// Copyright © 2023 Horizoncd.//// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.// You may obtain a copy of the License at//// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and// limitations under the License. package prehandle import ( "fmt" "path" "strconv" "" "" herrors "" "" "" perror "" "" "" "" "") const ( pathReleaseSchema = "schema") var RequestInfoFty auth.RequestInfoFactory func init() { RequestInfoFty = auth.RequestInfoFactory{ APIPrefixes: sets.NewString("apis"), }} func Middleware(r *gin.Engine, mgr *managerparam.Manager, skippers ...middleware.Skipper) gin.HandlerFunc { return middleware.New(func(c *gin.Context) { requestInfo, err := RequestInfoFty.NewRequestInfo(c, c.Request) if err != nil { response.AbortWithRequestError(c, common.RequestInfoError, err.Error()) return } // 2. construct record authRecord := auth.AttributesRecord{ Verb: requestInfo.Verb, APIGroup: requestInfo.APIGroup, APIVersion: requestInfo.APIVersion, Resource: requestInfo.Resource, SubResource: requestInfo.Subresource, Name: requestInfo.Name, Scope: requestInfo.Scope, ResourceRequest: requestInfo.IsResourceRequest, Path: requestInfo.Path, } c.Set(common.ContextAuthRecord, authRecord) if _, err := strconv.Atoi(authRecord.Name); err != nil && authRecord.Name != "" && authRecord.APIGroup == common.GroupCore { if authRecord.Resource == common.ResourceApplication { handleApplication(c, mgr, r, authRecord, requestInfo) return } else if authRecord.Resource == common.ResourceCluster { handleCluster(c, mgr, r, authRecord, requestInfo) return } else if authRecord.Resource == common.ResourceTemplate {Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if authRecord.SubResource == common.AliasTemplateRelease && len(requestInfo.Parts) == 5 && requestInfo.Parts[4] == pathReleaseSchema { handleGetSchema(c, mgr, r, authRecord, requestInfo) return } handleTemplate(c, mgr, r, authRecord, requestInfo) return } } }, skippers...)} func constructRBACParam(c *gin.Context) (*auth.AttributesRecord, error) { requestInfo, err := RequestInfoFty.NewRequestInfo(c, c.Request) if err != nil { return nil, err } // 2. construct record authRecord := auth.AttributesRecord{ Verb: requestInfo.Verb, APIGroup: requestInfo.APIGroup, APIVersion: requestInfo.APIVersion, Resource: requestInfo.Resource, SubResource: requestInfo.Subresource, Name: requestInfo.Name, Scope: requestInfo.Scope, ResourceRequest: requestInfo.IsResourceRequest, Path: requestInfo.Path, } return &authRecord, nil} Function `handleApplication` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.func handleApplication(c *gin.Context, mgr *managerparam.Manager, r *gin.Engine, authRecord auth.AttributesRecord, requestInfo *auth.RequestInfo) { app, err := mgr.ApplicationMgr.GetByName(c, authRecord.Name) if err != nil { if e, ok := perror.Cause(err).(*herrors.HorizonErrNotFound); ok && e.Source == herrors.ApplicationInDB { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.NotFoundError.WithErrMsg(err.Error())) return } } else { c.Request.URL.Path = "/" + path.Join(requestInfo.APIPrefix, requestInfo.APIGroup, requestInfo.APIVersion, requestInfo.Resource, fmt.Sprintf("%d", app.ID), requestInfo.Subresource) for i, param := range c.Params { if param.Key == common.ParamApplicationID { c.Params[i].Value = fmt.Sprintf("%d", app.ID) } } } authRecordPtr, err := constructRBACParam(c) if err != nil { response.AbortWithRequestError(c, common.RequestInfoError, err.Error()) return } c.Set(common.ContextAuthRecord, *authRecordPtr) c.Next()} Function `handleCluster` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.func handleCluster(c *gin.Context, mgr *managerparam.Manager, r *gin.Engine, authRecord auth.AttributesRecord, requestInfo *auth.RequestInfo) { cluster, err := mgr.ClusterMgr.GetByName(c, authRecord.Name) if err != nil { if e, ok := perror.Cause(err).(*herrors.HorizonErrNotFound); ok && e.Source == herrors.ClusterInDB { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.NotFoundError.WithErrMsg(err.Error())) return } } else { c.Request.URL.Path = "/" + path.Join(requestInfo.APIPrefix, requestInfo.APIGroup, requestInfo.APIVersion, requestInfo.Resource, fmt.Sprintf("%d", cluster.ID), requestInfo.Subresource) for i, param := range c.Params { if param.Key == common.ParamClusterID { c.Params[i].Value = fmt.Sprintf("%d", cluster.ID) } } } authRecordPtr, err := constructRBACParam(c) if err != nil { response.AbortWithRequestError(c, common.RequestInfoError, err.Error()) return } c.Set(common.ContextAuthRecord, *authRecordPtr) c.Next()} Function `handleGetSchema` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `handleGetSchema` has 5 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).func handleGetSchema(c *gin.Context, mgr *managerparam.Manager, r *gin.Engine, authRecord auth.AttributesRecord, requestInfo *auth.RequestInfo) { template, err := mgr.TemplateMgr.GetByName(c, authRecord.Name) if err != nil { if e, ok := perror.Cause(err).(*herrors.HorizonErrNotFound); ok && e.Source == herrors.TemplateInDB { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.NotFoundError.WithErrMsg(err.Error())) return } c.Next() return } release, err := mgr.TemplateReleaseMgr. GetByTemplateNameAndRelease(c, authRecord.Name, requestInfo.Parts[3]) if err != nil { if e, ok := perror.Cause(err).(*herrors.HorizonErrNotFound); ok && e.Source == herrors.TemplateReleaseInDB { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.NotFoundError.WithErrMsg(err.Error())) return } c.Next() return } c.Request.URL.Path = "/" + path.Join(requestInfo.APIPrefix, requestInfo.APIGroup, requestInfo.APIVersion, requestInfo.Resource, fmt.Sprintf("%d", template.ID), requestInfo.Subresource, fmt.Sprintf("%d", release.ID), pathReleaseSchema) for i, param := range c.Params { if param.Key == common.ParamTemplateID { c.Params[i].Value = fmt.Sprintf("%d", template.ID) } if param.Key == common.ParamReleaseID { c.Params[i].Value = fmt.Sprintf("%d", release.ID) } } authRecordPtr, err := constructRBACParam(c) if err != nil { response.AbortWithRequestError(c, common.RequestInfoError, err.Error()) return } c.Set(common.ContextAuthRecord, *authRecordPtr) c.Next()} Function `handleTemplate` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.func handleTemplate(c *gin.Context, mgr *managerparam.Manager, r *gin.Engine, authRecord auth.AttributesRecord, requestInfo *auth.RequestInfo) { template, err := mgr.TemplateMgr.GetByName(c, authRecord.Name) if err != nil { if e, ok := perror.Cause(err).(*herrors.HorizonErrNotFound); ok && e.Source == herrors.TemplateInDB { response.AbortWithRPCError(c, rpcerror.NotFoundError.WithErrMsg(err.Error())) return } } else { c.Request.URL.Path = "/" + path.Join(requestInfo.APIPrefix, requestInfo.APIGroup, requestInfo.APIVersion, requestInfo.Resource, fmt.Sprintf("%d", template.ID), requestInfo.Subresource) for i, param := range c.Params { if param.Key == common.ParamTemplateID { c.Params[i].Value = fmt.Sprintf("%d", template.ID) } } } authRecordPtr, err := constructRBACParam(c) if err != nil { response.AbortWithRequestError(c, common.RequestInfoError, err.Error()) return } c.Set(common.ContextAuthRecord, *authRecordPtr) c.Next()}