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% hpre6GOFDMModulate OFDM modulation
%   [WAVEFORM,INFO] = hpre6GOFDMModulate(CARRIER,GRID) performs OFDM
%   modulation of a carrier resource array, GRID, given extended carrier
%   configuration object CARRIER.
%   CARRIER is an extended carrier configuration object, <a
%   href="matlab:help('pre6GCarrierConfig')"
%   >pre6GCarrierConfig</a>.
%   Only these object properties are relevant for this function:
%   SubcarrierSpacing - Subcarrier spacing in kHz (default 15)
%   CyclicPrefix      - Cyclic prefix ('normal', 'extended')
%   NSizeGrid         - Number of resource blocks in carrier resource grid
%                       (default 52)
%   NStartGrid        - Start of carrier resource grid relative to CRB 0
%                       (default 0)
%   NSlot             - Slot number
%   GRID is a complex K-by-N-by-P array, where K is the number of
%   subcarriers, N is the number of OFDM symbols and P is the number of
%   transmit antennas.
%   WAVEFORM is a T-by-P matrix where T is the number of time-domain
%   samples in the waveform.
%   INFO is a structure containing the fields:
%   Nfft                - Number of IFFT points used in the OFDM modulator
%   SampleRate          - Sample rate of the OFDM modulated waveform
%   CyclicPrefixLengths - Cyclic prefix length (in samples) of each OFDM
%                         symbol in a subframe, starting at slot 0
%   SymbolLengths       - Total length (in samples) of each OFDM symbol in
%                         a subframe, including the cyclic prefix and
%                         starting at slot 0
%   Windowing           - Number of time-domain samples over which
%                         windowing and overlapping of OFDM symbols is
%                         applied
%   SymbolPhases        - Phase precompensation applied for each OFDM
%                         symbol due to the phase term per OFDM symbol in
%                         TS 38.211 Section 5.4. <a
%                         href="matlab:help('nrOFDMModulate')"
%                         >nrOFDMModulate</a> applies
%                         this precompensation during modulation and
%                         <a href="matlab:help('nrOFDMDemodulate')"
%                         >nrOFDMDemodulate</a> performs decompensation
%                         during demodulation.
%   SymbolsPerSlot      - Number of OFDM symbols in a slot
%   SlotsPerSubframe    - Number of slots in a 1 ms subframe
%   SlotsPerFrame       - Number of slots in a 10 ms frame
%   Note that the number of samples in the INFO.CyclicPrefixLengths,
%   INFO.SymbolLengths, and INFO.Windowing fields apply to the sample rate
%   of the IFFT of size INFO.Nfft used during OFDM symbol construction.
%   This may be different from the sample rate of the waveform in the case
%   that the 'SampleRate' NAME,VALUE pair below is specified. Note also
%   that the IFFT size can be specified using the 'Nfft' NAME,VALUE pair.
%   [WAVEFORM,INFO] = hpre6GOFDMModulate(...,NAME,VALUE) specifies additional
%   options as NAME,VALUE pairs to allow control over the OFDM modulation:
%   Nfft                - Desired number of IFFT points to use in the OFDM
%                         modulator. If absent or set to [], a default
%                         value is selected based on other parameters, see
%                         <a href="matlab: doc('nrOFDMModulate')"
%                         >nrOFDMModulate</a> for details
%   Windowing           - Number of time-domain samples over which
%                         windowing and overlapping of OFDM symbols is
%                         applied. If absent or set to [], a default value
%                         is selected based on other parameters, see
%                         <a href="matlab: doc('nrOFDMModulate')"
%                         >nrOFDMModulate</a> for details
%   CarrierFrequency    - Carrier frequency (in Hz) to calculate the phase
%                         precompensation applied for each OFDM symbol
%                         (denoted f_0 in TS 38.211 Section 5.4). Default
%                         is 0
%   Note that for the numerologies specified in TS 38.211 Section 4.2,
%   extended cyclic prefix length is only applicable for 60 kHz subcarrier
%   spacing. Note that the number of samples specified in the 'Windowing'
%   option applies to the IFFT of size INFO.Nfft used during OFDM symbol
%   construction.
%   Example:
%   % Perform OFDM modulation of a one-slot resource grid.
%   % Configure carrier for 330 resource blocks and 120 kHz subcarrier
%   % spacing, consistent with a 500 MHz bandwidth
%   carrier = pre6GCarrierConfig;
%   carrier.NSizeGrid = 330;
%   carrier.SubcarrierSpacing = 120;
%   % Create a carrier resource grid and fill it with random 16QAM symbols
%   nTxAnts = 1;
%   grid = hpre6GResourceGrid(carrier,nTxAnts);
%   sym = nrSymbolModulate(randi([0 1],numel(grid)*4,1),'16QAM');
%   grid(:) = sym;
%   % Perform OFDM modulation
%   [waveform,info] = hpre6GOFDMModulate(carrier,grid);
%   See also pre6GCarrierConfig, hpre6GOFDMInfo, hpre6GOFDMDemodulate,
%   hpre6GResourceGrid.
function [waveform, info] = hpre6GOFDMModulate(carrier, grid, varargin)
    narginchk(2, 8);

    % Validate carrier input
    mustBeA(carrier, 'pre6GCarrierConfig');

    % Parse options
    fcnName = 'hpre6GOFDMModulate';
    optNames = {'Nfft', 'Windowing', 'CarrierFrequency'};
    opts = nr5g.internal.parseOptions(fcnName, optNames, varargin{:});
    opts.SampleRate = [];

    % Perform OFDM modulation and get OFDM information
    [waveform, info] = nrOFDMModulate(carrier, grid, opts);