% Download lidar data
lidarData = fetchLidarData();
% Select first frame
ptCloud = lidarData{1};
% Define ROI in meters
xlim = [5 55];
ylim = [-3 3];
zlim = [-4 1];
roi = [xlim ylim zlim];
% Crop point cloud using ROI
indices = findPointsInROI(ptCloud, roi);
croppedPtCloud = select(ptCloud, indices);
% Remove ground plane
maxDistance = 0.1;
referenceVector = [0 0 1];
[model, inlierIndices, outlierIndices] = pcfitplane(croppedPtCloud, maxDistance, referenceVector);
groundPts = select(croppedPtCloud, inlierIndices);
% Peak Intensity Detection
histBinResolution = 0.2;
[histVal, yvals] = computeHistogram(groundPts, histBinResolution);
% Obtain peaks in the histogram by using the helperfindpeaks helper function.
% Further filter the possible lane points based on lane width using initializeWindow.
[peaks, locs] = findPeaks(histVal);
startYs = yvals(locs);
laneWidth = 4;
[startLanePoints, detectedPeaks] = initializeWindow(startYs, peaks, laneWidth);
% Window Initialization
vBinRes = 1.0;
hBinRes = 0.8;
numVerticalBins = ceil((groundPts.XLimits(2) - groundPts.XLimits(1)) / vBinRes);
% Sliding Window
lanes = detectLanes(groundPts, hBinRes, numVerticalBins, startLanePoints);
% Plot final lane points
lane1 = lanes{1};
lane2 = lanes{2};
% Lane Fitting
% Parabolic Polynomial Fitting
[P1, error1] = fitPolynomial(lane1(:, 1:2), 2, 0.1);
[P2, error2] = fitPolynomial(lane2(:, 1:2), 2, 0.1);
xval = linspace(5, 40, 80);
yval1 = polyval(P1, xval);
yval2 = polyval(P2, xval);
% Z-coordinate estimation
modelParams = model.Parameters;
zWorld1 = (-modelParams(1) * xval - modelParams(2) * yval1 - modelParams(4)) / modelParams(3);
zWorld2 = (-modelParams(1) * xval - modelParams(2) * yval2 - modelParams(4)) / modelParams(3);
% Parallel Lane Fitting
lane3d1 = [xval' yval1' zWorld1'];
lane3d2 = [xval' yval2' zWorld2'];
% Shift the polynomial with a high score along the Y-axis towards
% the polynomial with a low score
if error1 > error2
lanePolynomial = P2;
if lane3d1(1, 2) > 0
lanePolynomial(3) = lane3d2(1, 2) + laneWidth;
lanePolynomial(3) = lane3d2(1, 2) - laneWidth;
lane3d1(:, 2) = polyval(lanePolynomial, lane3d1(:, 1));
lanePolynomials = [lanePolynomial; P2];
lanePolynomial = P1;
if lane3d2(1, 2) > 0
lanePolynomial(3) = lane3d1(1, 2) + laneWidth;
lanePolynomial(3) = lane3d1(1, 2) - laneWidth;
lane3d2(:, 2) = polyval(lanePolynomial, lane3d2(:, 1));
lanePolynomials = [P1; lanePolynomial];
% Lane Tracking
% Initial values
curveInitialParameters = lanePolynomials(1, 1:2);
driftInitialParameters = lanePolynomials(:, 3)';
initialEstimateError = [1 1 1] * 1e-1;
motionNoise = [1 1 1] * 1e-7;
measurementNoise = 10;
% Configure Kalman filter
curveFilter = configureKalmanFilter('ConstantAcceleration', curveInitialParameters, initialEstimateError, motionNoise, measurementNoise);
driftFilter = configureKalmanFilter('ConstantAcceleration', driftInitialParameters, initialEstimateError, motionNoise, measurementNoise);
% Loop Through Data
% Initialize the random number generator
numFrames = numel(lidarData);
detector = LaneDetector('ROI', [5 40 -3 3 -4 1]);
% Turn on display
player = pcplayer([0 50], [-15 15], [-5 5]);
drift = zeros(numFrames, 1);
filteredDrift = zeros(numFrames, 1);
curveSmoothness = zeros(numFrames, 1);
filteredCurveSmoothness = zeros(numFrames, 1);
for i = 1:numFrames
ptCloud = lidarData{i};
% Detect lanes
detectLanes(detector, ptCloud);
% Predict polynomial from Kalman filter
% Correct polynomial using Kalman filter
lanePolynomials = detector.LanePolynomial;
drift(i) = mean(lanePolynomials(:, 3));
curveSmoothness(i) = mean(lanePolynomials(:, 1));
updatedCurveParams = correct(curveFilter, lanePolynomials(1, 1:2));
updatedDriftParams = correct(driftFilter, lanePolynomials(:, 3)');
% Update lane polynomials
updatedLanePolynomials = [repmat(updatedCurveParams, [2 1]), updatedDriftParams'];
% Estimate new lane points with updated polynomial
lanes = updateLanePolynomial(detector, updatedLanePolynomials);
filteredDrift(i) = mean(updatedLanePolynomials(:, 3));
filteredCurveSmoothness(i) = mean(updatedLanePolynomials(:, 1));
% Visualize lanes after parallel fitting
ptCloud.Color = uint8(repmat([0 0 255], ptCloud.Count, 1));
lane3dPc1 = pointCloud(lanes{1});
lane3dPc1.Color = uint8(repmat([255 0 0], lane3dPc1.Count, 1));
lanePc = pccat([ptCloud lane3dPc1]);
lane3dPc2 = pointCloud(lanes{2});
lane3dPc2.Color = uint8(repmat([255 255 0], lane3dPc2.Count, 1));
lanePc = pccat([lanePc lane3dPc2]);
view(player, lanePc);