function [F, M] = getController(t, state, des_state, params)
% Controller for the quadcopter
% state: The current state of the robot with the following fields:
% state.pos = [x; y; z], state.vel = [x_dot; y_dot; z_dot],
% state.rot = [phi; theta; psi], = [p; q; r]
% des_state: The desired states are:
% des_state.pos = [x; y; z], des_state.vel = [x_dot; y_dot; z_dot],
% des_state.acc = [x_ddot; y_ddot; z_ddot], des_state.yaw,
% des_state.yawdot
% params: robot parameters
% Gains
Kd = [1; 1; 1];
Kp = [100; 100; 800];
Kd_ang = [1; 1; 1];
Kp_ang = [160; 160; 160];
grav = params.gravity;
mass = params.mass;
% Compute command accelerations
cmd_accel = des_state.acc + Kd .* (des_state.vel - state.vel) + Kp .* (des_state.pos - state.pos);
% Thrust
F = mass * (grav + cmd_accel(3));
F = min(max(F, params.minF), params.maxF);
% Desired roll and pitch
phi_des = (1 / grav) * (cmd_accel(1) * sin(des_state.yaw) - cmd_accel(2) * cos(des_state.yaw));
theta_des = (1 / grav) * (cmd_accel(1) * cos(des_state.yaw) + cmd_accel(2) * sin(des_state.yaw));
% Desired angle vector and angle rate vector
rot_des = [phi_des; theta_des; des_state.yaw];
omega_des = [0; 0; des_state.yawdot];
% Moment
M = Kp_ang .* (rot_des - state.rot) + Kd_ang .* (omega_des -;