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File `controller.go` has 535 lines of code (exceeds 500 allowed). Consider refactoring.
// Copyright © 2023 Horizoncd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package group
import (
herrors "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/core/errors"
appmanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/application/manager"
appmodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/application/models"
clustermanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/cluster/manager"
perror "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/errors"
groupmanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/group/manager"
memberservice "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/member/service"
tmanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/template/manager"
trmanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/templaterelease/manager"
const (
// ErrCodeNotFound a kind of error code, returned when there's no group matching the given id
ErrCodeNotFound = errors.ErrorCode("RecordNotFound")
// ErrGroupHasChildren a kind of error code, returned when deleting a group which still has some children
ErrGroupHasChildren = errors.ErrorCode("GroupHasChildren")
type Controller interface {
// CreateGroup add a group
CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, newGroup *NewGroup) (uint, error)
// Delete remove a group by the id
Delete(ctx context.Context, id uint) error
// GetByID get a group by the id
GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*StructuredGroup, error)
// GetByFullPath get a group by the URLPath
GetByFullPath(ctx context.Context, resourcePath string, resourceType string) (*service.Child, error)
// Transfer put a group under another parent group
Transfer(ctx context.Context, id, newParentID uint) error
// UpdateBasic update basic info of a group, including name, path, description and visibilityLevel
UpdateBasic(ctx context.Context, id uint, updateGroup *UpdateGroup) error
// GetSubGroups get subgroups of a group
GetSubGroups(ctx context.Context, id uint, pageNumber, pageSize int) ([]*service.Child, int64, error)
// GetChildren get children of a group, including subgroups and applications
GetChildren(ctx context.Context, id uint, pageNumber, pageSize int) ([]*service.Child, int64, error)
// SearchGroups search subGroups of a group
SearchGroups(ctx context.Context, params *SearchParams) ([]*service.Child, int64, error)
// SearchChildren search children of a group, including subgroups and applications
SearchChildren(ctx context.Context, params *SearchParams) ([]*service.Child, int64, error)
// ListAuthedGroup get all the authed groups of current user(if is admin, return all the groups)
ListAuthedGroup(ctx context.Context) ([]*Group, error)
// UpdateRegionSelector update regionSelector
UpdateRegionSelector(ctx context.Context, id uint, regionSelector RegionSelectors) error
type controller struct {
groupManager groupmanager.Manager
applicationManager appmanager.Manager
clusterManager clustermanager.Manager
memberSvc memberservice.Service
templateMgr tmanager.Manager
templateReleaseMgr trmanager.Manager
// NewController initializes a new group controller
func NewController(param *param.Param) Controller {
return &controller{
groupManager: param.GroupMgr,
applicationManager: param.ApplicationMgr,
clusterManager: param.ClusterMgr,
memberSvc: param.MemberService,
templateMgr: param.TemplateMgr,
templateReleaseMgr: param.TemplateReleaseMgr,
// GetChildren get children of a group, including subgroups and applications
Method `controller.GetChildren` has 5 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).
func (c *controller) GetChildren(ctx context.Context, id uint, pageNumber, pageSize int) (
[]*service.Child, int64, error) {
var parent *models.Group
var full *service.Full
if id > 0 {
var err error
parent, err = c.groupManager.GetByID(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
full, err = c.formatFullFromGroup(ctx, parent)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// query children
children, count, err := c.groupManager.GetChildren(ctx, id, pageNumber, pageSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// calculate childrenCount
parentIDs := make([]uint, len(children))
for i, g := range children {
if g.Type == service.ChildTypeGroup {
parentIDs[i] = g.ID
groups, err := c.groupManager.GetSubGroupsUnderParentIDs(ctx, parentIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
childrenCountMap := map[uint]int{}
for _, g := range groups {
// format GroupChild
var gChildren = make([]*service.Child, len(children))
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
for i, val := range children {
var fName, fPath string
if id == 0 {
fName = val.Name
fPath = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", val.Path)
} else {
fName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", full.FullName, val.Name)
fPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", full.FullPath, val.Path)
child := service.ConvertGroupOrApplicationToChild(val, &service.Full{
FullName: fName,
FullPath: fPath,
child.ChildrenCount = childrenCountMap[child.ID]
gChildren[i] = child
return gChildren, count, nil
// SearchGroups search subGroups of a group
Method `controller.SearchGroups` has 6 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).
func (c *controller) SearchGroups(ctx context.Context, params *SearchParams) ([]*service.Child, int64, error) {
if params.Filter == "" {
return c.GetSubGroups(ctx, params.GroupID, params.PageNumber, params.PageSize)
// query groups by the name fuzzily
var matchedGroups []*models.Group
var err error
if params.GroupID == 0 {
matchedGroups, err = c.groupManager.GetByNameFuzzily(ctx, params.Filter)
} else {
matchedGroups, err = c.groupManager.GetByIDNameFuzzily(ctx, params.GroupID, params.Filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
if matchedGroups == nil {
return []*service.Child{}, 0, nil
// query groups in ids (split matchedGroups' traversalIDs by ',')
groups, err := c.formatGroupsInTraversalIDs(ctx, matchedGroups)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// generate children with level struct
childrenWithLevelStruct := generateChildrenWithLevelStruct(params.GroupID, groups, []*appmodels.Application{})
// sort children by updatedAt desc
sort.SliceStable(childrenWithLevelStruct, func(i, j int) bool {
return childrenWithLevelStruct[i].UpdatedAt.After(childrenWithLevelStruct[j].UpdatedAt)
return childrenWithLevelStruct, int64(len(childrenWithLevelStruct)), nil
// SearchChildren search children of a group, including subgroups and applications
Method `controller.SearchChildren` has 7 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).
func (c *controller) SearchChildren(ctx context.Context, params *SearchParams) ([]*service.Child, int64, error) {
if params.Filter == "" {
return c.GetChildren(ctx, params.GroupID, params.PageNumber, params.PageSize)
// query groups by the name fuzzily
var matchedGroups []*models.Group
var err error
if params.GroupID == 0 {
matchedGroups, err = c.groupManager.GetByNameFuzzily(ctx, params.Filter)
} else {
matchedGroups, err = c.groupManager.GetByIDNameFuzzily(ctx, params.GroupID, params.Filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// query applications by the name fuzzily
matchedApplications, err := c.applicationManager.GetByNameFuzzily(ctx, params.Filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
var groupIDs []uint
for _, application := range matchedApplications {
groupIDs = append(groupIDs, application.GroupID)
groups, err := c.groupManager.GetByIDs(ctx, groupIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
matchedGroups = append(matchedGroups, groups...)
// query groups in ids (split matchedGroups' traversalIDs by ',')
groups, err = c.formatGroupsInTraversalIDs(ctx, matchedGroups)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// generate children with level struct
childrenWithLevelStruct := generateChildrenWithLevelStruct(params.GroupID, groups, matchedApplications)
// sort children by updatedAt desc
sort.SliceStable(childrenWithLevelStruct, func(i, j int) bool {
return childrenWithLevelStruct[i].UpdatedAt.After(childrenWithLevelStruct[j].UpdatedAt)
return childrenWithLevelStruct, int64(len(childrenWithLevelStruct)), nil
// GetSubGroups get subgroups of a group
Method `controller.GetSubGroups` has 5 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).
func (c *controller) GetSubGroups(ctx context.Context, id uint, pageNumber, pageSize int) (
[]*service.Child, int64, error) {
var parent *models.Group
var full *service.Full
if id > 0 {
var err error
parent, err = c.groupManager.GetByID(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
full, err = c.formatFullFromGroup(ctx, parent)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// query subGroups
subGroups, count, err := c.groupManager.GetSubGroups(ctx, id, pageNumber, pageSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// calculate childrenCount
parentIDs := make([]uint, len(subGroups))
for i, g := range subGroups {
parentIDs[i] = g.ID
groups, err := c.groupManager.GetSubGroupsUnderParentIDs(ctx, parentIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
childrenCountMap := map[uint]int{}
for _, g := range groups {
// format GroupChild
var gChildren = make([]*service.Child, len(subGroups))
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
for i, s := range subGroups {
var fName, fPath string
if id == 0 {
fName = s.Name
fPath = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", s.Path)
} else {
fName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", full.FullName, s.Name)
fPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", full.FullPath, s.Path)
child := service.ConvertGroupToChild(s, &service.Full{
FullName: fName,
FullPath: fPath,
child.ChildrenCount = childrenCountMap[child.ID]
gChildren[i] = child
return gChildren, count, nil
// UpdateBasic update basic info of a group, including name, path, description and visibilityLevel
func (c *controller) UpdateBasic(ctx context.Context, id uint, updateGroup *UpdateGroup) error {
group := convertUpdateGroupToGroup(updateGroup)
group.ID = id
err := c.groupManager.UpdateBasic(ctx, group)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Transfer put a group under another parent group
func (c *controller) Transfer(ctx context.Context, id, newParentID uint) error {
err := c.groupManager.Transfer(ctx, id, newParentID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreateGroup add a group
func (c *controller) CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, newGroup *NewGroup) (uint, error) {
groupEntity := convertNewGroupToGroup(newGroup)
group, err := c.groupManager.Create(ctx, groupEntity)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return group.ID, err
// GetByFullPath TODO: refactor by resource type
// get a resource by the URLPath
Method `controller.GetByFullPath` has a Cognitive Complexity of 60 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `controller.GetByFullPath` has 124 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `controller.GetByFullPath` has 24 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).
func (c *controller) GetByFullPath(ctx context.Context,
resourcePath string, resourceType string) (*service.Child, error) {
const op = "get record by fullPath"
defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint()
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("no resource matching the resourcePath: %s, resourceType: %s",
resourcePath, resourceType)
errNotMatch := herrors.NewErrNotFound(herrors.GroupFullPath, errMsg)
if len(resourcePath) == 0 {
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
if resourceType == "" {
// resourcePath: /a/b => {a, b}
paths := strings.Split(resourcePath[1:], "/")
groups, err := c.groupManager.GetByPaths(ctx, paths)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get mapping between id and group
idToGroup := service.GenerateIDToGroup(groups)
// get mapping between id and full
idToFull := service.GenerateIDToFull(groups)
// 1. match group
for k, v := range idToFull {
// resourcePath pointing to a group
if v.FullPath == resourcePath {
g := idToGroup[k]
child := service.ConvertGroupToChild(g, v)
return child, nil
// 2. match application
if len(paths) < 2 {
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
app, err := c.applicationManager.GetByName(ctx, paths[len(paths)-1])
if app != nil && err == nil {
appParentFull, ok := idToFull[app.GroupID]
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if ok && fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", appParentFull.FullPath, app.Name) == resourcePath {
return service.ConvertApplicationToChild(app, &service.Full{
FullName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", appParentFull.FullName, app.Name),
FullPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", appParentFull.FullPath, app.Name),
}), nil
// 3. match cluster
if len(paths) < 3 {
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
cluster, err := c.clusterManager.GetByName(ctx, paths[len(paths)-1])
if err != nil || cluster == nil {
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
app, err = c.applicationManager.GetByID(ctx, cluster.ApplicationID)
if err != nil {
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
appParentFull, ok := idToFull[app.GroupID]
if ok && fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", appParentFull.FullPath, app.Name, cluster.Name) == resourcePath {
return service.ConvertClusterToChild(cluster, &service.Full{
FullName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", appParentFull.FullName, app.Name, cluster.Name),
FullPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", appParentFull.FullPath, app.Name, cluster.Name),
}), nil
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
pathArr := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(resourcePath, "/"), "/")
// for /group1/group2/group3/template1
if resourceType == common.ResourceTemplate {
if len(pathArr) < 1 {
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
templateName := pathArr[len(pathArr)-1]
template, err := c.templateMgr.GetByName(ctx, templateName)
if err != nil {
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
if template.GroupID == service.RootGroupID {
if len(pathArr) == 1 {
return service.ConvertTemplateToChild(template, &service.Full{
FullName: template.Name,
FullPath: fmt.Sprintf("/%s", template.Name),
}), nil
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
groups, err := c.groupManager.GetByPaths(ctx, pathArr[:len(pathArr)-1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get mapping between id and full
idToFull := service.GenerateIDToFull(groups)
full, ok := idToFull[template.GroupID]
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if ok && fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", full.FullPath, template.Name) == resourcePath {
return service.ConvertTemplateToChild(template, &service.Full{
FullName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", full.FullName, template.Name),
FullPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", full.FullPath, template.Name),
}), nil
} else if resourceType == common.ResourceTemplateRelease {
// for /template1/release1
if len(pathArr) < 2 {
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
templateName := pathArr[len(pathArr)-2]
template, err := c.templateMgr.GetByName(ctx, templateName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
releaseName := pathArr[len(pathArr)-1]
release, err := c.templateReleaseMgr.GetByTemplateNameAndRelease(ctx, templateName, releaseName)
if err != nil {
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
if template.GroupID == service.RootGroupID {
if len(pathArr) == 2 {
return service.ConvertReleaseToChild(release, &service.Full{
FullName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", template.Name, releaseName),
FullPath: fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", template.Name, releaseName),
}), nil
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
groups, err := c.groupManager.GetByPaths(ctx, pathArr[:len(pathArr)-2])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get mapping between id and full
idToFull := service.GenerateIDToFull(groups)
full, ok := idToFull[template.GroupID]
if ok && fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", full.FullPath, template.Name, releaseName) == resourcePath {
return service.ConvertReleaseToChild(release, &service.Full{
FullName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", full.FullName, template.Name, releaseName),
FullPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", full.FullPath, template.Name, releaseName),
}), nil
return nil, perror.Wrap(errNotMatch, errMsg)
func (c *controller) ListAuthedGroup(ctx context.Context) ([]*Group, error) {
currentUser, err := common.UserFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
groups, err := c.groupManager.GetAll(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var authedGroups []*models.Group
if currentUser.IsAdmin() {
authedGroups = groups
} else {
authedGroups = make([]*models.Group, 0)
for _, item := range groups {
// TODO: get all group member in one request
strID := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(item.ID), 10)
member, err := c.memberSvc.GetMemberOfResource(ctx, common.ResourceGroup, strID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if member != nil && (member.Role == role.Owner ||
member.Role == role.Maintainer || member.Role == role.PE) {
authedGroups = append(authedGroups, item)
return c.ofGroupModel(ctx, authedGroups)
// GetByID get a group by the id
func (c *controller) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*StructuredGroup, error) {
group, err := c.groupManager.GetByID(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
full, err := c.formatFullFromGroup(ctx, group)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var regionSelectors RegionSelectors
err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(group.RegionSelector), &regionSelectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &StructuredGroup{
Group: &Group{
ID: group.ID,
Name: group.Name,
Path: group.Path,
VisibilityLevel: group.VisibilityLevel,
Description: group.Description,
ParentID: group.ParentID,
TraversalIDs: group.TraversalIDs,
UpdatedAt: group.UpdatedAt,
FullName: full.FullName,
FullPath: full.FullPath,
RegionSelectors: regionSelectors,
}, nil
// Delete remove a group by the id
func (c *controller) Delete(ctx context.Context, id uint) error {
const op = "group *controller: delete group by id"
rowsAffected, err := c.groupManager.Delete(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
if err == herrors.ErrGroupHasChildren {
return errors.E(op, http.StatusBadRequest, ErrGroupHasChildren, herrors.ErrGroupHasChildren)
return errors.E(op, fmt.Sprintf("failed to delete the group matching the id: %d", id), err)
if rowsAffected == 0 {
return errors.E(op, http.StatusNotFound, ErrCodeNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("no group matching the id: %d", id))
return nil
// formatGroupsInTraversalIDs query groups by ids (split traversalIDs by ',')
func (c *controller) formatGroupsInTraversalIDs(ctx context.Context, groups []*models.Group) ([]*models.Group, error) {
var ids []uint
for _, g := range groups {
ids = append(ids, groupmanager.FormatIDsFromTraversalIDs(g.TraversalIDs)...)
groupsByIDs, err := c.groupManager.GetByIDs(ctx, ids)
if err != nil {
return []*models.Group{}, err
return groupsByIDs, nil
// generateChildrenWithLevelStruct generate subgroups with level struct
func generateChildrenWithLevelStruct(groupID uint, groups []*models.Group,
applications []*appmodels.Application) []*service.Child {
// get mapping between id and full
idToFull := service.GenerateIDToFull(groups)
// record the mapping between parentID and children
parentIDToChildren := make(map[uint][]*service.Child)
// first level children under the group
firstLevelChildren := make([]*service.Child, 0)
// generate children by applications
for _, application := range applications {
parent := idToFull[application.GroupID]
if parent == nil {
child := service.ConvertApplicationToChild(application, &service.Full{
FullName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", parent.FullName, application.Name),
FullPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", parent.FullPath, application.Name),
if application.GroupID == groupID {
firstLevelChildren = append(firstLevelChildren, child)
parentIDToChildren[application.GroupID] = append(parentIDToChildren[application.GroupID], child)
// reverse the order
for _, g := range groups {
// get fullName and fullPath by id
full := idToFull[g.ID]
child := service.ConvertGroupToChild(g, full)
// record children of the group whose id is g.parentID
parentIDToChildren[g.ParentID] = append(parentIDToChildren[g.ParentID], child)
if v, ok := parentIDToChildren[g.ID]; ok {
// sort children by type, 'group' in the front of the array while 'application' in the back
sort.SliceStable(v, func(i, j int) bool {
return strings.Compare(v[i].Type, v[j].Type) > 0
child.ChildrenCount = len(v)
child.Children = v
if g.ParentID == groupID {
firstLevelChildren = append(firstLevelChildren, child)
return firstLevelChildren
func (c *controller) formatFullFromGroup(ctx context.Context, group *models.Group) (*service.Full, error) {
groups, err := c.groupManager.GetByIDs(ctx, groupmanager.FormatIDsFromTraversalIDs(group.TraversalIDs))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return service.GenerateFullFromGroups(groups), nil
func (c *controller) ofGroupModel(ctx context.Context, groups []*models.Group) ([]*Group, error) {
var ofGroups = make([]*Group, 0)
for _, item := range groups {
fullEntity, err := c.formatFullFromGroup(ctx, item)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ofGroups = append(ofGroups, &Group{
ID: item.ID,
Name: item.Name,
Path: item.Path,
VisibilityLevel: item.VisibilityLevel,
Description: item.Description,
ParentID: item.ParentID,
TraversalIDs: item.TraversalIDs,
UpdatedAt: item.UpdatedAt,
FullName: fullEntity.FullName,
FullPath: fullEntity.FullPath,
return ofGroups, nil
func (c *controller) UpdateRegionSelector(ctx context.Context, id uint, regionSelector RegionSelectors) error {
// marshal struct to string
regionSelectorBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(regionSelector)
if err != nil {
return herrors.NewErrUpdateFailed(herrors.GroupInDB, err.Error())
return c.groupManager.UpdateRegionSelector(ctx, id, string(regionSelectorBytes))