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# https://github.com/permitio/opal-fetcher-postgres

import json

import asyncpg
from asyncpg.exceptions import DataError
from asyncpg.transaction import Transaction
from opal_common.fetcher.events import FetcherConfig, FetchEvent
from opal_common.fetcher.fetch_provider import BaseFetchProvider
from opal_common.logger import logger
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from tenacity import retry_unless_exception_type, stop, wait

class PostgresConnectionParams(BaseModel):
    database: str | None = Field(None, description="PostgreSQL database")
    user: str | None = Field(None, description="PostgreSQL user")
    password: str | None = Field(None, description="PostgreSQL password")
    host: str | None = Field(None, description="PostgreSQL host")
    port: str | None = Field(None, description="PostgreSQL port")

class PostgresFetcherConfig(FetcherConfig):
    fetcher: str = "PostgresFetchProvider"
    connection_params: PostgresConnectionParams | None = Field(
        None, description="can be overridden or complement parts of the DSN"
    query: str = Field(..., description="the query")
    fetch_one: bool = Field(False, description="fetch only one row")
    dict_key: str | None = Field(
        None, description="array of dict will map to dict with provided dict_key"

class PostgresFetchEvent(FetchEvent):
    fetcher: str = "PostgresFetchProvider"
    config: PostgresFetcherConfig | None = None

class PostgresFetchProvider(BaseFetchProvider):
        "wait": wait.wait_random_exponential(),
        "stop": stop.stop_after_attempt(10),
        "retry": retry_unless_exception_type(
        ),  # query error (i.e: invalid table, etc)
        "reraise": True,

    def __init__(self, event: PostgresFetchEvent) -> None:
        if event.config is None:
            event.config = PostgresFetcherConfig()
        self._connection: asyncpg.Connection | None = None
        self._transaction: Transaction | None = None

    def parse_event(self, event: FetchEvent) -> PostgresFetchEvent:
        return PostgresFetchEvent(**event.dict(exclude={"config"}), config=event.config)

    async def __aenter__(self):
        # self._event: PostgresFetchEvent  # type casting

        dsn: str = self._event.url
        connection_params: dict = (
            if self._event.config.connection_params is None
            else self._event.config.connection_params.dict(exclude_none=True)

        self._connection: asyncpg.Connection = await asyncpg.connect(
            dsn, **connection_params

        await self._connection.set_type_codec(
            "jsonb", encoder=json.dumps, decoder=json.loads, schema="pg_catalog"

        self._transaction: Transaction = self._connection.transaction(readonly=True)
        await self._transaction.__aenter__()

        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type=None, exc_val=None, tb=None):
        if self._transaction is not None:
            await self._transaction.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, tb)
        if self._connection is not None:
            await self._connection.close()

    async def _fetch_(self):
        if self._event.config is None:
            logger.warning("Incomplete fetcher config!")

        logger.debug(f"{self.__class__.__name__} fetching from {self._url}")

        if self._event.config.fetch_one:
            row = await self._connection.fetchrow(self._event.config.query)
            return [row]
            return await self._connection.fetch(self._event.config.query)

    async def _process_(self, records: list[asyncpg.Record]):
        if self._event.config is not None and self._event.config.fetch_one:
            if records and len(records) > 0:
                return dict(records[0])
            return {}
            if self._event.config.dict_key is None:
                return [dict(record) for record in records]
            return {
                dict(record)[self._event.config.dict_key]: dict(record)
                for record in records