, true);
                    case ComplexValue::VALUE_TYPE_URL:
                        $values[$property_name] = $this->faker->url;
                    case ComplexValue::VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
                        $values[$property_name] = $this->faker->boolean();
                    case ComplexValue::VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER:
                        $values[$property_name] = $this->faker->numberBetween(0, 10);
                    case ComplexValue::VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT:
                        $values[$property_name] = $this->faker->randomFloat(5);
                    case ComplexValue::VALUE_TYPE_ARRAY:
                        $numberOfEntries = $this->faker->numberBetween(0, 3);
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfEntries; $i++) {
                            $values[$property_name][$this->faker->word] = $this->faker->word;
                        throw new BadValueException(sprintf(
                            'Unexpected ComplexValue property type "%s" on %s',

        return new $value_type($values);

     * Generates and adds fake data for an Image on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Image to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addImage(
        EntityInterface $entity,
        AttributeInterface $attribute,
        array $options = array()
    ) {
        $image = $this->createComplexValue($attribute, $options);
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $image, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a ImageList on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the ImageList to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addImageList(
        EntityInterface $entity,
        AttributeInterface $attribute,
        array $options = array()
    ) {
        $collection = array();

        $min_count = $attribute->getOption('min_count', 0);
        $max_count = $attribute->getOption('max_count', 3);

        $numberOfEntries = $this->faker->numberBetween($min_count, $max_count);
        $image_attribute = new ImageAttribute('someimage', $entity->getType());

        // @todo should we have an ImageList collection?
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfEntries; $i++) {
            $collection[] = $this->createComplexValue($image_attribute, $options);

        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $collection, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a Boolean on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Boolean to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addBoolean(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $this->faker->boolean, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a embed entities.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param EmbeddedEntityListAttribute $attribute instance of the EmbeddedEntityListAttribute to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addEmbeddedEntityList(
        EntityInterface $entity,
        EmbeddedEntityListAttribute $attribute,
        array $options = array()
    ) {
        $options_clone = $options;
        $entity_collection = new EntityList();
        $embedded_type_map = $attribute->getEmbeddedEntityTypeMap();

        $min_count = $attribute->getOption('min_count', 0);
        $max_count = $attribute->getOption('max_count', 3);
        $inline_mode = $attribute->getOption('inline_mode', false);

        if (true === $inline_mode) {
            $number_of_new_embed_entries = 1;
        } else {
            $number_of_new_embed_entries = $this->faker->numberBetween($min_count, $max_count);

        // add new entities to collection for embed types
        for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_new_embed_entries; $i++) {
            $embed_type = $this->faker->randomElement($embedded_type_map->getValues());
            $new_entity = $this->createFakeEntity($embed_type, $options_clone, $entity);

        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $entity_collection, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a Timestamp on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Timestamp to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addTimestamp(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $default_value = $attribute->getDefaultValue();
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $default_value ?: $this->faker->iso8601, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a GeoPoint on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the GeoPoint to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addGeoPoint(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $geopoint = [
            'lon' => $this->faker->longitude,
            'lat' => $this->faker->latitude
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $geopoint, $options);

     * Generates and adds fake data for a Token on a entity.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity an instance of the entity to fill with fake data.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute an instance of the Token to fill with fake data.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return void
    protected function addToken(EntityInterface $entity, AttributeInterface $attribute, array $options = array())
        $min_length = $attribute->getOption('min_length', 1);
        $max_length = $attribute->getOption('max_length', 40);
        $size = $this->faker->numberBetween($min_length, $max_length);
        $token = bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv(ceil($size/2), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
        $truncated_token = substr($token, 0, $size);
        $this->setValue($entity, $attribute, $truncated_token, $options);

     * Sets either given default value or value from option to the given attribute.
     * @param EntityInterface $entity the entity to modify
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute the attribute to set a value for
     * @param mixed $default_value Default value to set.
     * @param array $options Array containing a `attribute_name => $mixed` entry.
     *                       $mixed is set as value instead of $default_value.
     *                       If $mixed is a closure it will be called and used.
     *                       $mixed may also be another callable like an array
     *                       `array($class, "$methodName")` or a string like
     *                       `'Your\Namespace\Foo::getStaticTrololo'`.
     * @return void
    protected function setValue(
        EntityInterface $entity,
        AttributeInterface $attribute,
        array $options = array()
    ) {
        $attribute_name = $attribute->getName();
        $attribute_options = array();

        if (!empty($options[self::OPTION_FIELD_VALUES])
            && is_array($options[self::OPTION_FIELD_VALUES])
        ) {
            $attribute_options = $options[self::OPTION_FIELD_VALUES];

        if (empty($attribute_options[$attribute_name])) {
            $entity->setValue($attribute_name, $default_value);
        } else {
            $option = $attribute_options[$attribute_name];
            if (is_callable($option)) {
                $entity->setValue($attribute_name, call_user_func($option));
            } else {
                $entity->setValue($attribute_name, $option);

     * Returns whether or not the fake data generation should be dependant on
     * the attribute_names the used types have.
     * @param array $options array of options to customize fake data creation.
     * @return bool true if the fake data provider should be guessed by attribute_name.
     *                   False if specified self::OPTION_GUESS_PROVIDER_BY_NAME is set to false.
    protected function shouldGuessByName(array $options = array())
        if (array_key_exists(self::OPTION_GUESS_PROVIDER_BY_NAME, $options)
            && false === $options[self::OPTION_GUESS_PROVIDER_BY_NAME]
        ) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Returns the name of the internal method to call when fake data should
     * be generated and added to the given attribute. The pattern is like this:
     * - `addText` for `\Trellis\Runtime\Attribute\Type\Text`
     * - `addNumberCollection` for `\Trellis\Runtime\Attribute\Type\NumberCollection`
     * etc. pp.
     * @param AttributeInterface $attribute attribute instance to generate fake data for
     * @return string|null method name to use for fake data addition for given attribute
    protected function getMethodNameFor(AttributeInterface $attribute)
        $hierarchy = array(get_class($attribute)) + class_parents($attribute, false);
        foreach ($hierarchy as $attribute_class) {
            $attribute_class_parts = explode('\\', $attribute_class);
            $attribute_class = array_pop($attribute_class_parts);
            $clean_type_name = preg_replace('#Attribute$#', '', $attribute_class);
            $method_name = 'add' . ucfirst($clean_type_name);
            if (is_callable([ $this, $method_name ])) {
                return $method_name;