# Java Project Lvl1Java Project Lvl1 is a collection of six CLI games that can be run in your terminal:- Greet- Even- Calc- GCD- Progression- Prime This project is written with a focus on object-oriented programming. All games have a common base class (the Engine class), so adding a new game is quite simple. I use Gradle as a build automation tool and GitHub Actions as a continuous integration (CI) platform. I also use Make & Makefile for frequently used commands in order to save time. ### Hexlet tests and linter status[]( ### GitHub Actions workflow status badge[]( Maintainability badge from Code Climate[]( ## Game launch examples### Greet game  [Asciinema URL]( ### Even game [Asciinema URL]( ### Calc game [Asciinema URL]( ### GDC game [Asciinema URL]( ### Progression game [Asciinema URL]( ### Prime game [Asciinema URL]( ## Install```shmake``` ## Run```shmake run-dist``` ## Build```shmake build``` ## Run checkstyle```shmake lint``` ## Check for Dependency Updates```shmake check-updates```