function [phi, theta, psi] = convertRotToRPY(R)
% Extract Roll, Pitch, Yaw from a world-to-body Rotation Matrix
% The rotation matrix in this function is world to body [bRw] you will
% need to transpose the matrix if you have a body to world [wRb] such
% that [wP] = [wRb] * [bP], where [bP] is a point in the body frame and
% [wP] is a point in the world frame
% bRw = [ cos(psi)*cos(theta) - sin(phi)*sin(psi)*sin(theta),
% cos(theta)*sin(psi) + cos(psi)*sin(phi)*sin(theta),
% -cos(phi)*sin(theta)]
% [-cos(phi)*sin(psi), cos(phi)*cos(psi), sin(phi)]
% [ cos(psi)*sin(theta) + cos(theta)*sin(phi)*sin(psi),
% sin(psi)*sin(theta) - cos(psi)*cos(theta)*sin(phi),
% cos(phi)*cos(theta)]
phi = asin(R(2, 3));
psi = atan2(-R(2, 1) / cos(phi), R(2, 2) / cos(phi));
theta = atan2(-R(1, 3) / cos(phi), R(3, 3) / cos(phi));