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package kdtree

import (


type Point interface {
    // Return the total number of dimensions
    Dim() int
    // Return the value X_{dim}, dim is started from 0
    GetValue(dim int) float64
    // Return the distance between two points
    Distance(p Point) float64
    // Return the distance between the point and the plane X_{dim}=val
    PlaneDistance(val float64, dim int) float64

type PointBase struct {
    Vec []float64

func (b PointBase) Dim() int {
    return len(b.Vec)

func (b PointBase) GetValue(dim int) float64 {
    return b.Vec[dim]

func NewPointBase(vals []float64) PointBase {
    ret := PointBase{}
    for _, val := range vals {
        ret.Vec = append(ret.Vec, val)
    return ret

type kdTreeNode struct {
    axis           int
    splittingPoint Point
    leftChild      *kdTreeNode
    rightChild     *kdTreeNode

type KDTree struct {
    root *kdTreeNode
    dim  int

func (t *KDTree) Dim() int {
    return t.dim

func (t *KDTree) KNN(target Point, k int) []Point {
    hp := &kNNHeapHelper{}
    t.search(t.root, hp, target, k)
    ret := make([]Point, 0, hp.Len())
    for hp.Len() > 0 {
        item := heap.Pop(hp).(*kNNHeapNode)
        ret = append(ret, item.point)
    for i := len(ret)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        opp := len(ret) - 1 - i
        ret[i], ret[opp] = ret[opp], ret[i]
    return ret

func (t *KDTree) search(p *kdTreeNode,
    hp *kNNHeapHelper, target Point, k int) {
    stk := make([]*kdTreeNode, 0)
    for p != nil {
        stk = append(stk, p)
        if target.GetValue(p.axis) < p.splittingPoint.GetValue(p.axis) {
            p = p.leftChild
        } else {
            p = p.rightChild
    for i := len(stk) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        cur := stk[i]
        dist := target.Distance(cur.splittingPoint)
        if hp.Len() < k || (*hp)[0].distance >= dist {
            heap.Push(hp, &kNNHeapNode{
                point:    cur.splittingPoint,
                distance: dist,
            if hp.Len() > k {
        if hp.Len() < k || target.PlaneDistance(
            cur.splittingPoint.GetValue(cur.axis), cur.axis) <=
            (*hp)[0].distance {
            if target.GetValue(cur.axis) < cur.splittingPoint.GetValue(cur.axis) {
                t.search(cur.rightChild, hp, target, k)
            } else {
                t.search(cur.leftChild, hp, target, k)

func NewKDTree(points []Point) *KDTree {
    if len(points) == 0 {
        return nil
    ret := &KDTree{
        dim:  points[0].Dim(),
        root: createKDTree(points, 0),
    return ret

func createKDTree(points []Point, depth int) *kdTreeNode {
    if len(points) == 0 {
        return nil
    dim := points[0].Dim()
    ret := &kdTreeNode{
        axis: depth % dim,
    if len(points) == 1 {
        ret.splittingPoint = points[0]
        return ret
    idx := selectSplittingPoint(points, ret.axis)
    if idx == -1 {
        return nil
    ret.splittingPoint = points[idx]
    ret.leftChild = createKDTree(points[0:idx], depth+1)
    ret.rightChild = createKDTree(points[idx+1:len(points)], depth+1)
    return ret

type selectionHelper struct {
    axis   int
    points []Point

func (h *selectionHelper) Len() int {
    return len(h.points)

func (h *selectionHelper) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return h.points[i].GetValue(h.axis) < h.points[j].GetValue(h.axis)

func (h *selectionHelper) Swap(i, j int) {
    h.points[i], h.points[j] = h.points[j], h.points[i]

func selectSplittingPoint(points []Point, axis int) int {
    helper := &selectionHelper{
        axis:   axis,
        points: points,
    mid := len(points)/2 + 1
    err := algo.QuickSelect(helper, mid)
    if err != nil {
        return -1
    return mid - 1

type kNNHeapNode struct {
    point    Point
    distance float64

type kNNHeapHelper []*kNNHeapNode

func (h kNNHeapHelper) Len() int {
    return len(h)

func (h kNNHeapHelper) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return h[i].distance > h[j].distance

func (h kNNHeapHelper) Swap(i, j int) {
    h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i]

func (h *kNNHeapHelper) Push(x interface{}) {
    item := x.(*kNNHeapNode)
    *h = append(*h, item)

func (h *kNNHeapHelper) Pop() interface{} {
    old := *h
    n := len(old)
    item := old[n-1]
    *h = old[0 : n-1]
    return item