serverConfig: port: 8080cloudEventServerConfig: port: 8181jobConfig: lockName: horizon-lock lockNS: horizoncd leaseDuration: 15 renewDeadline: 10 retryPeriod: 2dbConfig: host: "" port: 3331 username: "" password: "" database: "" prometheusEnabled: truekubeconfig: ""sessionConfig: maxAge: 43200redisConfig: protocol: tcp address: "" password: "" db: 1gitRepos: []gitopsRepoConfig: rootGroupPath: "" url: token:templateRepo: kind: "harbor" host: "" repoName: "horizon-template" username: "" password: "" insecure: true certFile: "" keyFile: "" caFile: ""argoCDMapper: dev,test,reg,perf,beta,pre,online: url: "" token: "" namespace: ""tektonMapper: dev,test,reg,perf,beta,pre,online: server: "" namespace: "" # if you run horizon on local machine, you need to set this to the absolute path of your kubeconfig # if you are running it on mac, the path may be looked like '/Users/xxx/.kube/config' kubeconfig: "/Users/xxx/.kube/config" logStorage: # the following types of log storage are supported: # s3: Minio is used by default, and you can also specify your own s3 storage. # dummy: A dummy log storage. Building logs are not stored and Horizon gets them directly from k8s. type: dummy accessKey: "" secretKey: "" region: "" endpoint: "" bucket: "" disableSSL: false skipVerify: true s3ForcePathStyle: truegrafanaConfig: host: http://localhost:3000 namespace: horizon dashboards: # label that the configmaps with dashboards are marked with labelKey: grafana_dashboard # value of label that the configmaps with dashboards are set to labelValue: "1" syncDatasourceConfig: period: 2m # label that the configmaps with datasources are marked with labelKey: grafana_datasource # value of label that the configmaps with datasources are set to labelValue: "1"oauth: # if you run horizon on local machine, you need to set this to the absolute path of your auth.html # for example ${projectdir}/core/http/api/v1/oauthserver/auth.html oauthHTMLLocation: "" authorizeCodeExpireIn: 10m accessTokenExpireIn: 24h refreshTokenExpireIn: 720h tokenConfig: jwtSigningKey: "" callbackTokenExpireIn: 2h