function [pkHistVal, pkIdx] = findPeaks(histVal)
pkIdxTemp = (1:size(histVal, 2))';
histValTemp = [NaN; histVal'; NaN];
tempIdx = (1:length(histValTemp)).';
% keep only the first of any adjacent pairs of equal values (including NaN)
yFinite = ~isnan(histValTemp);
iNeq = [1; 1 + find((histValTemp(1:end - 1) ~= histValTemp(2:end)) & (yFinite(1:end - 1) | yFinite(2:end)))];
tempIdx = tempIdx(iNeq);
% Take the sign of the first sample derivative
s = sign(diff(histValTemp(tempIdx)));
% Find local maxima
maxIdx = 1 + find(diff(s) < 0);
% Index into the original index vector without the NaN bookend
pkIdx = tempIdx(maxIdx) - 1;
% Fetch the coordinates of the peak
pkHistVal = histVal(pkIdx);
pkIdx = pkIdxTemp(pkIdx)';