File `controller.go` has 768 lines of code (exceeds 500 allowed). Consider refactoring.// Copyright © 2023 Horizoncd.//// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.// You may obtain a copy of the License at//// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and// limitations under the License. package pipelinerun import ( "context" "fmt" "net/http" "strconv" "" "" herrors "" "" appmanager "" appmodels "" "" "" "" codemodels "" "" clustermanager "" clustermodels "" clusterservice "" "" "" "" "" envmanager "" perror "" eventmodels "" eventservice "" membermanager "" "" prmanager "" prmodels "" prservice "" regionmanager "" trmanager "" tokensvc "" usermanager "" usermodels "" "" "" "") type Controller interface { GetPipelinerunLog(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) (*collector.Log, error) GetClusterLatestLog(ctx context.Context, clusterID uint) (*collector.Log, error) GetDiff(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) (*GetDiffResponse, error) GetPipelinerun(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) (*prmodels.PipelineBasic, error) ListPipelineruns(ctx context.Context, clusterID uint, canRollback bool, query q.Query) (int, []*prmodels.PipelineBasic, error) StopPipelinerun(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) error StopPipelinerunForCluster(ctx context.Context, clusterID uint) error CreateCheck(ctx context.Context, check *prmodels.Check) (*prmodels.Check, error) GetCheckRunByID(ctx context.Context, checkRunID uint) (*prmodels.CheckRun, error) UpdateCheckRunByID(ctx context.Context, checkRunID uint, request *CreateOrUpdateCheckRunRequest) error // Execute runs a pipelineRun only if its state is ready. Execute(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) error // Ready marks a pipelineRun as ready if its state is pending. Ready(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) error // Cancel withdraws a pipelineRun only if its state is pending. Cancel(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) error ListCheckRuns(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) ([]*prmodels.CheckRun, error) CreateCheckRun(ctx context.Context, pipelineRunID uint, request *CreateOrUpdateCheckRunRequest) (*prmodels.CheckRun, error) ListPRMessages(ctx context.Context, pipelineRunID uint, q *q.Query) (int, []*PRMessage, error) CreatePRMessage(ctx context.Context, pipelineRunID uint, request *CreatePRMessageRequest) (*PRMessage, error)} const _userTypeBot = "bot" `controller` has 25 methods (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.type controller struct { prMgr *prmanager.PRManager appMgr appmanager.Manager clusterMgr clustermanager.Manager envMgr envmanager.Manager prSvc prservice.Service regionMgr regionmanager.Manager tektonFty factory.Factory tokenSvc tokensvc.Service tokenConfig token.Config memberMgr membermanager.Manager templateReleaseMgr trmanager.Manager commitGetter code.GitGetter clusterGitRepo gitrepo.ClusterGitRepo userMgr usermanager.Manager eventSvc eventservice.Service cd cd.CD clusterSvc clusterservice.Service} var _ Controller = (*controller)(nil) func NewController(config *config.Config, param *param.Param) Controller { return &controller{ prMgr: param.PRMgr, prSvc: param.PRService, clusterMgr: param.ClusterMgr, envMgr: param.EnvMgr, tektonFty: param.TektonFty, tokenSvc: param.TokenSvc, tokenConfig: config.TokenConfig, commitGetter: param.GitGetter, appMgr: param.ApplicationMgr, memberMgr: param.MemberMgr, regionMgr: param.RegionMgr, clusterGitRepo: param.ClusterGitRepo, userMgr: param.UserMgr, templateReleaseMgr: param.TemplateReleaseMgr, eventSvc: param.EventSvc, cd: param.CD, clusterSvc: param.ClusterSvc, }} func (c *controller) GetPipelinerunLog(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) (_ *collector.Log, err error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: get pipelinerun log" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() pr, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, pipelinerunID) if err != nil { return nil, errors.E(op, err) } cluster, err := c.clusterMgr.GetByID(ctx, pr.ClusterID) if err != nil { return nil, errors.E(op, err) } // only builddeploy and deploy have logs if pr.Action != prmodels.ActionBuildDeploy && pr.Action != prmodels.ActionDeploy { return nil, errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("%v action has no log", pr.Action)) } return c.getPipelinerunLog(ctx, pr, cluster.EnvironmentName)} func (c *controller) GetClusterLatestLog(ctx context.Context, clusterID uint) (_ *collector.Log, err error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: get cluster latest log" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() pr, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetLatestByClusterIDAndActions(ctx, clusterID, prmodels.ActionBuildDeploy, prmodels.ActionDeploy) if err != nil { return nil, errors.E(op, err) } if pr == nil { return nil, errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("no pipelinerun with log")) } cluster, err := c.clusterMgr.GetByID(ctx, clusterID) if err != nil { return nil, errors.E(op, err) } return c.getPipelinerunLog(ctx, pr, cluster.EnvironmentName)} func (c *controller) getPipelinerunLog(ctx context.Context, pr *prmodels.Pipelinerun, environment string) (_ *collector.Log, err error) { const op = "pipeline controller: get pipelinerun log" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() tektonCollector, err := c.tektonFty.GetTektonCollector(environment) if err != nil { return nil, perror.WithMessagef(err, "failed to get tekton collector for %s", environment) } return tektonCollector.GetPipelineRunLog(ctx, pr)} Method `controller.GetDiff` has 55 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `controller.GetDiff` has 7 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).func (c *controller) GetDiff(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) (_ *GetDiffResponse, err error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: get pipelinerun diff" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() // 1. get pipeline pipelinerun, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, pipelinerunID) if err != nil { return nil, err } // 2. get cluster and application cluster, err := c.clusterMgr.GetByID(ctx, pipelinerun.ClusterID) if err != nil { return nil, err } application, err := c.appMgr.GetByID(ctx, cluster.ApplicationID) if err != nil { return nil, err } // 3. get code diff var codeDiff *CodeInfo if pipelinerun.GitURL != "" && pipelinerun.GitCommit != "" && pipelinerun.GitRef != "" { commit, err := c.commitGetter.GetCommit(ctx, pipelinerun.GitURL, codemodels.GitRefTypeCommit, pipelinerun.GitCommit) if err != nil { return nil, err } historyLink, err := c.commitGetter.GetCommitHistoryLink(pipelinerun.GitURL, pipelinerun.GitCommit) if err != nil { return nil, err } codeDiff = &CodeInfo{ CommitID: pipelinerun.GitCommit, CommitMsg: commit.Message, Link: historyLink, } switch pipelinerun.GitRefType { case codemodels.GitRefTypeTag: codeDiff.Tag = pipelinerun.GitRef case codemodels.GitRefTypeBranch: codeDiff.Branch = pipelinerun.GitRef } } // 4. get config diff var configDiff *ConfigDiff if pipelinerun.ConfigCommit != "" && pipelinerun.LastConfigCommit != "" { diff, err := c.clusterGitRepo.CompareConfig(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name, &pipelinerun.LastConfigCommit, &pipelinerun.ConfigCommit) if err != nil { return nil, err } configDiff = &ConfigDiff{ From: pipelinerun.LastConfigCommit, To: pipelinerun.ConfigCommit, Diff: diff, } } return &GetDiffResponse{ CodeInfo: codeDiff, ConfigDiff: configDiff, }, nil} func (c *controller) GetPipelinerun(ctx context.Context, pipelineID uint) (_ *prmodels.PipelineBasic, err error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: get pipelinerun basic" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() pipelinerun, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, pipelineID) if err != nil { return nil, err } firstCanRollbackPipelinerun, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetFirstCanRollbackPipelinerun(ctx, pipelinerun.ClusterID) if err != nil { return nil, err } return c.prSvc.OfPipelineBasic(ctx, pipelinerun, firstCanRollbackPipelinerun)} func (c *controller) ListPipelineruns(ctx context.Context, clusterID uint, canRollback bool, query q.Query) (_ int, _ []*prmodels.PipelineBasic, err error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: list pipelinerun" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() totalCount, pipelineruns, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByClusterID(ctx, clusterID, canRollback, query) if err != nil { return 0, nil, err } // remove the first pipelinerun than can be rollback firstCanRollbackPipelinerun, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetFirstCanRollbackPipelinerun(ctx, clusterID) if err != nil { return 0, nil, err } pipelineBasics, err := c.prSvc.OfPipelineBasics(ctx, pipelineruns, firstCanRollbackPipelinerun) if err != nil { return 0, nil, err } return totalCount, pipelineBasics, nil} Method `controller.StopPipelinerun` has 6 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).func (c *controller) StopPipelinerun(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) (err error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: stop pipelinerun" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() pipelinerun, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, pipelinerunID) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, err) } if pipelinerun.Status != string(prmodels.StatusCreated) && pipelinerun.Status != string(prmodels.StatusRunning) { return errors.E(op, http.StatusBadRequest, errors.ErrorCode("BadRequest"), "pipelinerun is already completed") } cluster, err := c.clusterMgr.GetByID(ctx, pipelinerun.ClusterID) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, err) } tektonClient, err := c.tektonFty.GetTekton(cluster.EnvironmentName) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, err) } err = tektonClient.StopPipelineRun(ctx, pipelinerun.CIEventID) if err != nil { return err } c.prSvc.CreateSystemMessageAsync(ctx, pipelinerunID, common.MessagePipelinerunStopped) return nil} Method `controller.StopPipelinerunForCluster` has 6 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).func (c *controller) StopPipelinerunForCluster(ctx context.Context, clusterID uint) (err error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: stop pipelinerun" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() if err != nil { return errors.E(op, err) } // get cluster latest builddeploy pipelinerun pipelinerun, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetLatestByClusterIDAndActions(ctx, clusterID, prmodels.ActionBuildDeploy) // if pipelinerun.Status is not created, ignore, and return success if pipelinerun.Status != string(prmodels.StatusCreated) && pipelinerun.Status != string(prmodels.StatusRunning) { return nil } cluster, err := c.clusterMgr.GetByID(ctx, pipelinerun.ClusterID) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, err) } tektonClient, err := c.tektonFty.GetTekton(cluster.EnvironmentName) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, err) } err = tektonClient.StopPipelineRun(ctx, pipelinerun.CIEventID) if err != nil { return err } c.prSvc.CreateSystemMessageAsync(ctx, pipelinerun.ID, common.MessagePipelinerunStopped) return nil} func (c *controller) CreateCheck(ctx context.Context, check *prmodels.Check) (*prmodels.Check, error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: create check" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() return c.prMgr.Check.Create(ctx, check)} func (c *controller) UpdateCheckRunByID(ctx context.Context, checkRunID uint, request *CreateOrUpdateCheckRunRequest) error { const op = "pipelinerun controller: update check run" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() err := c.prMgr.Check.UpdateByID(ctx, checkRunID, &prmodels.CheckRun{ Name: request.Name, Status: prmodels.String2CheckRunStatus(request.Status), Message: request.Message, DetailURL: request.DetailURL, }) if err != nil { return err } return c.updatePrStatusByCheckrunID(ctx, checkRunID)} func (c *controller) Execute(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) error { const op = "pipelinerun controller: execute pipelinerun" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() pr, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, pipelinerunID) if err != nil { return err } if pr.Status != string(prmodels.StatusReady) { return perror.Wrapf(herrors.ErrParamInvalid, "pipelinerun is not ready to execute") } err = c.execute(ctx, pr) if err != nil { return err } c.eventSvc.CreateEventIgnoreError(ctx, common.ResourcePipelinerun, pipelinerunID, eventmodels.PipelinerunExecuted, nil) c.prSvc.CreateSystemMessageAsync(ctx, pipelinerunID, common.MessagePipelinerunExecuted) return nil} func (c *controller) Ready(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) error { const op = "pipelinerun controller: ready pipelinerun" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() pr, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, pipelinerunID) if err != nil { return err } if pr.Status != string(prmodels.StatusPending) { return perror.Wrapf(herrors.ErrParamInvalid, "pipelinerun is not pending") } err = c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateStatusByID(ctx, pipelinerunID, prmodels.StatusReady) if err != nil { return err } c.prSvc.CreateSystemMessageAsync(ctx, pipelinerunID, common.MessagePipelinerunReady) return nil} func (c *controller) execute(ctx context.Context, pr *prmodels.Pipelinerun) error { currentUser, err := common.UserFromContext(ctx) if err != nil { return err } // 0. get resources cluster, err := c.clusterMgr.GetByID(ctx, pr.ClusterID) if err != nil { return err } application, err := c.appMgr.GetByID(ctx, cluster.ApplicationID) if err != nil { return err } switch pr.Action { case prmodels.ActionBuildDeploy, prmodels.ActionDeploy: return c.executeDeploy(ctx, application, cluster, pr, currentUser) case prmodels.ActionRestart: return c.executeRestart(ctx, application, cluster, pr) case prmodels.ActionRollback: return c.executeRollback(ctx, application, cluster, pr) default: return perror.Wrapf(herrors.ErrParamInvalid, "unsupported action %v", pr.Action) }} Method `controller.executeDeploy` has 67 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `controller.executeDeploy` has 9 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).
Method `controller.executeDeploy` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.func (c *controller) executeDeploy(ctx context.Context, application *appmodels.Application, cluster *clustermodels.Cluster, pr *prmodels.Pipelinerun, currentUser user.User) error { // 1. generate a JWT token for tekton callback callbackToken, err := c.tokenSvc.CreateJWTToken(strconv.Itoa(int(currentUser.GetID())), c.tokenConfig.CallbackTokenExpireIn, tokensvc.WithPipelinerunID(pr.ID)) if err != nil { return err } // 2. create pipelinerun in k8s tektonClient, err := c.tektonFty.GetTekton(cluster.EnvironmentName) if err != nil { return err } regionEntity, err := c.regionMgr.GetRegionEntity(ctx, cluster.RegionName) if err != nil { return err } tr, err := c.templateReleaseMgr.GetByTemplateNameAndRelease(ctx, cluster.Template, cluster.TemplateRelease) if err != nil { return err } clusterFiles, err := c.clusterGitRepo.GetCluster(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name, tr.ChartName) if err != nil { return err } prGit := tekton.PipelineRunGit{ URL: cluster.GitURL, Subfolder: cluster.GitSubfolder, Commit: pr.GitCommit, } switch pr.GitRefType { case codemodels.GitRefTypeTag: prGit.Tag = pr.GitRef case codemodels.GitRefTypeBranch: prGit.Branch = pr.GitRef } pipelineJSONBlob := make(map[string]interface{}) if clusterFiles.PipelineJSONBlob != nil { pipelineJSONBlob = clusterFiles.PipelineJSONBlob } ciEventID, err := tektonClient.CreatePipelineRun(ctx, &tekton.PipelineRun{ Action: pr.Action, Application: application.Name, ApplicationID: application.ID, Cluster: cluster.Name, ClusterID: cluster.ID, Environment: cluster.EnvironmentName, Git: prGit, ImageURL: pr.ImageURL, Operator: currentUser.GetEmail(), PipelinerunID: pr.ID, PipelineJSONBlob: pipelineJSONBlob, Region: cluster.RegionName, RegionID: regionEntity.ID, Template: cluster.Template, Token: callbackToken, }) if err != nil { return err } // update event id returned from tekton-trigger EventListener log.Infof(ctx, "received event id: %s from tekton-trigger EventListener, pipelinerunID: %d", ciEventID, pr.ID) err = c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateStatusByID(ctx, pr.ID, prmodels.StatusRunning) if err != nil { return err } err = c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateCIEventIDByID(ctx, pr.ID, ciEventID) if err != nil { return err } return nil} Method `controller.executeRestart` has 7 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).func (c *controller) executeRestart(ctx context.Context, application *appmodels.Application, cluster *clustermodels.Cluster, pr *prmodels.Pipelinerun) error { // 1. update pr status to running if err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateStatusByID(ctx, pr.ID, prmodels.StatusRunning); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to update pr status, pr = %d, status = %s", pr.ID, prmodels.StatusRunning) } // 2. update restartTime in git repo, then update pr status to merged lastConfigCommit, err := c.clusterGitRepo.GetConfigCommit(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to get last config commit, cluster = %s", cluster.Name) } commit, err := c.clusterGitRepo.UpdateRestartTime(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name, cluster.Template) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to update cluster restart time, cluster = %s", cluster.Name) } if err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateColumns(ctx, pr.ID, map[string]interface{}{ "status": prmodels.StatusMerged, "last_config_commit": lastConfigCommit.Master, "config_commit": commit, }); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to update pr columns, pr = %d, status = %s, config_commit = %s", pr.ID, prmodels.StatusMerged, commit) } // 3. deploy cluster in cd system if err :=, &cd.DeployClusterParams{ Environment: cluster.EnvironmentName, Cluster: cluster.Name, Revision: commit, Region: cluster.RegionName, }); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to deploy cluster in CD, cluster = %s, revision = %s", cluster.Name, commit) } // 4. update pr status to ok if err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateStatusByID(ctx, pr.ID, prmodels.StatusOK); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to update pr status, pr = %d, status = %s", pr.ID, prmodels.StatusOK) } // 5. create event c.eventSvc.CreateEventIgnoreError(ctx, common.ResourceCluster, cluster.ID, eventmodels.ClusterRestarted, nil) return nil} Method `controller.executeRollback` has 88 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `controller.executeRollback` has 17 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).func (c *controller) executeRollback(ctx context.Context, application *appmodels.Application, cluster *clustermodels.Cluster, pr *prmodels.Pipelinerun) error { // 1. get pipelinerun to rollback if pr.RollbackFrom == nil { return perror.Wrapf(herrors.ErrParamInvalid, "pipelinerun to rollback is empty") } prToRollback, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, *pr.RollbackFrom) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to get pipelinerun to rollback, pr = %d", *pr.RollbackFrom) } // 2. update pr status to running if err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateStatusByID(ctx, pr.ID, prmodels.StatusRunning); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to update pr status, pr = %d, status = %s", pr.ID, prmodels.StatusRunning) } // for internal usage if err = c.clusterGitRepo.CheckAndSyncGitOpsBranch(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name, prToRollback.ConfigCommit); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to check and sync gitops branch, cluster = %s", cluster.Name) } // 3. rollback cluster config in git repo and update status lastConfigCommit, err := c.clusterGitRepo.GetConfigCommit(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to get last config commit, cluster = %s", cluster.Name) } newConfigCommit, err := c.clusterGitRepo.Rollback(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name, prToRollback.ConfigCommit) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to rollback cluster config, cluster = %s, commit = %s", cluster.Name, prToRollback.ConfigCommit) } if err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateColumns(ctx, pr.ID, map[string]interface{}{ "status": prmodels.StatusCommitted, "last_config_commit": lastConfigCommit.Master, "config_commit": newConfigCommit, }); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to update pr columns, pr = %d, status = %s", pr.ID, prmodels.StatusCommitted) } // 4. merge branch & update config commit and status masterRevision, err := c.clusterGitRepo.MergeBranch(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name, gitrepo.GitOpsBranch, c.clusterGitRepo.DefaultBranch(), &pr.ID) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to merge branch, cluster = %s", cluster.Name) } if err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateStatusByID(ctx, pr.ID, prmodels.StatusMerged); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to update pr columns, pr = %d, status = %s, config_commit = %s", pr.ID, prmodels.StatusMerged, masterRevision) } // 5. update template and tags in db cluster, err = c.clusterSvc.SyncDBWithGitRepo(ctx, application, cluster) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to sync db with git repo") } // 6. create cluster in cd system regionEntity, err := c.regionMgr.GetRegionEntity(ctx, cluster.RegionName) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to get region entity, region = %s", cluster.RegionName) } envValue, err := c.clusterGitRepo.GetEnvValue(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name, cluster.Template) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to get env value, cluster = %s", cluster.Name) } repoInfo := c.clusterGitRepo.GetRepoInfo(ctx, application.Name, cluster.Name) if err :=, &cd.CreateClusterParams{ Environment: cluster.EnvironmentName, Cluster: cluster.Name, GitRepoURL: repoInfo.GitRepoURL, ValueFiles: repoInfo.ValueFiles, RegionEntity: regionEntity, Namespace: envValue.Namespace, }); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to create cluster in CD, cluster = %s", cluster.Name) } // 7. reset cluster status if cluster.Status == common.ClusterStatusFreed { cluster.Status = common.ClusterStatusEmpty cluster, err = c.clusterMgr.UpdateByID(ctx, cluster.ID, cluster) if err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to update cluster status, cluster = %s", cluster.Name) } } // 8. deploy cluster in cd and update status if err :=, &cd.DeployClusterParams{ Environment: cluster.EnvironmentName, Cluster: cluster.Name, Revision: masterRevision, Region: cluster.RegionName, }); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to deploy cluster in CD, cluster = %s, revision = %s", cluster.Name, masterRevision) } if err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateStatusByID(ctx, pr.ID, prmodels.StatusOK); err != nil { return perror.Wrapf(err, "failed to update pr status, pr = %d, status = %s", pr.ID, prmodels.StatusOK) } // 9. record event c.eventSvc.CreateEventIgnoreError(ctx, common.ResourceCluster, cluster.ID, eventmodels.ClusterRollbacked, nil) return nil} func (c *controller) Cancel(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) error { const op = "pipelinerun controller: cancel pipelinerun" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() pr, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, pipelinerunID) if err != nil { return err } if pr.Status != string(prmodels.StatusPending) && pr.Status != string(prmodels.StatusReady) { return perror.Wrapf(herrors.ErrParamInvalid, "pipelinerun is not pending or ready to cancel") } err = c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateStatusByID(ctx, pipelinerunID, prmodels.StatusCancelled) if err != nil { return err } c.eventSvc.CreateEventIgnoreError(ctx, common.ResourcePipelinerun, pipelinerunID, eventmodels.PipelinerunCancelled, nil) c.prSvc.CreateSystemMessageAsync(ctx, pipelinerunID, common.MessagePipelinerunCancelled) return nil} func (c *controller) ListCheckRuns(ctx context.Context, pipelinerunID uint) ([]*prmodels.CheckRun, error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: list check runs" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() return c.prMgr.Check.ListCheckRuns(ctx, pipelinerunID)} func (c *controller) GetCheckRunByID(ctx context.Context, checkRunID uint) (*prmodels.CheckRun, error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: get check run by id" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() return c.prMgr.Check.GetCheckRunByID(ctx, checkRunID)} func (c *controller) CreateCheckRun(ctx context.Context, pipelineRunID uint, request *CreateOrUpdateCheckRunRequest) (*prmodels.CheckRun, error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: create check run" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() checkrun, err := c.prMgr.Check.CreateCheckRun(ctx, &prmodels.CheckRun{ Name: request.Name, CheckID: request.CheckID, Status: prmodels.String2CheckRunStatus(request.Status), Message: request.Message, PipelineRunID: pipelineRunID, DetailURL: request.DetailURL, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = c.updatePrStatus(ctx, checkrun) if err != nil { return nil, err } return checkrun, nil} func (c *controller) CreatePRMessage(ctx context.Context, pipelineRunID uint, request *CreatePRMessageRequest) (*PRMessage, error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: create pr message" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() currentUser, err := common.UserFromContext(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } pipelinerun, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, pipelineRunID) if err != nil { return nil, err } message, err := c.prSvc.CreateUserMessage(ctx, pipelinerun.ID, request.Content) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &PRMessage{ Content: message.Content, System: message.MessageType == prmodels.MessageTypeSystem, CreatedAt: message.CreatedAt, CreatedBy: User{ ID: currentUser.GetID(), Name: currentUser.GetFullName(), }, }, nil} Method `controller.ListPRMessages` has 58 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.func (c *controller) ListPRMessages(ctx context.Context, pipelineRunID uint, query *q.Query) (int, []*PRMessage, error) { const op = "pipelinerun controller: list pr messages" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() count, messages, err := c.prMgr.Message.List(ctx, pipelineRunID, query) if err != nil { return 0, nil, err } userIDs := make([]uint, 0, len(messages)) m := make(map[uint]struct{}) for _, message := range messages { if _, ok := m[message.CreatedBy]; !ok { userIDs = append(userIDs, message.CreatedBy) m[message.CreatedBy] = struct{}{} } if _, ok := m[message.UpdatedBy]; !ok { userIDs = append(userIDs, message.UpdatedBy) m[message.UpdatedBy] = struct{}{} } } query = &q.Query{ WithoutPagination: true, Keywords: map[string]interface{}{common.UserQueryID: userIDs}, } _, users, err := c.userMgr.List(ctx, query) if err != nil { return 0, nil, err } userMap := make(map[uint]*usermodels.User, 0) for _, u := range users { userMap[u.ID] = u } result := make([]*PRMessage, 0, len(messages)) for _, message := range messages { resultMsg := &PRMessage{ Content: message.Content, System: message.MessageType == prmodels.MessageTypeSystem, CreatedAt: message.CreatedAt, } if u, ok := userMap[message.CreatedBy]; ok { resultMsg.CreatedBy = User{ ID: u.ID, Name: u.FullName, } if u.UserType == usermodels.UserTypeRobot { resultMsg.CreatedBy.UserType = _userTypeBot } } if u, ok := userMap[message.UpdatedBy]; ok { resultMsg.UpdatedBy = User{ ID: u.ID, Name: u.FullName, } if u.UserType == usermodels.UserTypeRobot { resultMsg.CreatedBy.UserType = _userTypeBot } } result = append(result, resultMsg) } return count, result, nil} func (c *controller) updatePrStatusByCheckrunID(ctx context.Context, checkrunID uint) error { Checkrun, err := c.prMgr.Check.GetCheckRunByID(ctx, checkrunID) if err != nil { return err } return c.updatePrStatus(ctx, Checkrun)} Method `controller.updatePrStatus` has 5 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).func (c *controller) updatePrStatus(ctx context.Context, checkrun *prmodels.CheckRun) error { pipelinerun, err := c.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, checkrun.PipelineRunID) if err != nil { return err } if pipelinerun.Status != string(prmodels.StatusPending) { return nil } prStatus, err := func() (prmodels.PipelineStatus, error) { switch checkrun.Status { case prmodels.CheckStatusCancelled: return prmodels.StatusCancelled, nil case prmodels.CheckStatusFailure: return prmodels.StatusFailed, nil case prmodels.CheckStatusSuccess: return c.calculatePrSuccessStatus(ctx, pipelinerun) default: return prmodels.StatusPending, nil } }() if err != nil { return err } if prStatus == prmodels.StatusPending { return nil } return c.prMgr.PipelineRun.UpdateStatusByID(ctx, checkrun.PipelineRunID, prStatus)} Method `controller.calculatePrSuccessStatus` has 6 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).func (c *controller) calculatePrSuccessStatus(ctx context.Context, pipelinerun *prmodels.Pipelinerun) (prmodels.PipelineStatus, error) { cluster, err := c.clusterMgr.GetByIDIncludeSoftDelete(ctx, pipelinerun.ClusterID) if err != nil { return prmodels.StatusPending, err } checks, err := c.prSvc.GetCheckByResource(ctx, cluster.ID, common.ResourceCluster) if err != nil { return prmodels.StatusPending, err } runs, err := c.prMgr.Check.ListCheckRuns(ctx, pipelinerun.ID) if err != nil { return prmodels.StatusPending, err } checkSuccessMap := make(map[uint]bool, len(checks)) for _, run := range runs { if run.Status != prmodels.CheckStatusSuccess { // if one checkrun is not success, return pending return prmodels.StatusPending, nil } checkSuccessMap[run.CheckID] = true } for _, check := range checks { if _, ok := checkSuccessMap[check.ID]; !ok { // if one check is not run, return pending return prmodels.StatusPending, nil } } return prmodels.StatusReady, nil}