function sdot = calculateQuadEOM(t, s, F, M, params)
% Solve quadcopter equation of motion
% calculateQuadEOM calculate the derivative of the state vector
% t - 1 x 1, time
% s - 13 x 1, state vector = [x, y, z, xd, yd, zd, qw, qx, qy, qz, p, q, r]
% F - 1 x 1, thrust output from controller (only used in simulation)
% M - 3 x 1, moments output from controller (only used in simulation)
% params - struct, output from nanoplus() and whatever parameters you want to pass in
% sdot - 13 x 1, derivative of state vector s
% NOTE: You should not modify this function
% See Also: calculateQuadEOM, nanoplus
% ************ EQUATIONS OF MOTION ************************
% Limit the force and moments due to actuator limits
A = [0.25, 0, -0.5 / params.arm_length
0.25, 0.5 / params.arm_length, 0
0.25, 0, 0.5 / params.arm_length
0.25, -0.5 / params.arm_length, 0];
prop_thrusts = A * [F; M(1:2)]; % Not using moment about Z-axis for limits
prop_thrusts_clamped = max(min(prop_thrusts, params.maxF / 4), params.minF / 4);
B = [1, 1, 1, 1
0, params.arm_length, 0, -params.arm_length
-params.arm_length, 0, params.arm_length, 0];
F = B(1, :) * prop_thrusts_clamped;
M = [B(2:3, :) * prop_thrusts_clamped; M(3)];
% Assign states
x = s(1);
y = s(2);
z = s(3);
xdot = s(4);
ydot = s(5);
zdot = s(6);
qW = s(7);
qX = s(8);
qY = s(9);
qZ = s(10);
p = s(11);
q = s(12);
r = s(13);
quat = [qW; qX; qY; qZ];
bRw = convertQuatToRot(quat);
wRb = bRw';
% Acceleration
accel = 1 / params.mass * (wRb * [0; 0; F] - [0; 0; params.mass * params.gravity]);
% Angular velocity
K_quat = 2; % this enforces the magnitude 1 constraint for the quaternion
quaterror = 1 - (qW^2 + qX^2 + qY^2 + qZ^2);
qdot = -1 / 2 * [0, -p, -q, -r; ...
p, 0, -r, q; ...
q, r, 0, -p; ...
r, -q, p, 0] * quat + K_quat * quaterror * quat;
% Angular acceleration
omega = [p; q; r];
pqrdot = params.invI * (M - cross(omega, params.I * omega));
% Assemble sdot
sdot = zeros(13, 1);
sdot(1) = xdot;
sdot(2) = ydot;
sdot(3) = zdot;
sdot(4) = accel(1);
sdot(5) = accel(2);
sdot(6) = accel(3);
sdot(7) = qdot(1);
sdot(8) = qdot(2);
sdot(9) = qdot(3);
sdot(10) = qdot(4);
sdot(11) = pqrdot(1);
sdot(12) = pqrdot(2);
sdot(13) = pqrdot(3);