package admission import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "" "" "" "" admissionwebhook "" admissionmodels "" "" "" "" "") // Middleware to validate and mutate admission requestFunction `Middleware` has a Cognitive Complexity of 33 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `Middleware` has 74 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.func Middleware(skippers ...middleware.Skipper) gin.HandlerFunc { return middleware.New(func(c *gin.Context) { // get auth record record, ok := c.Get(common.ContextAuthRecord) if !ok { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.BadRequestError.WithErrMsg("request with no auth record")) return } attr := record.(auth.AttributesRecord) // non resource request or read only request should be ignored if !attr.IsResourceRequest() || attr.IsReadOnly() { c.Next() return } var object interface{} // read request body and avoid side-effects on c.Request.Body bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) if err != nil { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.ParamError.WithErrMsg(fmt.Sprintf("request body is invalid, err: %v", err))) return } if len(bodyBytes) > 0 { contentType := c.ContentType() if contentType == binding.MIMEJSON || contentType == "" { if err := json.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, &object); err != nil { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.ParamError.WithErrMsg(fmt.Sprintf("unmarshal request body failed, err: %v", err))) return } } else { log.Errorf(c, "unsupported content type: %s", contentType) response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.ParamError.WithErrMsg(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported content type: %s", contentType))) return } } // fill in the request url query into admission request options queries := c.Request.URL.Query() options := make(map[string]interface{}, len(queries)) for k, v := range queries { if len(v) == 1 { options[k] = v[0] } else { options[k] = v } } admissionRequest := &admissionwebhook.Request{ Operation: admissionmodels.Operation(attr.GetVerb()), Resource: attr.GetResource(), Name: attr.GetName(), SubResource: attr.GetSubResource(), Version: attr.GetAPIVersion(), Object: object, Options: options, } admissionRequest, err = admissionwebhook.Mutating(c, admissionRequest) if err != nil { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.ParamError.WithErrMsg(fmt.Sprintf("admission mutating failed: %v", err))) return } if err := admissionwebhook.Validating(c, admissionRequest); err != nil { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.ParamError.WithErrMsg(fmt.Sprintf("admission validating failed: %v", err))) return } if admissionRequest.Object != nil { bodyBytes, err = json.Marshal(admissionRequest.Object) if err != nil { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.ParamError.WithErrMsg(fmt.Sprintf("marshal request body failed, err: %v", err))) return } } // restore the request body c.Request.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(bodyBytes)) c.Next() }, skippers...)}